My personal opinion is no. Most if not all of our content is community-driven, so restricting things such as this only impedes that free content creation. I am not saying things have not been more out of control than they should be, but that's not a fault of the system but of the people in the system. Short of turning all leadership positions into that of constricted, mindless drones, you can never really remedy the "people suck" problem until people stop... well, sucking.
In all seriousness though, the issue isn't one you can solve by restricting freedoms, because if we choose, we will still be asshats at the end of the day. I am in full agreement with what [member="Safiriel Bane"] said; if negotiations fall through or exceed X amount of time, it should default to predefined template. Or even go so far that should those terms cause a massive flop early into the invasion, that it must be restarted under said criteria, should it ever get to a point where the implementation of something like that becomes necessary? The latter seems like a lot of work though. Then again, it may just reinforce the value of getting it right the first time humbly and maturely.
An alternative, crazy but potentially very intriguing idea is to simply make a broad set of criteria for objectives and such, tweaked to each invasion where terms aren't instantaneously agreed upon and implemented, that are chosen at random. Personally I'd love to see almost every invasion simply have a random and completely unpredictable set of stuff chosen from a pool so that neither faction can queen about the terms and all the players can enjoy the spontaneity realistic of a war front; I think it'd be amazing to never be 100% prepared or have things 100% tailored to the desires of a few because it adds that much more depth and potential to the post content/interactions. Kind of like a tabletop RPG, I guess?
TLDR: Too much nonsense for one teeny text-based game.