Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Show Me That Which I Cannot See

As the... aid spoke to me, I physically reoiled back at the words of "darling" and "Dear" Words my mother would have used to coerce me into doing something she wanted, when she knew, I would not want to do it. She used it as a tool against me. Now, it was just a pain to hear those words. While it was a male voice speaking to me, even the deeper tone of the Chiss Male, I could still hear that voice twisting and shaping in my head to that of the seductress of my mothers. Before I would give the... aid any time to respond, I waved to motion I was okay.

"I'm fine. Please lead the way."

Once he had turned around, leading me through the ship, each piece, item, and surface was well beyond the scope of my own. White, shining, cleaned, and taken care of every second of every day. I had to make sure to apologize for leaving the speeder a mess with the blood and dirt of my clothing. However, I didn't want to direct it to Matthew, I almost wanted to just leave the ship and go find the first man of this crew and tell him personally. However, that will be for later.

My attention turned to the man who would be working on what looked to be a musical instrument. One I had never seen before. Merely voicing a hello, and asking if the bath had helped. I nodded lightly as I simply stood next to the Chiss man.

"I just took a shower, but I am grateful for you providing it to me."

Looking up to the Chiss individual, I showed my thanks with a light bowing of the head and shoulders. One he had done to me before. I didn't know how deep the bow should be, so I just opted for a modest one. Turning to look again at the luminescent one, I simply voiced what had been on my mind.

"Why do you have all of these... aids?"

Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale


Lúthien Tinúviel Lúthien Tinúviel

Matthew's expression held a hint of curiosity as he responded, his gaze shifting momentarily towards Vero, the Chiss male. "Aids?" he repeated, contemplating the term. "Oh... I have various workers, yes," he chimed, a warm smile gracing his lips. "They help me keep the estate running." His words held a deep appreciation, his tone respectful as he acknowledged the importance of those who stood beside him.

Matthew's gratitude was on display as he continued, his voice sincere. "I value their assistance in my employ." His eyes glimmered with respect for the roles each individual played in his life. "I wouldn't be able to do a lot of things I do without their help in keeping everything so nice and tidy," he admitted, a note of humility in his words.

"As for my dedicated team," Matthew continued, his gaze taking on a reflective quality as he mentioned their names and roles. "Sable provides his expertise with tailoring for guests, ensuring that they are presented in the best possible light," he explained,

"Vincent is the linchpin of organization, keeping everyone on track and ensuring the seamless flow of events," Matthew added, his appreciation evident in his words. "Allan's skills lie in discovering unique cultural foods and navigating the intricate nuances of dining etiquette," he elaborated, a fond smile touching his lips as he thought of the person who enriched their culinary experiences.

Matthew's gaze softened as he spoke of Raven and Shiroko. "Raven and Shiroko work diligently to keep the rooms clean and tidy, creating a welcoming environment for our esteemed guests," he said, gratitude evident in his tone. "Each member of my team plays a vital role, contributing to the ship's purpose as a stage for mediation and cultural exchanges," he added.

Matthew's voice held a note of respect as he turned to Cassius. "Cassius serves as our Protocol Advisor, guiding our guests through the intricate tapestry of interstellar customs and diplomatic etiquette. His expertise ensures that every interaction is respectful and harmonious."

He continued, acknowledging Benedict's contribution. "Benedict, our talented Floral Designer, lends a touch of nature's grace to our interiors. His floral arrangements create an atmosphere of beauty and elegance that resonates throughout the ship."

"Ian, our dedicated Wellness Coordinator,"
Matthew continued, his tone appreciative. "He ensures that our guests find rejuvenation and tranquility on board, offering spa treatments, fitness activities, and relaxation techniques."

Matthew spoke with a hint of wonder. "Our Astronomy Specialist. He shares his passion for the stars, leading stargazing sessions and connecting our guests with the marvels of the universe."

Matthew's expression softened as he mentioned Octavius. "Octavius, our Personal Concierge, provides unwavering attention to our guests' needs. His dedication creates a sense of familiarity and comfort, ensuring their experience is truly personalized."

His smile widened as he looked around the opulent surroundings. "These exceptional individuals, each a master in their own right, come together to create an ensemble that enhances the ship's purpose."
Matthew went into a rather long explanation of these individuals who he was paying to work for him. It seemed to be a better situation than what I had been in with my mother, acting as a... servant, to her whims and desires without payment or appreciations. Matthew cared about them. It showed in the way he spoke of them in reverence and tone of voice. Listing all of their names, and what they did. To him, it may have seemed like they were family to him. Knowing so much about them and what they would do.

Moving closer to him as he spoke, I just stood before him in the white linens that had been given to me. They felt awkward as I moved. Soft and breathable. As if these clothes were made specifically to be worn for longer periods of time. However, I had been used to the coarse-weave clothing I wore. Heavy, and durable. Able to take punishment from the elements. Which I am nearly sure that these clothes could not do the same. However, as the voicing of these aids he had, once he was done, I asked again.

"I uh. I want to voice my apologies to those that have to clean the Speeder and my clothing up. I am sure for it to be difficult to clean the blood without damaging the clothing or the interior of the speeder. Just whenever it doesn't interfere with them performing these tasks."

Lowering my head lightly, A pain formed in my throat. One of guilt and sincerity.

"I do not wish to add more of a burden to them or to you."

Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale


Lúthien Tinúviel Lúthien Tinúviel


"Life happens. You can apologize if you feel you need to but they are paid very well for such tasks that arise on occasion. They tend to have gotten very well versed at removing blood from even white delicate clothes. " Matthew assured but in no way would stop her from doing what she felt as right.

"Your room should have a com system that allows you to contact any one on my staff. "
Matthew explained softly. He settled down and rested back taking a long slow breath and letting it out. "And between you and me... I know such tasks tend to liven their day. The majority of my staff enjoys the work they do and feels of use. When everything is perfect they become board and have not much gossip to talk about amongst one another. " Matthew revealed knowing exactly what his staff tended to do when they had guests.
"Very well."

I just watched Matthew as he explained directly to me that these people took pride in their work. So it was nothing new to them. It also tracked with the previous statements made by the literal angelic looking individual with how they would help others without directly wanting much if anything at all in return. So to know that these people were doing it because it was just a good thing to do and doing their "good deeds" made me relax a little more.

Moving to the table in which Matthew had now seated himself at, I kind of just stood unsure where to actually sit. I mean, I didn't want to sit next to him, but also didn't want to sit so far away as to make it feel like I was avoiding him.

"Um... do you want me to sit somewhere specifically? Its your residence."

Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale
Matthew leaned back comfortably in his chair, his eyes locking onto Lúthien's as he offered a warm smile. "Please, make yourself at home. Feel free to sit wherever you find most comfortable; there's no need for formality here."

He paused for a moment, contemplating how to make the environment more relaxed and inviting. "How about we play a little game to get to know each other better? We can take turns asking questions. If you're up for it, you can even go first."

Just as Matthew finished speaking, Vincent made his appearance, carrying a silver tray elegantly adorned with an assortment of drink options and a menu. The drinks on display ranged from sparkling water infused with hints of lemon and mint to exotic blends like a Starlight Elixir, a shimmering, color-changing beverage that was a feast for both the eyes and the palate. For those seeking something stronger, there was an aged Corellian whiskey, its rich amber hue promising warmth and depth.

Vincent delicately placed the menu in front of Lúthien. It was crafted from luxurious paper, and upon it were listed three exquisite meal options: Herb-Crusted Filet Mignon served with a side of Asparagus and Truffle Aioli, Pan-Seared Sea Bass accompanied by Saffron Risotto, and a Vegan Delight Platter featuring Grilled Tofu Steaks, Stuffed Bell Peppers, and a medley of roasted vegetables. Each dish seemed carefully curated to offer a rich culinary experience.

Matthew, perusing the drink options himself, chose a blend of chilled strawberry nectar and coconut milk, a drink that was as refreshing as it was flavorful. "So, Lúthien, would you like to pick the first question for our game? And do any of the drinks or meals catch your eye?"

Lúthien Tinúviel Lúthien Tinúviel
Playing a game of twenty questions to get to know each other? Sure. It would tell me more of this "saviour." and allow me to maybe be a little more free while under his roof. That is, until a man showed up bringing all various kinds of drinks from which I could choose. However, before I could answer him, the well dressed man placed a menu in front of me. From which I could choose three different platings. I went ahead and ordered what I wanted, but first, I had to poke at the man just a hair.

"Those were questions to me. I guess that means I get two questions now."

A sly smile came to my lips while I turned to the man

"Just water if you would please. Also, I would like to have the Sea Bass with Saffron Risotto."

Turning back to Matthew, I then leaned forward in my chair, opting to only ask one question of him.

"Not to be insensitive, what are you? I have never seen an individual with wings before."

Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale

Matthew chuckled lightly upon hearing the stranger's question, appreciating her enthusiasm and genuine interest. Her enjoyment of the conversation brought a genuine smile to his face.

"Mnnn? I'm known as a Divinarie," he began, his voice carrying that warm, velvety tone. "We're from the planet Centerra, where many creatures are blessed with wings of various kinds." He nodded in emphasis. "Our ancestors, I must say, would put my own colorful tone to shame."

As the conversation flowed, Matthew considered a question to pose to his newfound companion. He wanted to reciprocate her curiosity and engage her further in their exchange. After a moment of thought, he decided on a question that delved into matters of personal values and desires.

"Would you rather have endless money or endless love?" he inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine interest in her response.
A race of beings from a planet I had not heard of. Likely one hidden away from the rest of the worlds. And apparently even more species of individuals with wings that would shame this man? I was curious about more, but instead, I would have to focus on the man's question he proposed for me. namely, that of Endless monetary usage, or that of Endless love. While at first, my thought was that of Endless love, purely because of not having any as a child, and having to face not being accepted for who I am, I came up with the third option.

"I don't know if I could choose one or the other in earnest. Credits of any kind is helpful for many situations, but sometimes, money can't buy everything. You can't buy justice, honor, loyalty, or even love, in its truest forms. Yet, I cannot choose it due to a desire to be accepted. I... I am different. And many see me as a monster. A creature borne of darkness and the Force that should be eradicated. No matter how hard I try, I am an individual that would be difficult to love. Receiving endless love is smothering, and limiting. People do bad things for love, or whatever they believe to be love. Love can be directed at more than just people. It can be a love of a concept, an action, or items that fulfill a desire."

Looking down at the hand in my lap. the scars on it and my arm, Matthew knew he was giving me a loaded question.

"Your question would be more acceptable as, 'would you rather have money, or be loved.' Endless love is something that I could hope to fulfill, but would never be able to. I can be angry at someone who I love, I can be envious of them too. But forcing someone to endlessly love me, is not what I want. I want a love that is reciprocal, and without judgement. I want acceptance. Even if there was no chance for me to have children, if I wanted to have any, I would rather be with a close friend who I care deeply for, than a lover who just wants to fulfill a physical desire."

It was a very deep question that I answered. I knew that what my mother did to me, she always stated it to be out of love. Love for me to become stronger and to become a force of nature for the Maw. She beat me, she tortured me, she hated me and yelled at me. She assaulted me. Yet she said she did it out of love. Love is a concept that can be twisted and perverted into many forms. So I wanted to make it clear, I didn't want love, I wanted acceptance for who I am. For what I am.

Looking up to Matthew, I smiled lightly.

"Sorry for the really emotional answer, but my turn. What made you want to help people other than religious reasons you stated earlier? Your more personal values. Not what some Order tells you."

Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale

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