Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sick as a Baby


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani



"I'm not in your head. I can see your emotions, that's all. I'm just.. Good at putting words to them."

That was... better than mind reading. Probably. It was still weird. She wasn't quite sure how she could speak through emotions. Yes and no were simple to feel, but how did you ask about the weather or something? It was strange. Even more strange was the droid that appeared, which seemed to act in a bizarre manner. Rayne would reach out, interfacing with the tech, and she realized something pretty quickly.

"Not a droid," the vocoder stated, her thoughts being uttered out loud. "What are they?"



"Domxite. They.. Are a rock."

An exceedingly expensive rock that could buy a planet at that. Iris had no issue with telling as much to Rayne, but it wasn't her place to tell such a valuable secret. Yep, she did laugh a little at the pun in her head, which probably looked as weird as it sounded. She shook her head anyway, brushing off the random laugh as she instead lowered a hand for Domxite to walk down and plop gently on the floor beside Rayne.

There was another rush of emotion before the droid itself started to beep out in droidspeak on a delay.

<::Friend=sick. Better soon. Well wishes.::>

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


Coruscant, Underbelly
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani



<::Friend=sick. Better soon. Well wishes.::>

"Thanks... rock friend," she answered, giving a tilt of her head.

That wasn't too weird. There were all kinds of carbon based lifeforms out there, some much weirder than the way it was presented to her here. It was just something that had caught her off guard.

They were nice at least.

"Okay," Rayne finally relented. "I'll rest. So, uh, thanks for the stuff."

She didn't really know what else to say. It was sorta just the awkward situation of waiting for them to depart first, so she felt weird about saying 'goodbye' specifically in case they weren't going to rush out right away. Or talking simply was hurting her head at the moment. Who's to say.



Iris, now finished with putting the nutrition paste away, got up, nodded her head, and moved to the door. Domxite let out a warble of goodbye as they clambered up onto her shoulder and nudged the side of her head. Again she'd gotten distracted just making sure things were tidy. Iris glanced over her shoulder then, giving a brief dip of her head.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Don't try and work. It's not too contagious, but if there are other Twi'leks like you who weren't born on Ryloth and have never been come by they'll likely catch it too. So just stay inside and rest. .. Bye."

Then she left, shuffling out the door to wander back through the streets.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

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