As the VIPs gazed upon the projection and discussed among themselves the avatar of Parhelion turned to look at Xasha Callisto "To you question, earlier, to Conductor Alyn, these speeds are capable at speeds of either passenger or cargo. Utilizing Galaxy Starways' patented rail technology the wheels have variable friction settings allowing the me to glide at maximum speed. However in so doing this produces enormous scarring on the structures of both my wheels and the rails. During evacuation protocols routine repair and inspection is forgone. The lives of the people of Coruscant are of the utmost priority. I will do my duty to them at any cost to my own integrity."
The faint rattling of the train's wheels over the durasteel rails filled some of the silence until Seto du Couteau made his questions known "Galaxy Starways believes that in order to provide the best service to the Alliance that it requires an expedited means of circumnavigating regulations put forward by planetary authorities and special interest groups. War looms over us all and Galaxy Starways would see that the Alliance logistics systems are the best in the galaxy." the stark reminder was a break from the lavish setting and presentation "Internal estimations lead us to believe that the construction of three stations, 6 routes, and two yards would take over three standard years of negotiations with local authorities on the premise of land rights, utility usage, taxation obligations, local and planetary safety accreditations, union contract negotiations, contract bidding, grant applications, and workforce implementation. With the present legislation that estimation drops to a mere six standard months." Parhelion's words dropped off then resumed "Digital Citizenship is currently registered at Senate Station, Senate District, Surface Level, Coruscant, Galactic Alliance." with that the blue hologram slid backwards till it was before all the Senators "Thank you for participating in Galaxy Starway's formal presenation. Please remain seated for refreshments. Lighting will return to standard levels. Our next speaker shall be Mister Draung, Senior Legislative Liaison, and the most generous coordinator of this tour and expo." Parhelion put both palms on his upper thighs and bowed at the waist as he slowly faded from view. A blue ripple ran across all of the surfaces of the luxury car and, just as he had sad, the sun began to show through. The scenes of the gorgeous Senate District were again in full view. They were now several dozen meters above the pedestrian levels of the surface.
The doors at the front and the back of the car slid open and several attendants poured in as the seats the guests sat in slowly rotated so that they faced towards the aisle way, and tables emerged from several sections in the floor, concealed from both view and trampling feet, until they clicked into place creating a long table for each side of the car. Food was placed at each place. Some form of roasted meat, vegetables, a small soup, and a choice of wine or water. Once the attendants had made all the preparations and served, they left as quickly as they appeared. Where they left a sharply dressed Cathar man walked forward with his arms behind his back, posture straight as a plank, and an expression of someone who knew their way around a high class group "Greetings, honored guests, I am Mr. Draung the Senior Legislative Liaison for Galaxy Starways. I am here to answer any questions or concerns that you may have." he motioned at their meals "Please, enjoy your meals as we discuss matters. I assure you that the chefs have spent many hours of dedication, as have our attendants."
Auteme Dracken Pryce Seto du Couteau Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Xasha Callisto [Open]