Image Source: media.techblogs.com
Intent: A personal lightsaber for Silara Vantai
Development Thread: If Needed
Crystal Obtained By: Iconiq (Silver Jedi Domination of Zygerria Thread)
Manufacturer: Silara Vantai
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Silara Vantai
Modularity: Standard Lightsaber Modularity
Production: Unique (1)
Material: Durasteel Handle, Lignan Crystal
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One-Handed
Length: 10 cm (Hilt) 130 cm (Blade)
Weight: 1 kg
Special Features: The use of a Lignan Crystal caused the blade to cut through materials much faster than Silara's Opila Crystal saber. The Lignan Crystal also restricts the use of the saber to one with the dark side of the force as well, making it a hindrance to Jedi or other light-siders. The durasteel also allows for a better resistance to blaster fire and other miscellaneous blows to the hilt. A bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse was also installed based upon Silara's original saber, to prevent a forseen weakness with water.
Description: Bearing a pinkish-purple blade with a white core, casting off a strangely red glow, this saber was created by Silara for personal use as an assist for using her regular saber against more physically capable foes, using a Lignan crystal as both a symbolic anchor to the dark side, and as an added benefit to the cutting power of her saber. A bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse has also been added, as Silara had to her previous saber, to prevent a similar weakness to water. The crystal itself holds some sentimental value to the Sith, as she collected it while collecting information on the Silver Jedi while on Zygerria, and her ensuing escape with [member="Rave Merrill"].