Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should we restrict Invasion terms that Faction Admins can impose?

I can understand not wanting to restrict specific objectives for story purposes. But a limit on the fleet length per player or overall, or the number of NPC units able to be controlled by a single player, as suggested by Sanya, seems reasonable. Such things do not limit the storytelling potential of any writers involved. As for Staff enforcment, while I can understand why people would be wary, there would need to be some sort of oversight by Staff to help keep things in line with the spirit of the site. My opinion from observations during my time here.


Disney's Princess
Does anybody know the concerns here? PM if you do. I'm totes lost. :(
  • What are Staff specific concerns?
  • What are the RPJ specific concerns?
  • What are the FA specific concerns?
If it ain't broke don't fix it. ...If it is broke? Where, how, who, why, donuts? I feel like I'm being asked to talk about solutions to problems I can't see or comprehend.
Darth Prazutis said:
[member="Isley Verd"] [member="Tefka"]

I agree with this man here. Staff suggested yes, staff enforced no.
I'm just not a big fan of half measures. If it's what most people want, sure, ya'll dictate where I drive the Staff bus when I need directions. But I feel like it is a half measure.

If preconcieved terms are too limiting in the "creativity" of negotiations, then help us make it not so. But since when have negotiated terms ever driven creativity? Let's post some creative terms Invasions have had to back up this line of thought. I haven't seen very many, but I also haven't seen them all.


Disney's Princess
Tefka said:
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

Been in any recent Invasions?
Prime vs Silvers at Ziost - Aug 2015. ...So no. Guess I'll sit this one out. Good luck with the templates guys and gals. :)
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

Terms have largely become reactionary, leaders often creating these terms for the benefit of the faction and not necessarily the members. Which is an important distinction (out to win, not necessarily have fun). On top of that, they have the tendency to run amok. For instance...

The invasions have started requiring activity to be not considered an ally. In a particular invasion, this was transformed into a rule that effectively prevented veterans of the factions from participating because they had been absent recently. Thus not meeting activity needs.

Finally, terms are often constructed for not just the factions particular benefit but also for ease of judgment (pvp only invasion as opposed to including npcs). This also comes with the notion of covering ones bases. So from the perspective of someone who ran invasions for a year, I do think the invasion system is on the fritz. And could definitely benefit from a bit of oversight.

And that's my two cents on this.

Edit: didn't mean to single you out, JSC. But you asked if there was a problem you weren't aware of and I figured I'd give you ma take.

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