Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shot In The Dark

Aldritch Kaal

Shaze staggered slightly on one knee. Breathing heavily she rose to her feet and took a slow, labored step forward. She reached down and grabbed Evelynn by her repugnantly slender arm and lifted her up halfway to her feet. She scowled, her upper lip curling in disgust of Evelynn's incoherent cries for help. Her usually white, pleasant teeth were now veiled in blood congealed with saliva. The remorseless grip of her crushgaunts was far from delicate to her fragile and twig-like limb.

With a large overhead strike, her free hand planted into the base of Evelynn's skull. She released her grip on the Zambrano, letting her body plummet limply back to the ground. She wiped the blood gently from the corner of her own mouth, ignoring the pain as the motion agitated her newly broken jaw. Grabbing the Zambrano by her soft, blonde hair, Shaze began to drag her out what was left of the bathroom and bedroom. Due to the destroyed wall, they practically become one room.

Now it was just a matter of finding a way out of here...
Despite what one might have expected, Evelynn could still think somewhat coherently through the pain that reverberated through her brittle, broken form.

In fact, there was a great flood of thoughts all rushing in at once, most of which admittedly concerned about the severity of her injury. Pain was not unfamiliar to the blonde woman, she'd felt that which cut, which crushed, which slammed, twisted, burned and broke. Even the incomprehensible suffering that could only lurk in the mind and in the depths of the Nether had been a part of her sorry existence.

But to feel her limbs overtaken by that sickening numbness, like they weren't even hers any more was something else entirely. It was frightening, and as she was lifted by the Chiss the Sith was suddenly overcome by a newfound sense of despair.

Much like her legs, that were left half-dangling, half-draped upon the floor beneath her she felt useless. Like she'd always been as if failure was her destiny. There was a desperate notion, a thought, a voice that suddenly wished that the shot that kissed her ear had been a direct hit. It would be better to be dead, than....than...

That very thought was visible behind the sheen in Evelynn's eyes as she looked to the blue-skinned woman who had inflicted such upon her. Thankfully, before she could spiral much further into the realm of her own constant inadequacy a merciful strike sent the Sith straight into the realm of the unconscious.

Apparently, this was an issue to be dealt with at a later date.


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