Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shocking, I know.



TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Repairing the jedi temple had always been a priority for Jonyna.

That said, she hadn't slacked off on her previous duties as well. She had allowed Aris full access to the training dojo on the Reaper, and put him on a training schedule to keep him sharp, mostly training with M1-M1C on different historical fighting styles. All the hits, Kenobi, Skywalker, Windu. She wanted the boy to be ready for anything. But, what she really did struggle with was finding a way to help him within the Force.

Until an epiphany hit her.

The master stood at the edge of the training room, smiling at the boy whom she had summoned once more to the dojo. "Alright Aris, I finally think I got an idea of what to teach you next. How much has your parents taught you about hand to hand combat? Not lightsaber dueling, but purely hand to hand?"



Aris dipped his head in greetings to Jonyna as he entered. It'd been a couple years now, given he was fifteen. And toweringly tall. It wasn't a surprise given his Epicanthix nature, but he was already taller than his father, and had plenty of time to keep growing. He raised a brow at her question though before tilting his head. "As a warrior culture Epicanthix are taught from a young age their families martial arts. Mom- Master Valery Noble Valery Noble has also taught me Bakuuni Hand, and I've dabbled in Echani martial arts as well. Why? Do you have a lesson in mind Master Jonyna?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"I do. I've realized that, while you can't use outward projections of the force, your body is just as much a weapon as your sabers are. My hope is that I can adapt my usual teachings to allow you to hone that." Jonyna nodded. "The first, is one I've been testing myself." She held out a hand, unsheathing thick claws from her fingertips. "I've always been an elementalist, and an advocate for it. Nature is unbending, and will overpower even the strongest Force Users with it's pure power. The wind, the sea, and in this case..." She held up a hand, holding out two fingers, before a spark of golden electricity spanned the two claws. "The storm. Everyone has their own natural bioelectricity, yeah? I figured, if I can't teach you how to control the storm around you, I can make you the storm."



Aris frowned ever so faintly. She was right that there was little he could actively learn. Everything he had so far was more about drills, about repetition and making it simply a part of him. Without a proper connection to the Force, he wasn't going to learn anything more than theory. It wasn't a fun thought, but he'd at least accepted it to the point the frown was gone as soon as it arrived.

Jonyna had a plan. And now he was curious.

The sparks had his head tilt. Sith were often the type to use lightning, but by how she described it it wasn't the Dark behind it. Enhancing his natural bioelectrical signature? He glanced to his hands, briefly letting them light with heat. His ability to burn like this was as dangerous as it was useful. But lightning?

"This could be another nonlethal option."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"As much as you need it to be." She nodded. "We'll just need to teach you control. Electricity is a fickle and dangerous thing, so we'll start with learning how to harness it."

She took a seat, gesturing Aris to join her. "So, I figure it shouldn't be too different from how I do it for you, at least in the sense of how you channel the energy." Jonyna figured. "The Force is channeled through how we channel our feelings. For this, we channel our sense of justice. So...tell me what you see as needing justice."

For her, the philosophy of the Force was always rather straightforward. To use it was not to channel just your own feelings, to force it pun intended, but to ask the living energy a favor. To use your emotion as a catalyst to give the Force a medium to flow through.



Aris took the seat, listening in relative silence. His brow furrowed though. "I don't use emotion to channel the Force. I also don't really know how I channel it. I just.. Do. At least when I heat myself up. Otherwise, I'm not so much making myself strong as I am controlling how strong I am. If I don't, I tend to break things by accident. I've been learning and practicing how to hold back."

He paused. Then frowned further.

"But also.. Isn't that how the Sith operate? Using emotion to use the Force is exactly the difference between the Jedi and the Sith. Jedi act despite emotion. Sith use their emotion as tools and weapons. What's the difference here?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"The difference is how we go about it. The sith use their emotion to bend the Force to their will. They push it around, bully it. Make it their slave. We...ask it nicely."
She explained. Admittedly, her view of the force was skewed by years of isolation from both the sith and the jedi. She had to learn on her own, and make her own way.

"Emotion is how I've always done it, but part of my species' nature is finding a way to control our emotions. Master them. That's what I was taught, master your emotions and find a way to find balance. Find peace, both with yourself, and with nature. The sith can't do that. Their philosophy is all about power and control. To find peace would mean they would have to accept that they can't acquire more power. To the sith, there's always more. It's a falsehood they built their ideology on."

She paused, considering the boy's way of doing things. "Let's try it your way though. Just...try and do it." She offered a smile. "Make your body spark."

Best case scenario, it worked.

Worst case, they shifted gears and tried a new way.

Never give up on a goal. That was what she was taught. There's always another way to look at the world.



That did seem more like what his father was talking about. Not that it made any sense to Aris, not completely. There were a lot of theories and choices and the like, but he couldn't fully understand it. But just try and do? That he did understand. He closed his eyes, straightened how he was sitting. For flame, it was easy. He could feel his temperature change, feel how he could affect his body by making it warmer or colder.

Electricity was different. The spark, the hum, he knew how it felt at least. How it coursed through objects and electronics. The hum it brought and- Right, the hum. He focused inward as he started to see it, feel it. The electricity within his own body. He took a breath, then, let it expand. Each breath brought with it sparks across his skin, briefly dancing before the dissipated, uncontrolled and wild.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Best case scenario then...

Right, she needed to teach him control.

Jonyna took a breath of her own, a bolt forming across her right pinkie and pointer finger. "Electricity is a wild element. To control it, you need to give it a direction. A path. It doesn't need to be special, you just need to give it somewhere to go."



Give the current somewhere to go.

Aris nodded his head slowly, letting his focus drift again before he focused deeper on it. The current, the sparks. He could feel it tingling all throughout his body. So he focused it, to his arms, his hands. The crackling was more prominent now, following his focus across his skin, dancing in a light, almost welcoming blue. ".. There's a lot more to this than I thought. This is.. I like this. Feels.. Charged. .. That wasn't a pun."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Aris blinked slowly as he opened his eyes. Then tilted his head. Hit her? Wait what? He glanced to his hands, then to her before he stood up and idly flexed his fingers. If she was going to tell him to, well. He wasn't going to hold back. The Epicanthix steadied his stance before he brought his fist around. Lightning arced down his arm as he threw the punch, which only served to make the punch that much faster.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

The thud to her chest was what she had expected, except the part where he took the wind out of her. Probably should've seen that coming. The shock she knew was coming, and while it did ring through her, she was able to nullify it. But...

She took note of how much energy she had to nulify. He was strong, even if unpracticed. She needed to have him hone this, keep it in his bag of tricks and learn it's ins and outs...


This was a starting point...

The woman was forced to a step back, using her tail to steady herself.

Then she had a thought.

"...Aris, do me a favor." She said, taking a heavy breath. She pulled her songsteel katana Liz off her side, pulling it from it's sheath and offering it to him. "Try and channel your electricity through this. IF you can shock me, you should be able to shock this metal, yeah?"



Aris slowly flexed his fingers as he lowered his stance. Shifted his arms, flexed his muscles. Tested a lot of his range of motion. Striking faster than he normally could was quite the surprise for him by how he looked. He did look up after a moment, blinking in surprise at the offered blade. He took it without hesitation though before frowning in focus.

Let the lightning flow into the blade? That should be easy enough, right?

Sure enough, lightning crackled down the blade, which brought a faint smile to the boys face.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"Not just the electricity, but that'll be a part of it. I'm starting to realize that something that could benefit you is a weapon you can channel your powers through. An extension of your body. Got a few ideas, but lemme bounce them off you to see what you feel works for you. I'm thinking...either a sword, a chain weapon or a polearm of some kind. Your best friend will be something with reach." She considered, thinking outloud. "Then again, you've got your shard buddy. Even then, if we can channel your-" She paused, looking at the boy. "Right, sorry, what'd you think?"



"A.. Chain?"

Aris blinked before thinking on that further. Reach was important. He was tall, sure, and he was going to continue to get taller, but having something he could hit someone at at a range could be incredibly useful. Especially with the lightning. He could just get a gun, though, if that was the worry. He hummed in thought before nodding his head once.

"Let's try a chain."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Jonyna smiled. Chain weapons were unique, and it would do him well to learn coordination.

"Alright, gimme just a second. I'll go grab something."

A few minutes later, Jonyna returned. Not with a chain weapon one might expect, but with...

A Yo-yo.

"We'll start with this. I figure once you can master this, we can move on to some heavier stuff. That way you don't knock yourself out by hitting yourself in the head off the bat."



A.. Yoyo? Aris tilted his head, but he understood at least what she meant. Actually whipping around a chain would be dangerous. For others, mostly. He was naturally pretty hardy. Well, unnaturally. He reached up for it, idly letting it dangle from his fingers. He had no intention of actually using a chain weapon as a yoyo. "So.. What's the plan for actually training with this..?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

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