L Admin
Bad....bad idea.......
I am aware of your stance but you gotta accept that we're still going to talk about it, don't get so worked up! It's not that serious.
Bad....bad idea.......
My assumption is that its more of a level playing field, that also further evolves where we are with community moderation vice staff moderation (e.g. reduction of RPJs, automatic use of factory/codex subs in RP threads upon initial posting, etc). So instead of posting it and its just automatically approved, you just toss it up on the wiki.Unless the plan is to standardize all items/objects/whatever else across the site?
Security is a massive issue but that is from personal experience. Also including that if the website goes down aside from Star Wars Chaos, can it be rebooted from the same people or will we have to wait from another group? Also ensuring it cannot be hijacked and dot it with malware (Rare but still happens)
The Wikipedia will at some point balloon to a massive point, requiring it to be indexed constantly, monitored and assuring things get placed in the right spots. I do not foresee a slowdown but it could happen if given to many pages or viewers. This will also include a lot of dead links which is something I honestly hate.
Having to learn an entire new set of [setdiv] and [borderbox:table] nonsense. I know I did not do it right, I just hate it and may not be the most user friendly in the world. Not including also a way to categorize under a users name which I am unsure how it works in a wikipedia format, possibly recent changes? The users will have to figure it out to use the website but those who are savvy enough, probably be the best.
Hissy Fit from a particular user to nuke their own submissions and leave. Galactic Alliance had this issue a long time back from the div maniac.
then the pages would be editable by anyone.
Less than that, so I agree its a non-issue but I'm more curious about what the implementation looks like.Rollbacks take like 5 minutes.
I would say do a test first before shutting anything down
Will you be appointing wiki mods? Or would security of the wiki be regulated to certain levels of staff?
So basically would it just be an overhaul of the current system, now following a wiki format that allows people to post whatever, with Judges serving a more passive role and only stepping in if there are glaring issues with a sub/article?
If so, yes please.
yeah the validation in this attention economy seems pretty wild to me, no FJ or CJ has ever made a good writer good or bad writer bad
hell they don't even make submissions better they just call you out for not putting an N/A next to Force Sensitivity in the template