Ashlan Remnant
Location: The Galactic Senate
Objective: Speak on behalf of the fallen crusade
Tags: Rulonom Laborr Desric Terassi Valette Puritis Yumia Annasari Sonya Provost Rens Ahim Stel Tinto Barrac Hivlar
Admiral's Sabre
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Sisters of Ashla
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Sisters of Ashla
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade
Watching the different senators striking blows at each other was fascinating, it was just as combatative in this room as Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix had described and the Rulonom Laborr seemed set on making himself the target of the ire of many of the others in the room. Several barbs were sent her way, but they were blunted, the most fierce criticism being aimed at the Imperials rather than her own people. But Annasari did suggest that the Ashlan Remnant be investigated before being allowed any sort of citizenship. "Vice chancellor, your views that incoming foreign nationals be treated cautiously and full investigation into any crimes carried out is understandable and I would be happy recognise that action. I would not be in this room if I believed my actions to this date cannot be morally or legally justified." If Isla didn't want her people treated like refugees and emergency asylum seekers, normally exempt from such scrutiny, she had to also except certain hurdles that the Alliance may put in her way.
"Admittedly I greet the idea of a genuine enclave with some hesitation, Grand Admiral. But I can at least support a smoother transition into the Alliance for our former Ashlan allies."
"Thank you Senator, Enclave is perhaps the wrong word, I am aware of a legal framework in place that allows small areas of space a degree of autonomy under fixed arrangements, but this is something I can submit to your government at a more appropriate time."
The term treason seemed to fly around a little in here and one senator, Barrac Hivlar of Jedha even compared the Skakoan to the trade federation of nine centuries past, Isla was a keen student of history and the horrors of the Jedi purges were required reading in Ashlan Schools, so to hear such accusations casually thrown about to score political points was quite something. She felt she had enough allies, or at least cooperative political associates in this room to achieve much of what she wished and was mostly confident that the Ashlans would be more easily accepted than the Imperials.
Whilst known for their radical ideology and militant practices, these practices were most often aimed at the people who the Alliance would also call enemies. Certain individuals, such as the late Pietro Demici might be harder to stomach with his taste for putting Sith to the torch, but Isla had always been known as the moderate voice of the crusade and she had taken great lengths to ensure that her commands had resulted in as little collateral suffering as possible.