Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shrouded in the Darkness (Silver Jedi Concord dominion of Garos IV)

Objective One - The Heart of a Cause

The plaza before the spacesport of Arian was bustling with activity. Every which way she turned there were crowds of people, all manner of species, chattering and going about their business. She heard at least three different languages, though she spoke only one of them. In truth, they could have been different dialects, but Tomoe tried not to pay attention to them. There was enough noise just from the many transports and personal speeders taking off and flying overhead.

Around here was what she gathered to be the marketplace attached to the spaceport. Countless kiosks and restaurants pressed against each other at every corner and wall, drawing people between them and the various ticket stands that were positioned about.

In this crowd Tomoe became just another person. To them she was just another girl, with medium long black hair that barely reached her shoulders with their tips, wearing simple dark blue khakis and a black shirt underneath a dark blue jacket of some cheap material. They did not know what she had done, but neither did she know their secrets. Everyone had skeletons, no one was innocent, and only few were blessed.

She stopped, distracted for a moment by a particular scent. After a brief exchange involving her pointing followed by an exchange of credits, she received a stick with some kind of charred piece of meat laced with a dark red sauce. The spices burned her tongue the second she bit into it. She liked it when it did that. The girl walked on, stick in hand.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Objective III
Location: Hyperspace en rout for Garos IV
Allies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. A ARS VAMI
Enemies: Lofdrrl Lofdrrl Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia

"Time" asker Reshmar ask he watched the swirling maelstrom of hyperspace on the command centers forward screen. Most engineering and shipbuilding practices had moved command of starships deep inside the vessels to harden and protect them. External command stations still existed, Bridges and flight control generally had been left on the outer hull but the command and control of a starship had been moved deep into the vessel usually inside a self-contained armored shell. Inside such a shell the command center of the Marrab stood Reshmar and his senior staff. Each studying the map hovering above the central holographic display. A long silence lofted through the room as Reshmar waited for an answer.

Ten minutes sir" said a Bothan officer standing to Reshmars right. Reshmar nodded then spoke. "Once we revert to real space I want to begin scanning the system and mapping everything we can see. I suspect numerous cloaked objects to be in the system and before we move in we will find what these criminals have to hide. A full doppler sweep followed by continuous scans with the CGT arrays. Once we have an idea of what we're looking at we will launch our wing in support of the Silver forces already engaged in the system," said Reshmar. The officers around the table all nodded saying nothing as Reshmar waited for them to all show understanding. He brought up a hologram of the world and the island resort which was the suspected criminal headquarters.

"We will keep an assault company on standby to assist the Silver forces moving on the island base. If things get dicey down there we will also have a flight of gunships ready to assist. We are not directly engaging any enemy forces in orbit unless absolutely necessary. The rest of the assault forces have already engaged and will be handling the enemy forces in orbit. Our job is to find any and all hidden objects, be it a ship, a mine, or a rock that found its way into some shadow. Once we do that we support from outside the engagement zone with fighter support for the orbital and surface forces." Reshmar paused then brought up the holograph of the system and the world of Garos IV. If we have to get involved in the battle some part of the plan has gone very wrong. thought Reshmar as he watched the officers around the table react and contemplate his orders.

"two minutes sir," chimed the Bothan watching the jump counter. Reshmar nodded to the man then closed the hologram. "That is it, gentlemen, to your stations," said Reshma as the officers nodded then turned to take up their duty stations. He looked one last time as the forward view screen and the dizzying light show that was hyperspace. Turning he walked to his command chair and sat down and prepared himself for the mission ahead.

"Reversion initiated, dropping from hyperspace in Five, Four, Three, One,," counted down the jump officer. With a flash, the nine ships of the 304th special operations force exited hyperspace on the edge of the Garos system.
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In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Angel 3". Commander Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "Angel 4" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. SCAR 1 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 2 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 3 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Angel 4(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Angel 5(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Angel 6(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Angel 7(Turik Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Angel 8(Razorback Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 9(Voight Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Angel 10(Jurist Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Angel 11(Fi Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Angel 12(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Angel 13(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  7. Angel 14(Alcalde Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Angel 15(Kers Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Angel 16(Kyber Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Angel 17(Jok Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Angel 18(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Angel 19(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Angel 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Angel 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Angel 23(Hail Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  5. Angel 24(Leigh Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  6. Angel 25(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  7. Angel 26(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Angel 27(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 28(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 29(Ruzek Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  4. Angel 30(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  5. Angel 31(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
  6. Angel 32(Pulvin Squadron)Cherub Transport
  7. Angel 33(Gundark Squadron)Cherub Transport
  8. Angel 34(Terantatek Squadron)Cherub Transport
  9. Angel 35(Ronto Squadron)Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below. Commander Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "Voodoo 4" and is primarily in charge of Jackal squadrons when not acting as CAG.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.
  1. SCAR 4 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 5 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 6 Jackal Class Starfighter
  4. SCAR 7 Jackal Class Starfighter
  5. SCAR 8 Jackal Class Starfighter
  6. SCAR 9 Jackal Class Starfighter
  7. SCAR 10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  8. SCAR 11 Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Voodoo 4(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 6(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 7(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 8(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 9(Alcalde Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  7. Voodoo 10(Gator Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Voodoo 11(Raguel Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter

  1. Voodoo 12(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 13(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 14(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 15(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 16(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Voodoo 17(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 18(Ferret Squadron)Cherub Transport
  3. Voodoo 19(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 20(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport

The Blood Dagger
did indeed have powerful forward guns. The bridge shook with each direct hit, but the shields were holding at 36%. They would not last very long if something was not done though. The Divinity was no slouch with her weapons. The heavy guns and the particle beam cannons targeted those corvettes as the Concord fighters began engaging their counterparts directly. The pirates were professionals indeed, they were more than capable at what they do. That being said they were not a concerted force like the Silver pilots. It was just a matter of time as the proverbial numbers game, and the firepower was wearing them down. Add to that the incoming reinforcements of "The Ethereal" and "The Silver City" are going to make matters much worse for the pirates.

"The Divinity" had more than enough firepower to put on the "The Blood Dagger" as the Commodore ordered weapons coming to bear on the ship.

Down on the planet, "The Avalon" did not crash. The landing was hard, but there was nominal damage and all systems could be restored on location. In the meantime Colonel Telaksta ordered deployment of all Marines and Marine equipment. "The Mauler" rolling command center, the tanks, the fighting vehicles, and the jarheads themselves, as well as the gunships. Their orders were simple. Destroy that ion cannon.


  • Carrier "Ethereal" sending all Jackals to assist
  • Carrier "Silver City" sending Demon Bombers and Sovereignty heavy attack fighters
  • "Divinity" is now engaging the pirate vessels. suffering a glancing hit from the ion cannon below
  • "Avalon" has landed safely and is now deploying all Marines, equipment, and gear.
  • Marines are moving to directly engage ion cannon.
  • Stealth fighters investigating "odd readings"
  • Avalons hitting targets of opportunity.
  • Ashera class fighters engaging independent pilots
  • ArchAngel fighters engaging pirate fighters.
  • 2 squadrons of NC-1000 X-wings running cover for Avalon crash, also providing reports
  • Other 2 squadrons engaging pirate cruiser.

Travot eye's momentary flickered from the two variant sentries to Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor who had once more jumped into the breech, drawing more of the infected towards. Increasingly, the supporting Concord infantry were taking more of them down, and a handful of the starships flying in support of the mission roared overhead, making quick dives to make precision strafing runs on the larger clusters. Laser cannon bolts outright vaporized many of the infected, leaving little but ashes and craters behind. A cremation in a sense. Yet as the groups scattered under this aerial onslaught, they became more vulnerable to the steadily advancing infantrymen, the Antarian Rangers, and the Jedi among them. A cloud of smoke and dirt suddenly appeared several dozen meters away from him as one of those strafing runs decimated the undead ranks - yet it seemed to linger a bit longer than he originally would have thought.

This is my chance.

Travot pressed his way quickly forward, swinging his saber in an arc that lopped off the head of one of the former constanbularies before he rushed into the smoke. Burnt ozone greeted his nostrils and the ground beneath his feet turned from muddy and cold to hard and warm. He then realized that it wasn't smoke that lingered in the area, but rather steam produced by the heat of the laser cannon bolts on the snow itself. It actually felt briefly refreshing after trudging through the snow-blanketed woods. He took a quick gulp of air before attempting to sprint forward some more.

He really hated running - he simply wasn't built for it, but being a jedi didn't leave much room for a more sedentary pace - at least not all the time.

He managed to take cover behind the scorched trunk of the tree before he bolted to the variant sentries. Both remained impassive even as he closed the distance to a dozen meters. But just as he neared the door, both raised their rifles to the ready and pointed them at the man. Gasping and airy voices floated out of their helmets vocaders in unison.

"What is the password?"

He blinked.

"I don't know the password. Who are you? What happened to you?"

The reply was the same in cadence and tone as before, "What is the password?"

He could feel no emotion from them. Though he could feel a slight amount of life energy within him. Whether that was from the infected's original bodies that was slowly sucuumbing to the infection or if it was some bacterial or similar lifeform's colonization, he could not tell. It's like they've been programmed. Not intelligent enough or motivated enough to engage in conversation? He couldn't tell, and he knew he wasn't smart enough to figure it out on his own. Not with the time and resources he immediately had available.

He deactivated his lightsaber, clipped it to his belt, and stretched out both hands towards the armored figures. Their blasters seemed to waver and wiggle, yet the sentries said nor did anything. Suddenly, twin bolts leapt out of their barrels, both bolts aimed high, as their decaying fingers fought to hold onto the weapons. They did not. Travot wrenched the rifles from their hands and flung them away. The weapons clattered on the ground, yet the sentries did not move or reveal the slightest amount of emotion. They maintained their posture, oblivious to the reality that neither had their weapons any more. Travot's face contorted into a befuddled frown.

Utterly mindless. What are they? What has been done to them?

He stretched out his hands once, using them as a focus to telekinetically grip both of the sentries and toss them against the duracrete walls in front of the bunker. The two clattered onto the ground, motionless. He frowned. Weird...
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Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Planet: Garos IV
Location: Ariana, Grand Hotel
Objective 1: The Heart of a Cause

Omen met the unknown woman's gaze as she glanced towards the Jedi and himself from her own little group. Her picture hadn't been in the briefing packet so the trooper couldn't know who she represented or even what her name was. Whoever she was, the dirty blond-haired representative certainly must have a surprise in her sleeve for everyone present. The Clone did know who the other two of her party were of course. The one that was thinner than a piece of paper was the Mayor of Ariana, Ched Ingido, and the other who looked like he had enjoyed more of life's pleasures than he probably should have was the mayor of Garan, Set Petopethel. Both were Concord's key supporters with one more flakey than the other. It would be their duty as a group to convenience the two mayors to help however possible to bring the other two cities fully into the Concord's fold.

"Hey, you there, trooper. What do you and your friends join us. You might be a little bit of life to the party. I'm sure you guys must have more interesting tales to tell than Miss Mors and Ched here..."

Omen raised an internal eyebrow for a moment as he wondered why an important mayor would want to talk to him before realizing what his role was and who he was with, jumpstarting his brain as well as his legs. He hoped the Jedi would follow his lead as the Clone strode his over and clasped Set's forearm in the traditional Mandolarian fashion.

"I'm not sure if I have much of a story to tell if I'm being honest Alor. All I am is an 850-year-old clone from conflicts so long ago history books even forgot they happened. Things I do like convincing a Bryn Jedi Knight to stop eating people and smuggling them off-world are pretty normal are they not? Beyond my little adventures such as befriending a four-armed Sith or crash landing my ship on the Eternal Rule during the Battle of Korriban and invading it like a one-man army. Other than that all I do is brew tihaar and other drinks, maintenance the Concord's explosives inventory, and even dabble in collectible card games if I find the time.

The trooper had started collecting Galactic Illusionary's card sets starting with the Galaxy at War collection a few months back, just wanting another hobby that wasn't so destructive. The card also allowed him to have something to play with the younglings of Silver Rest which was always a struggle. His smile extended as he thought of the children's cries of joy whenever they managed to beat the old soldier before his mind forced him to get back on point. He reached for two flasks of his "The Spirit of Mandalore" tihaar from his belt and offered it to both men with a slight bow.

"My signature blend. Hopefully, it is worth both of your stations. It will dull all the arguments that will be presented in the coming hours at least and that's all that matters."

If the two men accepted he would back away and pause, giving them time to taste his creations. Maybe the drinks and his words would put both officials in a better mood. Maybe even Set would let him make up a depot in his city but the Silver's purpose came first. The Clone certainly hoped so because they would need all hands on deck for this meeting in order to get everyone that had fallen overboard into the great Concord boat.

Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Hayde Torve Hayde Torve
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Faith is the heroism of the intellect.



Location: Garros IV Obj 2

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in the landing bay, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music", "Aricsias" Wookiee Clan (pops in and out of posts)
Tag: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna

~"I'm still alive!"~

Balling up his free hand into a fist and slamming it into the ground, Caltin sent a Force Wave outwards knocking back any who would try to attack, at least at the moment. As the one who reached out to them, their body at least, still advanced as it was not a target, Caltin grabbed it by the neck and let the Force hold it in place in a stasis.

~Who are you?~

~"I am Jedi Knight, Yoni Bucket. I was brought here to investigate this phenomenon. I was overpowered. There are more inside, other Jedi."~

He didn't want to do it, but powerful lighting streamed out of his hands, not Force Lightning but elemental, the bolts of energy dissolved the vessels that were once sentient beings around him. The effect was to buy more time to try and do something positive here, and not just kill. He was finding death anywhere they stood, but this might be a bit of a game-changer.

~What is happening?~


The half-dozen ships around the Blood Dagger uncloaked around A ARS VAMI 's Dalirake frigate. Fire almost immediately erupted between the pirate ships and their opponents. The massive, frontal guns of the Dagger weren't in a good position to strike either the interdictor frigate or the Divinity - a noted problem for ships using fixed forward weapons. Instead, the dozens of smaller guns and warhead launchers on the Sandpanther attempted to lash out at the interdictor, hoping to knock out the gravity well projectors which might hinder the evacuation efforts of the outlaw tech's base. His C3PO unit hit a button, causing a message to be broadcasted on the ship.

Lofdrrl roared, which his protocol droid helpfully translated for the rest of the crew.

"It must be a bluff..." translated the droid before pausing to add his own commentary, "Master Lofdrrl, are you certain it is a bluff?"

The ship rocked hard, hit by fire from Divinity. Once again, the hapless droid nearly careened onto the ground before a helpful crewman caught it in place. This time, an aqualish sailor began to lash the droid to a section of safety railing with a length of fibercord - the droid wouldn't be able to move any more, for better or worse. Lofdrrl let out a long series of growls interspersed with minor changes in tone and pitch, which his protocol droid faithfully interpreted.

"We are being beaten. They have more ships than us. The Blood Dagger cannot hope to beat the Divinity...but we have allies coming."

One of the Starhammers nearby exploded violently, casting out debris which pelted the Blood Dagger's shields, causing sections of it to flare red under the impacts. Around them, the superiority of numbers and material of the Concord and its allies were taking their toll on the criminal starfighters. Increasingly more and more Concord fighters outnumbered their opponents. A heavyset sailor yelled out from his console.

"We've have circuitry overload in the port turrets servo-motor banks after that last round of fire from the Divinity. We can't move them any more. They're nigh useless. And with them gone, so are we....well, nearly."

Lofdrrl let out a series of quick barks. The first order sent a bunch of sailors to try and repair the circuits, while the second issued a hasty retreat for the increasingly damaged pirate cruiser. The Blood Dagger ceased firing once more, cloaked itself, and attempted to speed away from the interdictor frigate, leaving the outnumbered corvettes and starfighters trying to knock the Dalirake's gravity well projectors out. Even as the Blood Dagger retreated, new signatures arrived out of hyperspace. The largest of these was a Tsad-class Fleet Carrier with a blacked out transponder, accompanied by half dozen Dorn Danchaf-class Escort Shuttles and a trio of DP20 frigates. A mixture of Eta Angel-series Interceptors and Tau Devastator StarWings swarmed out of the carrier's hull before forming up to make an attack on the Divinity, while the escort shuttles made a beeline down to the ground towards the island base below, doubtlessly intending to pick up some people or supplies from the surface.

GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Objective III
Location: Hyperspace en rout for Garos IV
Allies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. A ARS VAMI
Enemies: Lofdrrl Lofdrrl Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia

Reshmar stood looking at the holographic display as it began to populate with contacts. Data from the vessels of the group scrolled in and the map of the system began to take shapes. The forces of the Silver Concord Fleet were winning above the world. Below on the surface was still a mystery to Reshmar. He hoped that word would reach him as to the situation and either or not his assault forces would be needed. For now, the formation sat silently awaiting his order.

"CAG, launch the Everests Squadrons and have them form upon the formations forward fire arc. For now, we wait till we have a better picture of what we are dealing with. The fleet seems like they are in good shape. Lets wait and see if we are even needed here." said fresh to the group's air wing commander. "Yes sir," said the man then he turned to give the order. A moment later three squadrons of fighters launched for the Everest. The small two-hundred-meter corvette began launching its three attack craft squadrons. The small craft slowly moved away from the small carrier and into position out in front of the formation between the system and the formation.

"Captain, move us in slowly, set your course to 045 by three forty two, 30 degree roll." ordered Reshmar. The cruiser slowly began to move, its maneuvering thrusters firing spinning the hull as it moved to a course directly facing the battle waging in the distance. Reshmar watched silently as the fight in the distance played out. The pirate forces were losing, that was clear. The intel on the forces in the system must have been exaggerated Reshmar thought. A moment later a voice shouted out.

"Admiral, New contacts," A large vessel and several smaller escorts. Three mass as corvettes sir" said a senior officer. Reshmar rotated the hologram till he saw the new contacts. "IFF has nothing sir, they are running dark." said another officer as Reshmar zoomed in the hologram. As he watched the small icon changed to a three-dimensional model of the ship. He knew the class immediately.

"Sir, scans identify the large contact as a Tsad-class sir," said a man a moment later. Reshmar looked on in shock, how did they get a ship that size. The heavy cruiser in the distance was a stretch for pirates, but Reshmar had seen more organized groups fielding heavy cruiser before, but a two-kilometer carrier.

"CAG, launch remaining fighter squadrons, have them assist against that carrier's wing. Leave one squadron on station as a CAP for the formation. Send the rest to intercept those attack craft," ordered Reshmar. The hologram displayed the smaller point of light which soon became iconic as they were identified. The sheer number of attack craft the pirates could have stored in that beast of a ship was frightening. His attention was broken as the model representing the Pirate heavy cruiser disappeared.

"Sensors, was the heavy cruiser destroyed?" asked Reshmar already knowing the answer but hoping against hope he was wrong. "No sir, it just vanished," said one of the officers at the sensor station. Reshmar knew what had happened, he had dealt with cloaking ships before. He had hunted another pirate organization years ago which utilized cloaking devices. It was that battle which formed the trinity which gave birth to The Directorate. The three founding members had hunted the organization and destroyed their base and the cloaked vessels providing a successful test for many of the first generation of ELINT and Doppler based systems designed by Reshmar,

"Helm, turn us to one forty-five by ninety for and increase speed to one quarter. Roll us fifty degrees port and move us in to intercept that carrier," ordered Reshmar. The massive vessel was far larger than any of the ships in the group but if the Pirates had not modified her too much the massive vessel had little to no offensive weapons. Even if it relied on her wing for offense there were still a lot of attack craft still to have launched from the vessel.

"Take us in slow and fire when we reach weapons range captain." ordered Reshmar watching as the man nodded then turned to give orders. He turned to a second man standing around the table. "COmmander, find that heavy cruiser," said Reshmar to the officer, He looked at the hologram then answered.

"Sir the CGT is down, Techs are working on it now but it will be a while before the Faust will be able to track anything cloaked with it," said the officer. Reshmar rolled an eye then looked back at the hologram. "Have the ELINT ship locate her course. We may not be able to see her but we can still see where she is going" ordered Reshmar. The man nodded and saluted then ran to the communications station.

"Where did you go" Reshmar said quietly looking at the system map displayed before him.
People were all around her now. On all sides, a body pressing up against another as the crowd narrowed going forward. Tomoe told herself to stay calm. Despite being in the wide open space of the spaceport, she felt a growing sense of claustrophobia.

Something bumped against her left foot. Instinctively her hand dropped to her hip, and she hissed like a cat. It garnered some worried looks, but they dismissed her shortly after. It was too great a city to get caught up in one more weirdo. Just stare ahead and walk on. It helped that Tomoe calmed, of course. Realization dawned on her when she recognised it as her droid, a grey and white BB-unit droid. At least she wasn’t alone. It was a comfort, though in this moment she did yearn to be alone.

The last glimmer of sunlight left her as she stepped into the transport. The hum of metal and durasteel brought with it a sense of familiarity, and in turn calm. The ship was a freighter of some kind, filling the duty of interplanetary shuttle. Garos IV experienced more of an influx of people travelling to the planet rather than off these days. The passengers appeared to come from various lots of life, to the ones managing to scrape the cheapest ticket, to those going on their annual visit to family off world. The richest, naturally, tended to fly their own ships.

In this Tomoe was one with the people, one of the passengers. She dutifully and thankfully broke off from the crowd as she followed her ticket’s instruction, moving to her floor, her designated seat.
Shrouded in the Darkness

Planet: Garos IV
Location: Ariana, grand hotel
Objective 1: The Heart of a Cause
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Caelia Lamora Caelia Lamora

As Valery moved through the hotel, she briefly stopped and looked over her shoulder at Kahlil.
"I'll follow your lead on this. The only real experience I have with politics is far more underhanded and.. Savage. I doubt threatening anyone would be of use, mm?" He cracked a grin, though it was short lived.
In response, she offered a bit of a blank stare - a true 'really?' type of look. But she quickly smirked herself and looked back into the room, taking in all the different groups that were present. "Oh, I've done this more often than I'd like. I used to be an emissary to Coruscant for my old Enclave - it involved talking to a lot of politicians," she explained.

Valery's attention then shifted to the soldier who had followed after them. With a nod of her head, she showed her gratitude for the insight he offered. She hadn't quite made up her mind about who is a potential threat, or who can be trusted or not. But hearing varying perspectives always helped when trying to reach a conclusion.

Of course, these are only my gut feelings and best guesses but I wanted to be honest with you about what I felt in the hopes that you two would the same. I'll of course let you Jedi run the show. It is your order after all."

Valery smiled, "Thank you for your honesty, and I feel similar. But we always have to be careful that we don't draw conclusions too quickly. For now, let's find out more and if you can, keep your eyes open for troublemakers." she asked of the soldier. The other Jedi here, herself included, could certainly use the extra assistance.

"Hey, you there, trooper. What do you and your friends join us. You might be a little bit of life to the party. I'm sure you guys must have more interesting tales to tell than Miss Mors and Ched here..."

It was then that a woman's voice called out to them, and Valery turned to look for the source. She watched the soldier walk over and briefly, turned her eyes to Kahlil, "Might as well?" she shrugged and followed after Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen to greet the woman who asked for them to join.

As she approached, she'd remain quiet for a moment, allowing the soldier to finish his own story. But once there was a moment of silence, she'd offer Hayde a kind smile.

"Master Valery Noble." she said, hoping it would make it obvious that she was Jedi if the lightsaber hadn't already. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss..?"
In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Angel 3". Commander Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "Angel 4" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. SCAR 1 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 2 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 3 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Angel 4(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Angel 5(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Angel 6(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Angel 7(Turik Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Angel 8(Razorback Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 9(Voight Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Angel 10(Jurist Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Angel 11(Fi Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Angel 12(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Angel 13(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  7. Angel 14(Alcalde Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Angel 15(Kers Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Angel 16(Kyber Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Angel 17(Jok Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Angel 18(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Angel 19(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Angel 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Angel 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Angel 23(Hail Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  5. Angel 24(Leigh Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  6. Angel 25(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  7. Angel 26(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Angel 27(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 28(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 29(Ruzek Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  4. Angel 30(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  5. Angel 31(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
  6. Angel 32(Pulvin Squadron)Cherub Transport
  7. Angel 33(Gundark Squadron)Cherub Transport
  8. Angel 34(Terantatek Squadron)Cherub Transport
  9. Angel 35(Ronto Squadron)Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below. Commander Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "Voodoo 4" and is primarily in charge of Jackal squadrons when not acting as CAG.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.
  1. SCAR 4 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 5 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 6 Jackal Class Starfighter
  4. SCAR 7 Jackal Class Starfighter
  5. SCAR 8 Jackal Class Starfighter
  6. SCAR 9 Jackal Class Starfighter
  7. SCAR 10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  8. SCAR 11 Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Voodoo 4(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 6(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 7(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 8(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 9(Alcalde Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  7. Voodoo 10(Gator Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Voodoo 11(Raguel Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter

  1. Voodoo 12(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 13(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 14(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 15(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 16(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Voodoo 17(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 18(Ferret Squadron)Cherub Transport
  3. Voodoo 19(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 20(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
ORDERS: engage pirates, secure sector
WINGMATES: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Lofdrrl Lofdrrl

The new ships jumping in was surprising, but they were still not as orgnanized as they could be, which gave the SJDF the advantage. As the pirate ships formed up, they were lacking something that they needed, initiative, as the starhammers and interceptors made their move on “The Divinity” they had failed to notice the Jackals that there moving in on them. The Angel interceptors were fast, but the Jackals were faster. The Starhammers were free to engage Angellus’ command ship now, but they too had to deal with fighters focused on keeping them from doing so as the Ashera class inteceptors were now their foil.

This allowed the other fighters to focus their weapons where they needed to be. The Admiral approaching was a help, but, they were more a courtesy now than anything. Even the fleet carrier that the pirates had somehow picked up was not going to be ignored by the bombers sent in by the “Silver City”. Speaking of which the two carriers on the outer reaches of the system were now moving into long-range gun range.

” Divert and deploy X-wings to help the Marines take out that cannon.”

Down on the planet, Colonel Telaksta had her Marines on the doorstep of the ion cannon engaging those pirates defending it. The fighting vehicles assisted, but the tanks and the gunships held back. The reason for this was that the mechanized division was firing from a distance onto the huge planetary defense weapon itself. They were getting assistance from the gunships as well, but he X-wings were nowhere to be seen as they were attacking the shield generator protecting it.


  • Carrier "Ethereal" moving into position to use long range guns as a precatiuon
  • Carrier "Silver City" moving into position to use long range guns as a precaution
  • "Divinity" is now engaging the pirate vessels. suffering a glancing hit from the ion cannon below
  • "Avalon" putting guns on ion cannon.
  • Marines are moving to directly engage ion cannon. Tanks lined up in a picket line
  • Stealth fighters engaging shuttles
  • Jackals and ArchAngel fighters defending Divinity.
  • Ashera class fighters engaging fighters
  • Bombers engaging pirate carrier.
  • 2 squadrons of NC-1000 X-wings covering Avalon now engaging ion cannon and pirate shuttles
  • Other 2 squadrons engaging pirate cruisers.

He simply stood there, staring down at the motionless sentries. Are they just automatons, not truly living or dead? Or does some faint relic of life still persist in them? Can it be revived? The bulky man turned his gaze back to the main battlefield, just in time to see Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor fry many of the infected near him. Yet he appeared to be holding one of the infected in some sort of telekinetic grip. Why? Travot frowned, closed his eyes, and reached out through the Force to the infected to find...that the infected human had conscious thoughts and appeared to be Force sensitive. He blinked in surprise. Just what are they doing here? They're not trying to simply make mindless, monstrous's more than that. Brainwashing? He had heard tales of death troopers in the Outer Rim, grim corpses kept alive by arcane chemical concoctions, sealed armor suits, and mental reprogramming.

Had they stumbled on such very attempts here?
The sentries he just took down seemed to be evidence of just that, even if it were in elementary stages. He cast his eyes back on the sentries. Can they be saved? Neither moved. Well, I should have to immobilize them if that's the case right? He realized that there were no protocols for this possibility. As he pondered just what to do, a squad of expeditionary infantry moved onto his position, with several of the riflemen training their weapons on the collapsed sentries.

"Don't shoot them just yet," said the jedi, "they might be alive, they might be treatable. They haven't moved since I took them down."

The antiope synthetic soldier sergeant, a cool-looking brunette with pale skin, eyed him separately, "We cannot them hurt others."

"If they are a threat, then when we must destroy them," admitted the man, "but until then, we wait. I need two of you here to stand guard over them, make sure they don't become a threat. Inform the medical teams coming behind us what they are. The rest of you, come with me. We're going in."

The fake jedi squad leader silently nodded to two of the riflemen, who promptly took positions on the side of the bunker with both long blasters trained on the sentries. They're really not going to give them much of a chance, are they? Not that I can really blame then, can I? He sighed and approached the entrance. The blast doors were locked, and Travot doubted he'd be able to guess the password inside any time soon. Travot drew his saber, activated its sapphire blue blade, and promptly drove the blade directly into the door itself. A few minutes of work later produced a gaping hole into the facility. He motioned for the riflemen to go in first-better to send the unliving to face the unliving first than risk himself getting infected. He squeezed through the breached door just after the sergeant, who promptly drew her vibroblade. This is where things get dicey, isn't it?
Hayde watched as Set Petopethel heartily grasped Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen 's arm and gratefully accepted the the drink. While clearly intrigued by the trooper's stories, he too as a man of action would offer some of his own anecdotes as a Mandalorian mercenary in his younger years, and if prompted, would gladly tell his favorite interpretations of the Dha Werda Verda, which he thought the clone trooper might remember from his days on Kamino. Hayde briefly turned her gaze to the others. The appearance of Valery Noble Valery Noble and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , as jedi of the Silver Jedi Order, naturally attracted much attention to their table. Already, she could see Ashkut Kre'ia, the bothan representative from Northlan, slinking over to join them, as well as the most prominent delegate from Zila: Ellorrs, a prominent Duros caf merchant who had invested millions of credits in the local property market - notably beach side resorts. She had a hard time believing that the mild-mannered billionaire had anything sinister in mind. But her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the jedi master.

Master Valery Noble. t's a pleasure to meet you, Miss..?"

She offered a carefully practiced smile, "Oh, I am Miss Mors, last minute addition from the Concord Trade Delegation Authority, or as we like to say, the CTDA! I deal mostly with explaining trade practices among our member states and resolving internal disagreements. Thankfully, I haven't had many inquiries yet. It is a pleasure to meet you, of course!"

She gestured to the other approaching delegates, "It looks like the two of you have drawn in the crowd."

The woman squeezed into the booth a little more, making space for Ellorrs and Ashkut, both of who briefly introduced themselves to those present. Ashkut's fur rippled as he stared down the two Jedi.

"We should get down to business, shouldn't we?"

No small talk, huh? She noted that Petopethel seemed less than pleased with the interruption from the bothan into his conversation with the clone trooper. Ellorrs seemed remarkably placid on the outside, but she got an inkling that he was nervous about something, though she was not quite sure what he was nervous about. The bothan continued unphased by the reactions of the other delegates.

"Some things can't be brought up publicly now, can they? But I am sure we can all have a frank discussion here to resolve our differences. All of you know that our city has had some reservations about this latest turn of events. I'd almost certain that our businesses would operate more efficiently without any oversight from the Concord, no offense Miss Mors."

"None taken."

"But it seems pointless to persist in such a line of thought when my fellow members here seem set on our current course. So I want to know what the Concord can do to make up for this added bureaucracy? What can you all offer me to sweaten the deal to take back to my constituents. Trade deals? New opportunities for employment for federal installations. Anything? Any of you? We saw the worlds burned by the Bryn. What can you do for us?"

She made a mental note that Ellorrss seemed to be slouching somewhat more than he should have, as if he were about to melt and slide onto the floor...
Tomoe shuffled past bent knees, making her way in on a row of four seats. There were two empty ones, one now that she was here. The window seat was occupied, by a man who somehow had managed to fall asleep already at this stage. Tomoe got the seat between him and a middle-aged woman talking to her son on a Droid, a small communication device.

Tomoe ignored them both as best as she could. She did what she always did when a situation was out of her hand and the only thing to do was wait for time to pass. She drifted inwards, mentally running through various drills or challenges that had been put before her at the academy or by her master. Puzzles for her to unravel, as well as ponder the meaning of the Force and the limits of her powers.

She barely noticed as the light down the aisle of their row dimmed, the light ding that indicated that all passengers ought to remain in their seat, nor the drum of the engine as the transport readied for liftoff.

Another series of moments passed as the vessel took into the air, rose into the skyline above Ariana, and drifted towards the atmosphere of Garos IV. The ship had stabilized some but it was still advised for all passengers to remain seated. Even so, Tomoe unbuckled her seat belt and rose, excusing herself with the look in her eyes and an innocent shrug of the shoulders as she shuffled back into the aisle, making her way forwards. Towards the bathroom, probably. Then again, perhaps not.

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Omen would listen and answer questions more than talk to Set but he soaked in the interpretations of the Dha Werda Verda like a sponge and giving his own opinions if he felt that they were justified. He even listed off some of his own favorite Mandolarian poems and songs that he had researched during the time the Clone was figuring out his heritage. Sometimes where he came from just looked like a tangled ball of yarn that a Nexu had thrown all over a house, unwinding constantly and very hard to trace. But slowly, inch by inch he really was turning into a Mandalorian. Or at least, that's what his head and heart thought anyway.

Footsteps approaching made the Trooper pause and pivot his head to the incoming VIP's. So these were Northlan's and Zila's mayors... They looked... Well, it was hard not to see them both as enemies. Ellorrs looked especially scummy and the way Ashkut's fur puffed out when he looked as the Bothan glanced at the Jedi... Yeah, these men were just asking for a bolt between the eyes. Omen could tell right now this conversation was going to be a fun as trying to move a stone up a cliff. He would rather speak to the Alor all day on his music selection though it was very hard not to laugh at the Mayors asks. No oversight?! Was he insane? No way that was going to happen but hey, two could play at the negotiating game.

"Gentleman, we can talk about lowering the government oversight till we are blue in the face. We can talk about trade deals and employment too. But right now, there is an underlying issue that you haven't brought up. Your planet is infested with Outlaws and even... the undead! It is kinda hard to focus on anything else when that is going on under your watch. As I understand it, both issues are in just your and Mayor Ashkut's cities? Hmm... Imagine that..."

The Clone stared both problem mayors right in the eye as he made his points thoughtfully and with precision. This deal needed to be closed but the SJC would not be footing the bill. Not if he could help it at least and his serious aura in the force showed it.

"Mayor Ellorr, you made your money in property, so you should know that you never buy marshland. You can't use it, build on it and when you figure out your mistake, you can't sell it to make a profit either. All I see right now on this planet is a whole lot of marshland. Before any we do any trades deals or take away any business regulations, we need to change that. As of right now, we have ships in orbit taking on any perceived threats that are found to be outlaw vessels. Planetside we are helping your local doctors try to find a permanent cure for the Blackwing virus and taking on the outlaws in their little hidey-hole of a base. That's what we are doing for you. We are helping you and your citizens off the floor with these two actions before we help you walk via trade deals, training your planetary security forces and adding jobs. You maybe even can learn to run with fewer regulations but Garos needs to show it can be an able member of our government before that happens. On the other hand, you could just let the Imps absorb you into their slice of the galaxy. Look at Ord Radama for instance. An Imp border world, it was a peaceful place before the Imperial Government saw fit to install a Moff there. Now they have a permanent blockade ringed around the planet for the citizen's safety with all spaceports shutdown, every government asset needing to be scrutinized, and probably every trade shipment stalled for an hour atleast so it can be checked for the usual kind of stuff. I also would be surprised if they even wanted to hang you from the rafters of your summer homes."

The Clone got out his datapad from his belt and did some swiping before setting it on the table. On the screen was a human male in his thirties doing just that, his lifeless body hanging from the ceiling of his apartment.

"This is Aldric Brand or was... He was hanged on Galidraan during the recent Imperial reconquest and according to his sister Samatha, Aldric was tortured till he confessed to an Imperial-backed local mob that he was a Sith sympathizer which he wasn't. He was just another citizen who was forced to stay behind when his people fled into space to avoid being under Sith rule. More like him died that day as well, a lot more... Omen took a breath before continuing, wishing that it was Samatha telling the story and not him. Only she could really do it justice. "Samatha hid in a closet where she watched it all unfold. Afterward she was smuggled off-world where we met and she shared her story with me. What makes me concerned is that there are rumors that there is a Sith in your population's mist and I only can wonder what the Imps will do to try to find them including deposing of leaders who aren't up to the task of finding the dark one. I'll leave it up to your imaginations what will happen."

The Clone took the datapad back and put the datapad away before turning back to focusing on the two mayors with his cold dark eyes. If the mayors weren't shaking in their boots by now he would be surprised. The trooper had come down hard on them but it was necessary. He was trying to put as much positive light on the SJC as a whole as possible. These were beings and a being could choose whatever suited the presenter if they worded it correctly. Now it was time to close the deal.

"Now you see what your options are Mayors. All I can say now is you can't walk the tight rope of neutrality forever. Sooner or later, something bigger will come along and stare you in the face. Would you rather have a bigger beast carry you the distance or crush you under its weight before you even get started? It is your choice now and I think you should make your minds up soon before Mayor Ellorrs melts like a popsicle."

All Omen had to do now was sit back while the Mayors came to the eventual conclusion that the Silver Concord was the way to go. He only hoped the Jedi didn't scold him afterward for being too forceful and demonizing their Imperial "allies". No, that was not going to be a pleasant conversation but the Jedi needed to realize they couldn't possibly win over powerful people was by just shouting out "We are the good guys!". No, they needed to show people the facts on what was only possible under the Silver banner. Only then would they start to get traction with the leaders of non-aligned worlds that being with the Jedi was better than building a base for the Imps or the Sith. Only then would this Galaxy get a little bit better, one world at a time.

Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Caelia Lamora Caelia Lamora
Last edited:


Yeah, he still hated them. Kahlil stood in silence, just listening to people talk about.. Whatever they were talking about. To say he was actually paying attention would be a lie. No, something else had his attention. Something was off about this Mayor. His brow furrowed as he stepped beside the figure. Why was it he was slouching so much? His gaze shifted to Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen . Following the Jedi's lead, huh? Threats weren't the Jedi way.

"Sir, you alright? You look like you're about to faint."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Hayde Torve Hayde Torve
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.



Location: Garros

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in the landing bay, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music", "Aricsias" Wookiee Clan (pops in and out of posts)
Tag: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna

~Can you lead the way? Help me find the others like you?~

Letting the undead go was against Caltin's better judgment, but something had to be done about this. Momentarily "Bucket" stood there, reached out towards him, and then turned to walk ever so slowly back inside. Seeing Travot, Caltin just waved for the Knight to follow. Back into the compound they went, more of the undead were still coming out, but they seemed to turn around too. What was going on here?

~"Be prepared for the worst."~


Be prepared for the worse

Travot nodded in understanding at Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . The truth is stranger than fiction, isn't it? But the jedi was beginning to wonder if fiction had inspired the turn of events here. The base itself seemed to retain all of the traditional Imperial architecture motiffs - impersonal slate gray walls that all looked alike and security features seemingly everywhere - though he did notice that many of the holo-cams were busted. Perhaps more interesting to the susevfian, the floors seemed immaculate and the air smelled of stringent cleaners. Whoever was using the base was clearly keeping it maintained - something he guessed was a challenge given the Blackwing-infected peoples shambling about in the corridors.

A blast door suddenly whisked open to their side, revealing a quartet of muscular Neks wearing spiked collars. Confusion briefly colored the man's mind as he couldn't feel their presence in the Force. Then it hit him suddenly. Oh, they're infected too...As if to underscore that point, the guard creatures let out growls and barks before charging the group. The first was almost instantly cut down by the synthetic soldiers accompanying them. Travot used his free hand as a focus to telekinetically grasp hold of one of the creatures, lift it up, and then toss it back into the chamber.

Travot muttered, "I'm beginning to feel that someone doesn't want us to go very much further...but why let us in this far yet? Do you think we're wandering into a trap?"
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.



Location: Garos IV

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in the landing bay, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music", "Aricsias" Wookiee Clan (pops in and out of posts)
Tag: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen / All

I've learned a long time ago to "Hope for the best, and plan for the worst." So, "yes", I do indeed believe that we are walking headfirst into a trap. \\

It was a fatalist point of view, to be sure, but they were walking into a potential Rancorr's pit and while there was a stray notion of hope, it was ever so slight. Once the blast doors were open and the Neks were settled, Caltin looked around to see a huge laboratory type of room. Filled with cryo-tubes and exam beds the bodies were strewn everywhere. There also was one, sitting in a chair, looking into a microscope almost completely ignoring them.

"You shouldn't be here." He belched. "My people should have encompassed you."


Shrouded in the Darkness

Planet: Garos IV
Location: Ariana, grand hotel
Objective 1: The Heart of a Cause
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Caelia Lamora Caelia Lamora

Valery offered Hayde Torve Hayde Torve a kind smile in response but before they had a chance to get into any kind of conversation, the Mayors approached them. She looked them up and down and through the Force, she studied them as well. Something was incredibly off. So much so, that it was as if she found herself in a daydream.

She hadn't paid much attention to the exchange of words but took note of Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen 's stance in the discussion. It caused an eyebrow to raise, but it seemed effective enough for now, even if it wasn't exactly the methodology she would have chosen herself.

"Kahlil.. something is wrong." she pinched the bridge of her nose and looked at him. She felt a disturbance and it was quite overwhelming, as shown through the headache that seemed to hit her all of a sudden.

Kahlil, the Sergeant - they had noticed it too. Something was incredibly off about this whole situation.

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