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Approved NPC Siege Fleet War Hammer

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  • Intent: To make a mobile Siege Fleet
  • ​Image Credit: Click - Wookieepedia
  • Role: Siege Fleet
  • Links: N/A

[*]Total Length: 15000m
[*]Notable Characters:
  • Vice Admiral Qenliurius, Commander of the War Hammer [Female Sith Pureblood]
  • Captain Sarlul Midas, Commander of the Goliath [Male Iktotchi]
  • Captain Tos Rav, Commander of the Thyferra's Bane [Male Shistavanen]

[*]Ports of Call:
  • Bastion
  • Yaga Minor
  • Kol Huro
  • Dromund Kaas
  • Thule

  • Strengths:
    ​Siege Fleet: As the first Sith-Imperial Fleet to contain not one, but three, Defoliation-class Siege Battlecruisers, Siege Fleet War Hammer possesses a huge capacity for planetary destruction as was evident in the aftermath of the Burning of Thyferra. Each Siege Battlecruisers has two orbital autocannons that aid the vessel in this task, as well as a massive amount of turbolasers and missile silos.
  • Overwhelming Firepower: Not just delegated to orbital bombardment, the fleet's battlecruisers and support craft can tackle anything that comes within its weapon range with the same firepower capable of cracking a planet's surface.

  • ​Little Fighter Cover: Save for the inclusion of two Vyitka Escort Carriers, Siege Fleet War Hammer has no comprehensive starfighter coverage; instead relying on its vast array of weaponry to carry the day.
  • Slow: The entire fleet revolves around the trio of Defoliations, and are thus forced to stay in formation with the slow behemoths. This stifles any chance of chasing down swifter craft in order to keep defensive cohesion solid.


Debuting during the Burning of Thyferra, the war fleet of Rear Admiral Qenliurius was brought to bear against the beleaguered world shortly after the call for all Imperial forces to retreat had been given. Led by three of the Sith Empire's newest battlecruisers, the fleet laid siege to the planet with concentrated turbolaser fire that sent massive firestorms sweeping through the planet's atmosphere at an astonishing pace.

The main weapon of the three battlecruisers, their twin orbital autocannons, were used to bombard the cities of Xozhixi and Xucphra.

Entire buildings were atomized as gas lines burst as towering pillars of flame and fury, stone and metal vitrified or melted in unimaginable temperatures. Entire sprawls of buildings collapsed, the bodies of their former occupants reduced to ashen waste on the wind with whole blocks becoming engulfed by mushroom clouds of annihilation.

By all accounts it had become the worst atrocity committed by the Sith since the One Sith's brutal stranglehold over the Core Worlds. For her efforts in leading the final strike against the Galactic Alliance on Thyferra, Qenliurius was promoted to the title of Vice Admiral and was given permanent control over the newly christened Siege Fleet.

To commemorate the Sith's victory, one of the battlecruisers was renamed Thyferra's Bane.
Hey Kaine.

I don't see many issues with this. Just wondered if the notable NPCs will be doing anything major or if they are just background noise?

If it's the first, do you have any approved NPCs for them?


[member="Darth Carnifex"]
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