Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shot To The Heart (Lords of the Fringe Dominion of Trevura)


Professor of Alchemy
"What have you done?" The Ensign said as he returned with Valik's requested items.

"I took apart the Terminal. It was inefficient and needed improving."

"How did you do that?"

"Psychometry and telekinesis goes a long way in the world Ensign. I'd tell you not to forget that, but you can't utilize either talent so the memory would be lost on you. It is unfortunate that evolution did not favor you is it not?"

"I think I'm going to let you go Dr. Valik."

"Bring me some caf when you get back. I might be a little while."


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Rasho the Hutt"]

Saki moved seeing him move.... and the only thought that came to her was 'What the frak' as he moved faster then a hutt should have been able to. She wasn't some woman in a bikini while the armorweave robes went up to obscure her bracers. Not the ones she had gotten from Darron Wraith but the ones made of turdium. Her focus going more to the one before her while the low attack met her covered ankle searing the armorweave and sending her back. Not yet the time while Saki clenched her fists and ejected the vibroblades. Not to large but enough to usually handle problems not protected by spongy fat. "Might have been a good idea to keep the salt." She was focusing now and going into that nice little place in her mind. Wanting to fight and enjoy it while touching the searing heat of her own emotions. Slowly Saki looked up and exhaled before rushing back to close what distance there was. Sokan was taught in the temple and Phylis had explained it but she wasn't master she just moved to keep her position while punching with the blades to try and hit the saber and knuckles of the hutt. Pouring the force into her speed.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Alen Na'Varro"] @[member="Zius Aurus"]

She split her fire, one plasma repeater prototype going in each direction as she backpedalled rapidly. The beard was fast, running up walls and such, and she could only backstep so far. About thirty metres back, if she could get there, was an escape pod.

But between here and there were an awful lot of possible futures.

She switched back her aim, two plasma repeaters firing point blank at the oncoming Alen Na'Varro.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Saki"] @[member="Zoe Kelborn"]

As the disloyal but pulchritudinous Nautolan ate her sandwich off to the side -- he was too tolerant a master by far; he knew this -- Rasho the Hutt began intercepting turadium vibroblades with his lightsabre. Easily.

"You realize," he said lazily, "that that metal can't take more than a few impacts. Hardly beskar, is it. Come now." His blade threatened her in earnest. "You move like you know Juyo. Make the most of it. Give me a taste of something real before I finish you off, morsel."
@[member="Rave Merrill"]

He caught the two blades, one in each hand, and examined them as she spoke. The weight felt much nicer in his hands than the typical light weight of the saber hilt. The one and only weapon out of various knives, swords, and other hilts he used to have at his disposal. She talked of poisons - a thing he had never put much favour in, despite knowing their virtues. He was much more present in his kills, the blood of prey being a desirable outcome. He held the blades in one hand a moment, to replace the lightsaber hilt to his side, then took one blade in each hand again.

"Thank you." Lucianus said, glancing down the way behind her then over his shoulder to the way, behind him. He looked to the way aside of both of them, at this four-way intersection, then back to her. "Pick a direction, Merrill."
Shoot. Now both of the plasma repeaters were on Alen, so he didn't have time to do anything fancy. He was going to have to tank this one out to let @[member="Zius Aurus"] get closer and finish her off. Igniting his second lightsaber now, Na'Varro worked tirelessly, constantly shifting at her left, unable to get too close due to the ridiculous level of fire his blades were absorbing. She was damn accurate, even with him moving around. Without ego, Alen began thinking tactically. He gradually gave ground to the clone, letting himself be pressed back while Aurus flanked her. The moment she took her sights off him, she was toast.

@[member="Ashiin Varanin"]

Dharma Vessia

Lords of the Fringe
Dharma getting back to her objective did as she was told. Everyone had to die and she was more than happy to do it. Single, alone rebel was quickly killed like slap-chop did to nuts. The groups were more entertaining because she used her madness on them. It was fun for her to watch them deal with what she dealt with since day one of her life.

Rekali the Hutt

The perimeter was set up with relative ease. Other than the few troops they'd experienced most of the troops seemed to be in bases of some sort. Rebel's were probably being dealt with by other Fringe operatives, and though Ardak wouldn't have hesitated to join the battle, he had a job to do. Growls, snarls, and grunts could be heard as the Priests began to read from the Gnnoch, the Ssi-Ruuk's holy text. The Consecration had begun. Now they only had an hour or so to defend in enemy territory. Wonderful.
@[member="Lucianus Adair"]

She nodded and her eyes half-lidded as she compared how far they'd come to her mental model of the station. If she remembered correctly, the largest research labs had been-

"There's something critical about ten levels down, a little bit spinward," she said. "Think I saw a maintenance shaft not far ahead."

Stepping softly, she made her way to the narrow tube with its basic ladder, and began the descent.
From far beyond the reaches of space and time came a disturbance, born of the Force. 'Twas not one of those cinematic, Galaxy-spanning cataclysms that brought little green men to their knees, but something more akin to a ripple. Something so faint and miniscule that it would go unnoticed by the vast majority of sentient life. This "disturbance" manifested in the form of something rising forth from the beyond, as nothing more than a being born of a desire to live and not die. There were numerous words to describe such a phenomena, but the most common one was: ghost. Yes, from beyond the grave the spirit of Jacques Cavill manifested itself behind the being known as Rasho the Hutt; but his presence would be much akin to a moth in comparison to a giant. In fact, the Hutt would have to be diligently delving into the Force, seeking out the presences of others to have felt him hovering there.

And of course, ghosts were invisible.

"YO!" cried the spectre, fluttering over to the Hutt's ear. But, of course, his voice did not exist in this realm. It was as if he were screaming behind soundproof glass. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Over heeeerrreee!!!"

@[member="Rasho the Hutt"].

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Alen Na'Varro"] @[member="Zius Aurus"]

Ashiin kept walking backward as fast as she was able, pouring fire into the temporarily-retreating Na'Varro. The plasma repeaters clicked empty and she threw them aside in a moment, unslinging another toy. This was a massive gun, one that barely fit across her back. It had started life as a Czerka HeadBanger riot gun - shockwaves that could put a wookiee down for days.

"COME ON!" she snarled.

Fifteen metres to the pod.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Zoe Kelborn continued eating her stolen sandwhich, enjoying the bread, nerf meat, and mayonnaise combo. Although, Rasho always had a habit of putting about twice as much mayonnaise as he needed in his sandwhiches. He could really stand to lose a few hundred pounds with proper portion control. Give him some room to advertise for the she-hutts. Although, she supposed Hutts were hermaphrodites, so they were all she-hutts. And Man-hutts.

Zoe shriveled. She had thought about the subject too long. FInishing her sandwhich she picked up her blaster rifle and returned to the hutts side, but didn't fire. If he hadn't attacked yet he was likely waiting for something, and Zoe didn't want to spoil it.

@[member="Rasho the Hutt"] @[member="Saki"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

Ashin followed gingerly in the path of the man who was going to kill that Rebel. Gingerly, because those plasma repeaters had torn up the ceiling, the walls, the floor. She had to step lively or she'd put a foot through a half-melted patch of durasteel.

Not like she couldn't handle that -- but it would be embarrassing. And, frankly, this mental static wasn't helping.
@[member="Rave Merrill"]

When she shared with him the intent of where they would go, he tipped his head to her, and followed along, allowing for enough space as she descended the tube ladder before he began the descent himself, glancing down occasionally as best he could to make sure that he was not descending too fast, so as not to... step on anything. The tube was narrow and while Rave was of a size that it was no issue for her, the predator was a bit... cozy.

Ten levels was quite the downward traverse, but it was the least interrupted avenue. Practical.
Alen didn't like the look of that gun. He'd be ending this now. For his ally was the Force, and the Force was an easy out in this circumstance. And despite his concentration earlier, he still had the juice. As the clone brought the gun up, Alen reached out with his rage and seized it in a vice-like Grip, crushing down with a large amount of pressure on the weapon, hoping to turn it into scrap. Walking forward now, doing two things at once, he blasted a Force Push at Ashiin, not as strong as his previous efforts, but still strong enough to send her flying, he hoped, and separate her from her weapon through sheer, beautiful physics. The escape pods were in the way of his Push, he realised, but a retreated enemy could be just as good as a dead one. And if she took her time recovering, he'd take her life.

@[member="Ashiin Varanin"]


Professor of Alchemy
After a few minutes of work Valik had figured it out, the terminal was actually fine, but their was a heating issue with the power source. He needed to find a way to cool things down, let them work at optimum efficiency. He took the materials given to him bu the ensign and began to make a fan, sticking wires next to wires with gum to make fan blades and using the hydrospanner as a power source. With some work and effort he managed to get it to fit standard plugs, and put it behind the terminal. He then sat back into his chair and began running a few diagnostics. Speed had increased by 17%. Not bad for some wire and bubblegum.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

Na'Varro's intense Force grip made her release the modified HeadBanger lest she lose fingers. As it clattered to the deck, his push slammed into her like a freight train. She skidded down the hall once she'd touched down. She didn't black out, but she came fething close. Pulling herself to her feet, she scrambled through a hatch into a hypercapable escape pod, and was gone.

Rekali the Hutt

Another fifteen minutes passed before Ardak tok a bolt to the chest. He was knocked over, and shots were fire over his now leaning body as Red Ssi-Ruuk swarmed to attack the rebels. Ardak pulled himself up and joined them, opening fire but remaining behind cover. He didn't have the speed with this injury to use advanced tactics. Thankfully, his dinosaur brethren did, advancing forward and flanking his foes, before they were massacred.

"Check the priests." He ordered and two of the crimson guard left, while two came to him.

"Are you alright Shreeftut?" They asked, and for the first time he couldn't tell if they would have rather had him dead or not. Perhaps they didn't know themselves.

"I'll be fine. Just a minor flesh wound is all. Get me some bandages and let me tie this up."
@[member="Lucianus Adair"]

Adair's boots came close to her hands when she slowed. At least, she opined philosophically, she hadn't gone first heading up. Ten levels was one thing. Ten levels with a Sith staring at her rear was quite another.

With the Force enhancing her muscles, she made it ten stories with minimal aches and pains, save for her mildly brutalized palms and fingers. Murmuring a spell of healing, she moved into one of the abandoned laboratories. Half-assembled guns littered the shelves.

A half-visible laser crossed her path at ankle level.

"They've mined this place."
So she'd live to fight another day. Good. She was resourceful, and better than most of these Rebels. Alen turned back to @[member="Ashin Varanin"] and extinguished his lightsabers, returning one hilt to his hip. Looking at the Grand Admiral, he shrugged. He didn't kill when he didn't have to. He hoped she'd understand that. You could still be fueled by rage whilst being a good man. Good men were in short supply in this galaxy.

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