Intent: A personal lightsaber for Silara Vantai
Development Thread: If Necessary
Manufacturer: Silara Vantai
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Silara Vantai
Modularity: The Primary and Focusing Crystals are able to easily be modified and replaced.
Production: Unique (1)
Material: Durasteel Handle, Opila Crystal
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One-Handed
Length: 26 cm (Hilt) 145 cm (Blade)
Weight: 1 kg
Special Features: The lightsaber is equipped with a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse for underwater use and is equipped with an Opila Crystal for better cutting power. The crystal chamber is also easily accessible for modifications to the lightsaber crystal.
Description: The hilt is on the smaller side of the average lightsaber hilt length, giving it a more limited grip while also limiting the exposed portion of the hilt. The crystal gives off an icy blue hue with a teal core, and the use of an Opila crystal allowed a more powerful cutting power, allowing the blade to pass through and cut objects more easily in comparison to the average saber. It was also modified by Silara Vantai with a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse for underwater use to circumvent the weakness of all sabers to water that lack this modification. The crystal chamber itself is especially easily accessible, purposely engineered for the chance of requiring a replacement crystal or other need/want based decisions.