Coruscant wasn't the ideal place Shaze would have liked to been carrying out operations, let alone Galactic Alliance territory. Sith Empire space wasn't home anymore, and if things went wrong there wasn't anywhere to run. This wasn't exactly an assignment from a superior, so she couldn't pin the blame on anyone for her extremely poor decision as much as she wanted to. Coruscant WeatherNet had inconveniently chosen this night not only for rain but to discharge the building electrostatic with lightning. The artificially generated thunderstorm made Shaze's perch all the more uncomfortable. Even with the standard rain poncho, her armor had managed to become near completely soaked. The climate modifications didn't tend to help much when the user beneath the armor wasn't kept sufficiently dry. The cold marination in Coruscanti rain-water made her regret having taken this 'mission' upon herself. The cold caused her teeth to chatter together and her leg to bounce up and down. From her perch on top of a skyscraper, she scanned the windows of the hotel across from it through the scope of her rifle. Gritting her teeth she focused on attempting to identify her target, trying to take her mind off of the cold and wet situation she'd objected herself to.
It was odd that a Zambrano was partaking in aristocratic socialization in on Coruscant of all places. Even more odd, she thought, was the fact that the aforementioned networking was taking place at a charity dinner. Zambrano and charity wasn't exactly a heard-of combination. If there was ever a chance to make a statement to the empire and demand to be taken even more seriously, this was probably it. Putting a blaster bolt into the brain of Evelynn Zambrano was certain to get everyone's attention, and reinforce the idea that they aren't invincible. If any of her superiors were are of what she was doing currently, it would probably result in far less-than-lenient punishment. She'd probably be considered rogue and likely designated as KoS. For all intents and purposes, this was an act of terrorism rather than an official military operation, but sometimes things needed a little push. Or at least, that's how Shaze saw it. It wasn't like the world would truly miss a Zambrano anyway.
It was odd that a Zambrano was partaking in aristocratic socialization in on Coruscant of all places. Even more odd, she thought, was the fact that the aforementioned networking was taking place at a charity dinner. Zambrano and charity wasn't exactly a heard-of combination. If there was ever a chance to make a statement to the empire and demand to be taken even more seriously, this was probably it. Putting a blaster bolt into the brain of Evelynn Zambrano was certain to get everyone's attention, and reinforce the idea that they aren't invincible. If any of her superiors were are of what she was doing currently, it would probably result in far less-than-lenient punishment. She'd probably be considered rogue and likely designated as KoS. For all intents and purposes, this was an act of terrorism rather than an official military operation, but sometimes things needed a little push. Or at least, that's how Shaze saw it. It wasn't like the world would truly miss a Zambrano anyway.