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Question should we get rid of divs?

should we get rid of divs

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  • Poll closed .
they're continually abused by people who're really bad at design and other roleplayers just absolutely refuse to help them out.

A red background? Like, matte red. With white lettering? For three paragraphs? Then another 3???

In what medium do you read white font on red backgrounds.

Distracting background patterns?

Backgrounds that consistently actually make the website LAG because you need a 4k wallpaper with no scroll.

I can't be the only one.

If the culture of the community doesn't fix this, this will stop becoming a question.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Either there needs to be some kind of limitations to the Divs used, and a reduction of what some colors can be used, then they can stay. Otherwise, they need to be gone. We already have avatars, sigs, and your character sheet to make pretty. Your post should be about writing a story. Not making it difficult to read.
Maybe just establish some guidelines and if people conform to them, they stay, and if they don't.. well they go?

idk, I wouldn't have thought we'd be expected to show people how to write their posts - it's considered rude to tell someone how to format their writing in any other context. If all this is about is people using hugely taxing art & irritating color combinations then maybe just make it clear that doing stuff like that in posts is unacceptable.

or just only allow their use in character creation posts and similarly limited uses where it's not going to clash with a dozen other divs and will likely keep the burden on the site traffic down by virtue of being only a couple of posts.
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I agree with Amara.

Beyond this discussion post with a vote that pops up every few months, there is never a real effort to address the few problematic divs we see. People don't like criticizing folks on writing or things that are highly subjective.

Maybe with some guidelines or rules or whatever, it could change. But the few people who make ugly divs ruining it for the rest creates a new kind of atmosphere for a community as well.
I like the idea of leaving them available in the character bio section even if they get disabled for the rest of the site. Maybe the graphics section as well so people can practice or share templates. Unsure if the control gets that granular though.
I like when its just a simple png background or a simple boarder. The moving ones are a little much though. Prolly a lot of work to standardize them and make them a little more friendly to the eyes, but I do still like their inclusion.
Why not have some standardized divs already available for community members who don't really know how to use divs or aren't good with aesthetic design? Maybe some that could be made by the community and pre-loaded onto accounts, the same way the generic bio is? Maybe with a link to the specific members art pages who worked on those divs so that if they want to edit them (or just name them after the member? Idk) they know who to go to to ask for help if there is something they want to change.

Like Amara said, I've always thought it was rude/bad mannered to message someone and tell them they need to change their divs, especially when you don't know them. So, rule of thumb, I generally don't approach someone about their divs. If they approach me, however, I've always been willing to help out.
I enjoy the faction divs, as they help me find in big threads my posts, and helps differentiate who's on which side. Not everyone uses them, but it helps break up massive threads and allows me to spot my dance partner quickly without having to worry about digging through if I miss a day or two of a faction thread.

They definitely need to be standardized, and honestly having them be a faction perk could be a way to help standardize them. Not sure how that would be done on the back end, but it would be a way to keep them around without having it so everyone could make one.
I think in private threads, threads with friends/faction members and bio's, there should be no intervention in divs. You are more or less selecting there with whom you write and if you do not have the guts to tell someone you are frequently writing with that they suck at making their posts read-able, then it is very much your issue. In Character Bio's it is for showing a bit more of the characters theme, can be quirky, colorful, I dont mind reading a single post (or not reading).

As for PvP threads, like Skirmishes, Invasions, Annihilations - instead of banning them altogether. The two factions involved could agree on a faction div template which is used and participants either have to adhere to that or no div. That supports uniformity, makes reading a lot easier because you can tell who is who.

A further step, but involving some work, would be to approve faction divs. That way you can make 100% sure to not get oddities or alternative cursors which do not make sense, lagging 4k scrollable backgrounds and animations which make AAA games shy away. ^^
I like some of the ideas, but still find the concept of having to change something a ton of people enjoy over a few people who can't make something decent wild.

This same discussion with a poll has happened several times before, and the community response is always the same.

If there is actual change people want, say something in the rules about problematic divs and have folks report the bad ones if the creator is unwilling to change it to be easier to read.
This same discussion with a poll has happened several times before, and the community response is always the same.

Dangerous rhetoric, because this infers the community is always right. It's nice to say something, then have others voice the same opinion, press like on your comment, etc.

You, the community, do not always know what is best. And you are very adverse to change.

Mandatory FU ranks say what
I think in private threads, threads with friends/faction members and bio's, there should be no intervention in divs.

I somewhat agree, on the surface it makes sense, and this is imo the best defense against a div assailant such as myself.

But I think the community is kinda shirking the responsibility factor here by just constantly painting the wall with excuses, just gotta be real dawg. Except Amara who confirmed "yeah, I leave the man with the booger in the nose alone" lmao. Thats true and real.

If we need a baseline established via a rule, "no bad divs", just say that. If you don't care, just say that. But art is subjective, so that baseline will be constantly flickering and pissing people off because nobody knows where it's truly at.

And I don't think private threads should be an exception, I think a baseline rule should affect everyone and if you don't like it well just add it to the pile of things we don't like this is not Burger King.
Dangerous rhetoric, because this infers the community is always right. It's nice to say something, then have others voice the same opinion, press like on your comment, etc.

You, the community, do not always know what is best. And you are very adverse to change.

Mandatory FU ranks say what
Sure, but we're talking about a bit of aesthetic here where only a very small group, if you even want to call it a group, are producing annoying divs.

But apparently never to the extent that people are too bothered by it.

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