Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should Staff Regularly Prohibit Invasions?


Disney's Princess
Tefka said:
Holy @#$& that's a first.
I'm on the No side of things. I think having quarterly breaks or bi-annual breaks will result in "Invasion Week" much like Shark week, where every faction puts in Invasion declarations right after.

Right now its spread out kinda. There were 12 invasions in the last 12 months involving 8 Factions. Only twice did a Faction have back to back months with Invasions taking place [Prime=June+Aug, Mandos=Jan+Feb], and there was a November/December break in Invasions anyway, and September and March were void of them as well. The Most active conflict was OS vs GR which had 4 Invasions last 12 Months, 2 from each.

If something like this were to take place, I'd dig seeing a One Invasion (Attacking) per month, just like a T3 Dominion is once per Month. I'd still expect to see breaks occur naturally, and Factions have historically taken breaks after an invasion anyway. Even if you did 2 months between attacks I doubt we'd see a difference. Just my 2 cents.

*April Geonosis [TU vs Rebels]
*May Telti [OS vs GR]
*June Geonosis [TU vs Rebels]
*July Wayland [Prime vs Mandos]
*July Ord Mirit [OS vs GR]
*August Ziost [Prime vs SSC]
*October Balmorra [OS vs GR]
*October Contruum [OS vs GR]
*January Roche [Mandos vs GR]
*January Lujo [GA vs OS]
*February Alderaan [Mandos vs GR]
*April Togoria [OS vs GR]
Just give each faction a month each year that they can be immune from invasions...their choice of when...

Then again just let people grind each other's planets...that is more fun.


Well-Known Member
I'mma say no for the simple reason that this needn't be staff-mandated. When stress got high on invasions previously, the respective FA teams had enough brains to strike a temporary OOC truce, a.k.a. an invasion-free month or two.

There's little reason to force obligatory invasion breaks down factions' throats. Sure, some may be getting tired, but on the other side of the map different factions might just be starting out, only to find themselves unable to invade for a month.

I think invasion truces are best left in the hands of the relevant factions, because there's just too many circumstances and people to watch out for with 'forced' breaks.

Anyway, looking forward to the next invasion with the new ruleset. Should be interesting.

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