Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Short LOA/Slow(er) Post Rate 2/6 - 2/9

The wife and I will be visiting Canada this weekend for a short vacation. We'll be celebrating (sort of) Chinese New Year in the wonderful city of Toronto, where the Chinese food is delicious and far more affordable than in the US. (No idea if any of that is true; it's all hearsay from my cousin.)

In any case, my posting will be slow for the next few days, doubly so because I won't be within any cellular network. I should be able to squeeze in some posts when I'm in the hotel with wifi, though.

So, just an FYI to those I'm in threads with.

[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Ember Rekali"]

Kaeda, Ember, if my posting slowness causes undue delay to the Dathomir thread, please feel free to RP the end of Asemir's duel with Kaeda and/or his capture/surrender to the rest of the Witches.

[member="Kalyn Tal'verda"]
[member="Max Nero"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]

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