Success or Death.

- Intent: To create a cool Personal Shield Generator as a reward for TSE members who participated in the Rebellion of Jaminere thread, irrespective of outcome.
- Image Source: Image by Kieran Yanner for the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game. Formerly used on Wookieepedia's entry on personal energy shields (since replaced). Found via Google Images.
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source:
Shield with similar features: - Wookieepedia: Personal energy shield
- Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers.
- Model: SI-PES D-Mod.
- Affiliation: The Sith Empire.
- Modularity: No.
Production: Limited (TSE-members who participated in the Rebirth rebellion thread on Jaminere, list at the end of the sub.)
- Material: Duraplast, durasteel, personal shield components.
- Resistance: The shield, when activated, erects a personal bubble that is highly resistant to conventional projectile damage. It is capable of blocking most blasters, slugthrowers, ion blasters, and even take the edge off an explosion. However, the bubble only lasts as long as the batteries do.
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Very High
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Very Low
- Other:
- Electricity (including Force Lightning): Very High
- EMP: None
- Ion: Average (shield up) None (shield down)
- Sonic: Very Low
[*]Batteries: The shield is battery run, and while the batteries can replenish themselves, this takes time. Every hit that lands on the shield drains the battery, and if the battery power is entirely expended, the shield falls.
[*]Drain Effect: In order to make the shield more effective, it has been constructed with a drain effect that saps some of the energy from plasma weapons, such as blasters, back into the battery. This gives the shield more longevity or a quicker recharge, however, it cannot sustain itself in perpetuum and will inevitably falter.
[*]Blowback: One of the shield's most ingenious features is the 'blowback' effect. This optional setting prevents gathered plasma energy from returning to the battery (negating the Drain Effect) and instead lets it build up around it. When the shield falls or is deactivated, all the collected energy is dispatched in an outward blast without harming the wearer. This effect of the blast is directly linked to the amount of energy that has been absorbed and can equal a minor explosive device. However, when the blowback effect is in use, the batteries recharge significantly slower than normal.
[*]Compact: A neat and compact design makes the shield generator un-cumbersome and easy to use. It is all about practicality.
- Shield: Provides high resistance against conventional ballistic weaponry such as blasters, slugthrowers, ion weapons and some explosives (grenades).
- Drain: The batteries leech energy from blasters and electric/shock weapons (including Force Lightning), leading to a more resilient and lasting shield or a quicker recharge when facing this kind of weaponry.
- Blowback: By forgoing the drain effect, the shield can collect plasma energy and release it in a violent pulse to repel combatants at the cost of a slower recharge.
- Plasma: Only blasters and currents of electricity really trigger the drain. Solid projectiles and ion blasts are repelled, but do not recharge the battery nor contribute to the blowback effect.
- Finite: Even with its drain effect, the shield can only take so much. It is not resistant to EMP attacks, and it can only take so many hits. The shield will easily crumble under the pressure of heavier blasters like turrets, and while it may save your life, it will be shredded by a grenade. It is not impenetrable.
- Less Than: The shield can only store so much energy and the blowback will never equal the sum total of firepower the shield receives.
- Lightsabers: The particular circumstance that is the lightsaber will near-instantly deplete the shield's batteries. A solid thrust may pierce through without any significant issue.
The Sith Empire is always eager to reward those who spring to its defence.
When rebels struck on Jaminere, in the Tion Cluster, all present branches sprung into action to defend the acquisition of the world and its peaceful inclusion into the Imperial fold. Irrespective of the outcome of said rebellion, these individuals would be rewarded for their heroism and loyalty.
Ideas were tossed back and forth within the Imperial Corps of Engineers until someone made a rather stale pun about shields. While this spot of workplace humour earned little mirth, it did put gears into motion. What started as a joke developed into a serious engineering project, and finally an item worth gifting.
The original idea was only supposed to have the drain effect. The blowback was originally a bit of a mishap which originally occurred when the engineers attempted to make the shield impervious to lightsabers. They did not make it impervious to sabres, not without potentially exploding the batteries or making the whole object too large to be effective on the battlefield. One Dr. Pryys Desonne lost an eye during the first accidental detonation, and she became fascinated with the effect. After much research, she and her assistant were able to replicate a controlled, but slightly weakened effect. Dr. Desonne tested it on herself and found it to be quite effective.
Pleased with the Engineers' project, the items were distributed to persons of note that went to the defence of Jaminere on the Sith-Imperial side.
[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Saarai"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Cassandra Paige"] [member="Itash Mecetti"] [member="Farah"]
[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Kor Vexen"] [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] [member="Leliana"] [member="Jantar Keltainen"] [member="Darth Filiae"]
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Sebastian Thel"] [member="Jacen Vadith"] [member="Xevek Rakama"] [member="Kaalia Pavanos"]
[member="Orion Darkstar"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"] [member="Tavia Elori"] [member="Llkt'tudrin'wyshd"] [member="Ikilwa Arregai"]
[member="Zahori Denko"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]