Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shocking, I know.

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"For now, I want to get to used to the movement of how it flows. Most importantly..."

She pulled a wooden katana off the wall. Training katanas where how she kept herself honed in katas and in her own practice.

"I want you to learn how to steal this from me. It shouldn't be too hard, but it'll be something that'll teach you the basics on how chain weapons work in combat. Once you master that, I want you to practice channeling your electricity through the weapon."

Jonyna took several steps back, and took a very basic katana stance. "Now, go ahead."



Steal the sword, huh? That wasn't a bad idea, especially with just how strong he was. He could probably wrench most blades from anyone's hands. Or guns. He hummed at the thought before idly spinning the yoyo. "You sure this is a good idea with a yoyo, though? I'll probably tear the string before anything else." He continued to spin it regardless, and did swing it once towards Jonyna as instructed. It was worth a shot at least.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"Worst case scenario you tear the string and I retie it. I think it'll be-"

The Yo-Yo swung at the blade, and Jonyna moved the blade to the side. She wasn't going to make this easy. She wanted Aris to learn the struggle of it. The technique.



"Retying it won't help much I think." The sword moved, and Aris didn't immediately follow. Instead he continued the swing, idly tying to get used to how it moved. Swinging a sword meant the blade went right where you wanted. This? It continued on it's own, swinging back towards him as he let it pass overhead to continue the momentum. There was a hum as he swung it again, far faster this time.

And, unsurprisingly, a twang as the string ripped from the sheer force with far too much ease.

"I'm too strong for a normal string, if you want me to train with it anyway."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Jonyna watched as the string snapped, frowning slightly. "...alright, let's move up the ladder then." She walked over to the wall, pulling a panel off and revealing a miriade of weapons. Pulling off the wall, a set of long-chained nunchucks were handed to the boy. "These are primarily bludgening weapons, but I think they serve our purposes for now."

The whole thing was made of metal, the handles of the nunchucks seeming to be made of repurposed rebar, while the chain was clearly handmade steel chain, about a foot long. "Friend of mine used to be a blacksmith who'd make this kinda stuff for me. When you're a rebel, you gotta work with what you can get your hands on. Occasionally that meant going very low tech."



Aris blinked slowly as he took the offered weapon. It was scrap, made into one. A part of him didn't like it. The Epicanthix in him was already debating on how to make this weapon look better than it currently did. He could, technically. He spun it around regardless, humming. At first he wasn't sure how it'd translate to a whip or chain, but he understood as he took a testing swing.

It was the same kind of momentum. The other end, the chain, would continue wherever he swung it without his input. Again he angled it to make sure he didn't whack himself. His eyes could keep up with it, regardless of how fast he spun it. His reactions could keep up with it, even. While it looked like he'd had lots of experience with it as he swung it around, it was really just him moving and shifting in time where someone would have to train to predict how the other end would move.

"It is certainly something, Master. I'll do my best not to break it, at least."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"It's just a training weapon." Jonyna chuckled. "I can make another one if we need it, and something fancier if you find an affinity for it. The important part is getting the practice in." She clicked a few buttons on the wall, a set of holographic targets appearing in front of the boy. "Try hitting these with it for now. Once I can see you can do that reliably, we can upgrade to something fancy. I just wanna work through the practice part before we make something custom for you."



"It doesn't need to be fancy."

He said, very much wanting it to be fancy. Seszil, his own lightsaber, they were more a work of art than a weapon, but at the same time they were very much a weapon. That's how the Epicanthix were, beauty and function went hand in hand. He gave a couple more testing swings of the nunchaku before he swung up towards the first target, then to the next. It was awkward and rigid, mostly him compensating for the continued movement of the chained end than moving with it. He didn't hit himself, and hit the targets, but he certainly wasn't in a good spot to properly wield it.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Jonyna took a step back, letting the boy practice. She had learned from her time with Ko Vuto Ko Vuto that sometimes, the best thing a mentor could do was let the student work through the problem, and train with what is given to them.

The targets would shatter when hit, before holographically reforming and reappearing somewhere else nearby.



Aris continued through it, again and again whipping the chained weapon around. Each time with more purpose, with more ease. It was easier with every swing for him to realize how it functioned, how it changed and moved. He could actually predict now where it was supposed to go, so his strikes got faster and faster. Right up until he found a good spot that he felt ready, at least, to try something more.

"Chain was the idea, right? Shall we bring out a proper chain now, Master?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Jonyna smiled. He was getting better.

"We can." She smiled, walking over to the wall and pulling another chain off the wall. This time, the only pieces of solid metal on it were a small set of weighs on each end. "This one should be more to your liking. We can make a custom one once you get a feel for it, yeah?"

The chain was about 3 foot long now, and clearly meant for someone his size.

She wasn't sure how tall the boy was gonna get. Why was it that everyone around her was giants? She used to be considered tall for her size...

She considered what to do then. Maybe she could gift him the sword she had made for Taam...

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Aris took up the chain with a smile, idly moving it around, swinging and testing it. As just a chain, there was far more movements to be had, more range of motions. He hummed as he took hold of part of it mid-swing, watching it shift about suddenly. That was a different change. A good change. He grinned faintly a he continued to spin it around, testing it's limits, seeing just how much he could do with it.

"There's a lot of freedom here, of movement I mean. I like it."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Channel the electricity through the chain. Aris nodded once as he clenched his hands around the chain. Sparks danced around his skin before he focused it on his hands, in the chain. Metal did as metal does, conducting the shocking energy between both his hands. ".. Fascinating. This is- pretty cool, not going to lie." He swung it around briefly before slinging it right down into one of the targets in a flash of light.

".. Force imbued. I think I can forge it myself. It'd be best if I could anyway. You've a couple of blades like that. Do you think you can show me?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

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