[member="Lauren Walsh"]
Ice moved casually, trying to buy his workers a little bit more time. Truthfully they wouldn't need much, but still. As he listened to her story, he raised an eyebrow.
"Wait you have family in both the Omega Protectorate AND the new ASA? Geez, I'm sorry. That must be difficult. Kind of one of the perks about being neutral I suppose. Still, I imagine having such important people in your family made things more exciting than you are letting on." He paused for a second and thought about what she said.
"But anyway, I'm glad you made it here. And it looks like soon, you'll have a tale or two to tell of your own when we get back." He finished with a smile as he hopped into the speeder.
When she hopped on, Ice took off, though at a much more casual speed. The curious thing was he wasn't going back toward the main facility where the wharf and subsequent restaurants were. Instead he went deeper into the jungle. At a certain twist in the trail, Ice pressed a button on his datapad. What appeared to be no more than a rock, quickly opened up to reveal a small hollow. Ice parked the speeder in there and nodded for Lauren to exit. When she did, he pressed another button and the rock closed back up, perfectly concealing the speeder. He gave her a playful smirk and nodded for her to follow him.
"Come. This way. I want to show you something." He said as he led her off the trail and even deeper into the jungle.
Not too far away, but hidden from view of the trail, a small foot path became evident. The path twisted and turned as they continued on. At a certain point, Ice moved up behind her.
"Ok. Now you are going to have to trust me, and cover your eyes." He'd wait until she'd decide to comply. Even then, he rapped his arms around her and covered her eyes himself. "Alright now just walk straight ahead, I'll lead you if we need to turn." He was widely smirking at this point as he had never shown anyone this spot before. It was something he had designed for himself as a sort of retreat. Ice turned toward Rico and said,
"Stay Rico. Guard duty." The dog instantly responded by standing his ground and keeping an eye out on the grounds behind them. The further they went the more evident waterfalls could be heard. And he actually noticed droids flying away from the area. Their sound was masked by the waterfalls though, and Ice exhaled a small sigh of relief for the timing. He was actually taking her to the corner of the biome, the farthest point from the main hub.
Finally they had arrived.
"Ok." He whispered into her ear.
"You can open your eyes now." He finished with removing his hands.
They stood on a smooth black rock surface that formed a peninsula surrounded by crystal clear water. Sheer rock cliff sides shot up around them. Though most of their surfaces were covered in dense foliage and trees. To the left of the couple, Lauren would see this.
Directly in front of her she would see this.
And then to her right she would see this.
In the middle of the rocky peninsula was a small table for two. There food had just been delivered and was waiting for them. What she had been drinking earlier at the restaurant he found her in was there now. Along with a Reactor Core for him. A small vase with rich purple and pink orchids sat in the center, along with a couple candles to the side of that.
"Lunch is served." He said playfully. He hoped she'd like the surprise destination.