Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Silas Westgard [WIP]



MusicLeave it Alone
Master Valery Noble Valery Noble
Class(es)Jedi Knight
Place of residenceNew Cov
The Prosperity
AgeYoung Adult
Personality TraitsDetermined
Education TraitsIntricate Webweaver
Lifestyle TraitsResiliant
Faction(s)New Jedi Order
Galactic Alliance
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Force SensitiveY
Force AlignmentUnknown
Character AlignmentLawful Good

  • Biography

    An unexpected journey
    Born on a humble farm on the planet of Azbrian, he was brought up by two respectable individuals who were strong in mind and soul, a far cry from what their ancestors used to be. His Father Septim was a retired soldier of the Alliance, who had moved with his wife Annie to the planet once he received the news of her having a baby. Upon his birth, they made sure to drill respect and manners into his very nature. They were always strict but fair and made sure to reward him when needed.

    From the age of four, he helped his father work the land of Azbrian, creating a small farm that helped them not rely on going far into the planet to buy their food. Through unexpected disasters and moments of victory, they created a home that any father and son would be proud of, their bond together was like no other but even then his father still hid the darkest of secrets away from him. That for Silas and the family was for the best.

    In terms of his upbringing, everything had been perfect. Yes, they were somewhat isolated, but it kept him away from the galaxy's troubles. There were countless atrocities Septim had seen in his time, something which he wanted to keep away from as much as possible. However, sooner or later trouble would arrive one way or another in the form of greedy men who did anything to fill their pockets. That in itself was the shift that began the road Silas was on today.

    On that day, everything changed. It wasn't better or for worse, as it opened up a path that he never expected to be on. The young Azbrian now had a new purpose to protect others in the galaxy in the form of the Jedi who soon adopted him upon hearing of his force sensitivity. They looked over him and continued to make him into a man his parents would be proud of.

    However, would the dark past of his family catch up with him and change him like the others? only time will tell as he figures out what will truly be his end.

  • Belongings

    (Work in progress)​

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    Strengths and weaknesses
    +Mentally strong - Silas can keep himself collected, even in the most stressful situations. Although, like everyone else, he does have his limits.
    +Nimble - For his age, he is quite fast and nimble. This gives him a better chance of getting out of situations if need be.
    +Fast Learner - Silas can pick up new things easier than most people and strives to be the best he can be with it
    +Survival - Throughout his life, he did anything to survive. With that in mind, he has experience in getting through the most desperate of times.

    -Inexperience with the force - When it comes to being a Jedi, he has only just started the long and winding road. With little knowledge of his power, it introduces a range of disadvantages.
    -Inner demons - Even though he is mentally sound, past events have created a different side to him that can make the boy go too far in certain situations
    -Ancient sith bloodline - Unknown to Silas, his family had come from a long forgotten line of ancient Sith. From whom is a mystery, but it would surely question his very ideals...

  • Relationships
    @Valery Noble "My mentor and a kind soul. She's pretty much a mother figure for me at this point..."
    Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble "A Master and man who is full of wisdom. Like Valery, I'd consider him a father figure who treats me like one of his own"
    Iris Arani Iris Arani "A padawan of Valery Noble and a bright person. I'm jealous of how well she paints"
    Vera Noble "The daughter of Valery and a girl who has a promising future ahead. "
    Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el "A nervous soul who I consider a friend. I'd trust him with my life..."
    Cailen Corso Cailen Corso "Fellow Padawan of Valery and a kid who has a kind spirit. He reminds me of a little brother I never had"
    Kara Jade Kara Jade "An older padawan who saved my life on Illum, in many ways than one I owe her one"
    Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri "Immature Idiot"
    Corin Trenor Corin Trenor "Rebel at heart, still haven't got to know him well"
    Starlin Rand Starlin Rand "Knight of the order and a wise teacher"
    Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor "The Big Guy"
    Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el "A great friend, we'd battle to the end together if it came to it"
    Thelma Goth Thelma Goth "My former girlfriend who went on her own path. I hope she finds happiness at the end of it"
    BB-610 BB-610 "The small robot companion of Valery. From what I've heard, he's brave to the core and loyal to the Noble's who treat him like one of their own
    Colette Colette "A padawan who has yet to fully understand what it takes to become a Jedi"
    Aris Noble Aris Noble "Long lost son of the Nobles. Seems like a good kid with as much potential as the rest of the kids"
    Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania "Posh girl who has a new lease of life after the nightmare marriage. She has a heart of gold and is a true role model to the Jedi"
    Braze Braze "Sneaky kid who likes to cause some trouble when he's in the mood. Yet, I see great potential from the time I've spent with him"

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    The Road To Tython
    Upon the completion of his initiate training, Silas is sent to Ilum to begin the path of being a padawan. Sooner than he thought, the boy would meet a soon to be friend Master Valery Noble Valery Noble who helped him wake up from a nightmare. They'd stay close to each other from that point, with Master Valery offering to be his primary trainer for now. However, as time went on he'd soon find another person who seemed to fit him perfectly. Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was the husband of Valery, a man who seemed to take him under his wing from the moment they met. The pair, along with a fellow padawan Iris Arani Iris Arani helped him along on his journey. Although, there were storm clouds up ahead that would disrupt the very way he thought of everything
    Where is my mind? | Paint Strokes | The Road To Tython | Teacher For A Day | The Day of Revenge | Annihilation Of Tython

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