Syd floated over and hovered over the remains, examing them.
"I've seen certain microwave weapons do this during the Gulag Plague, but this is too recent...The Solar Praxeum is hundreds of years old...any bodies left from its prior inhabitants will be either petrified or long disintegrated..." she said to [member="Andorreth Vikar"] as she stared. "This corpse is more recent. Someone got here before us."
Syd floated to the hangar control office, landing and phasing through the barrier. She checked the old computers. Someone had jury rigged a more modern computer system to the ancient one, a portable laptop that was still logged in. Syd tapped a button and silvery, iris like doors creaked open in a reverse spiral.
(Zelda unlocking theme plays)
Syd perked up, looking around for a second, and could have sworn she heard some sort of catchy chime play. She quickly decided it had been what passed for her imagination, which was currently just odd musings about rubber ducks as she really hadn't built it up yet beyond her ability to guess at or improvise tactics, and now an imaginary catchy chime had a place there. She fancied it again for a moment.
(Zelda Unlocking Theme plays again)
"Hmmm..." she mumbled before checking the computer logs. When she saw what was on it she immediately unhooked it and phased out of the office.
"You all need to see this." she stated bluntly. "Apparently there were salvagers here a few days before the smuggler came across the Praxeum. But it seems there was something else. There's only visual feed..." Syd explained, playing the log and turning the laptop so everyone could see.
It showed an image of a young man in dark clothes, presumably the corpse they had found just now, fleeing the entrance that had just been opened by Syd, and watching as his comrades in another ship of Corellian make take off. He apparently started screaming in dispair, banging his fists on the ground...
And then...a glow...a bright orange glow from the entrance. Because the camera was at an angle that was looking at the office, where the man had died in front of, it was impossible to tell what was making the glow. The abandoned man started screaming in terror as it got closer, before the feed cut.
Syd didn't know what it meant. She looked at the ashes again.
"Whatever it was, it cooked him inside out at close proximity. Presumably it can't cook me because I'm not organic but until we know what killed him, you see anything strange like that it would be better to simply run." Syd advised before gesturing the others to follow her through the entrance. She knew where she was going, where every passage led.
She walked into the main hall, and despite its ruined state, it was breathtaking. Great archs led to various sealed doors and a grand podium that was trailed up by steps. The holoprojector in the middle depicted the fiery sun below them in a gentle glow, glowing softly in the center of a cracked and scorched floor, riddled with ancient dust and ashes and bones from various places, grand oval windows reinforced by alchemized circular transparisteel to withstand the incredible heat and fitted with inner lenses to let the light come in from all sides at a safe and even pleasing levels, though it was only golden light and orange trails from the sun to gaze upon. Statues of the Praxeum's founders and associates were lined in a circle on a grand podium, chipped and damaged from centuries of neglect.
Syd focused on one statue in particular. The statue of her creator, The Man in White. He was dressed as he had been in life, long, flowing sterile white robes and hood, face covered by an equally white mask, marked by a violet pentacle.
She had never learned his real name. She knew nothing about her creator save that in his heyday, many, many darksiders on the rim or the most plague ravaged worlds had been terrified of running into him and the Resistors, a fear which had grown after her creation. He operated like a vigilante and had the gadgets to go with it.
Syd pulled out her first lightsaber, the curved hilt, and jammed it into the statue's neck, ripping right through it and watching the stone head tumble from the shoulders and crashed into the floor. She floated back down and stared at the shattered head.
"That's for three hundred and fifty years trapped in a chunk of Nullification Resin the size of a human heart!" Syd exclaimed, the one exception to her diminished emotions being in regards to her imprisonment. An unjust one.
"I did my job! And I would have continued doing it happily if you had grown a pair and stood up to the council!" she said to the shattered head before floating away and back to her comrades.
"Sorry." She said, calming down. "It was personal. He created me."
[member="Thalo Molidias"]
[member="Kyoko Ike"]
[member="Griet van Vliet"]
[member="Reggie Faayare"]