Shiraya's Odyssey

Briana pulled her hair out from the intricate web of pins, bobbles, and mourning beads that’d held it in place during the hours of the public address she’d been obliged to deliver, slowly making her way down the steps of the funeral temple where her parent’s bodies waited, Aiden near her side.
Her feet paused at the threshold once she made it to the bottom, hand reaching for Aiden’s for the strength that she couldn't find in herself to move forward, staring inside at the quiet strangers laid out on stone slabs. Their still forms bore little resemblance to the images she kept burned in her mind of them. The grim vestiges of grime and battle had been scrubbed away, grievous wounds cleansed and discreetly hidden beneath dark linen wraps. The features were theirs — both height and form, but both her father’s bright blues and the warmth of her mothers chestnut eyes had been closed, hair neatly arranged by those who’d never really known either one of them.
A soft step into the temple announced her presence to the workers that were still busy tidying up the last few details of her parent’s remains, trying to get them ready for their final journey.
"Thank you for everything you've done here, but I'd like to be alone now." Silently acknowledging the unspoken command beneath her request, the priestesses bowed their heads in reverence and filed out one by one, leaving Briana alone in dim candlelight and solemn stillness.
His hair is all wrong. She thought, impulsively reaching for the comb on the nearby table and adjusting his parting to the opposite side with a light sweep. That was the way it’d always looked. The way it should be when they finally decided how to lay them both to rest. A concept her mind was still struggling to wrap itself around.
Naboo custom dictated that the bodies of the departed be burned within the first two days, their ashes scattered over the Soleu River so their souls would find rest and return to Naboo's core, contributing to the greater balance that kept the Galaxy spinning — followed by a week-long period of prayer and mourning. Corellian tradition demanded that the cremated ashes be pressed into synthetic diamonds — symbolizing their ability to defy the odds, even after death.
The two customs seemed almost as incongruous as Briana now realized her parents had been.
With a deep inhale, Briana pinched two fingers between her brows, staving off the unwelcome sensation that came with sensing her brother and Cybelle's presence in the Force. Turning towards the opened doorway where they both stood, eyes dry and her heart cold, Briana looked them up and down. She was silent for what felt like several minutes before turning back to their parents, white knuckling the edge of the table. “Come to see what your secrets have cost us?”
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