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Approved Tech Silens' Armor

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Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Intent: To give specifics and solid stats to Silens' armor. I have been using it but I figured I'd get it on record.
Development Thread: n/a
Hero Unit: ...No?
Manufacturer: Silens' unique design through Blackcraft R&D.
Model: n/a
Affiliation: Silens Telum
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel majority, phrik bracers, lined with photoreactive cells, body glove designed to insulate against electrical currents as well as heat/cold.
Description: Bulky black durasteel coated with photoreactive cells to give some semblance of stealth at long distances, with an additional network of insulated micromotors to aid in movement. In reality the cells do little to diminish the unstealthy bulk of the armor at close quarters. It's dependent on the link between the wearer's cybernetics and armor software to allow it to move. It creates an impossible situation when dealing with loose surfaces for walking, such as sand, or frozen bodies of water, and makes stealth in close quarters near impossible. In addition, it is vulnerable to electricity in high voltage, causing the breakers to trip and visor software reboot to occur, forcing him to either run blind for a moment or remove the visor.
The primary benefits that make up for this are the obvious defensive ends as light blaster fire is less likely to land any kind of fatal blow. The bracers also provide defensive measures against lightsaber wielders and the body glove and circuit breakers prevent any kind of irreparable damage from electrocution. The air tanks are useful in the vacuum of space, and refill whenever a suitable atmosphere is available in order to prevent the need of replacing canisters. It is also designed to accept connections from hacking tools and droids, as well as being able to carry different weapons.
Classification: Multipurpose, heavy emphasis on blaster resistance.
Weight: 814.3kg
Quality: Class-8
Other Feature(s): HUD display in helmet, filtration system, backup air tanks, circuit breaker system, hacking/virus security systems, micro-motor system, neural cybernetic/armor link, interior electric/heat/cold insulation

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Okay right now you're doing too many things and there are a few things that as written don't make sense.

"Bulky black durasteel coated with photoreactive cells to give some semblance of stealth at long distances. In reality the cells do little to diminish the bulk of the armor and it's dependent on the wearer's cybernetic strength even to get it to move."

In reality the cells do little to diminish the bulk or the... wait why would photo-reactive cells have anything to do with movement? Why is it impossible to move on loose surfaces? Also Ice isn't a loose surface... its solid, and if you've ever walked on ice on a road being heavy is good because you can break it to gain traction. You don't explain why clear enough in relation to alot of these statements. Also I'm disinclined to let Phrik have any reactive-camouflage element to it. It's already an uber metal without going all chameleon.

Also 814kg is 1791 lbs (if I did the math correctly) this is utterly absurd. You would need super strength to move around in this thing and it isn't adequately explained how you're getting that strength. Saying "cybernetic strength" isn't enough as most cyborgs aren't strong enough to deal with this.

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Oh, yeah, I need to clean up the language there, since those are two separate ideas. The phrik is only on his wrist bracers so it's not an entire armor of it that can camo. The weight I can tweak since I did it based on actual steel weight at 2" thick and roughly needing 22 square feet of it. I can add motors to it to aid in movement, though.

As for the ice part, that was more to the idea of a frozen body of water and falling through. I'll tweak it a bit, though.

And tweaked.
It looks good. I'd like to get some clarification on the modularity section and what that entails for the suit. As well, I'm still not sure what the photoreactive cells are supposed to be for.

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Sorry, back in town today so I'll clarify while I have a computer. The ability to carry different weapons means it has a 'universal' holster designed to use magnets to hold weapons in place rather than slings or the like. The hacking part means the armor can process information from hacking tools and such rather than needing a separate computer. As for the photoreceptive cells, it's just a system that acts like a chameleon when activated. It's mostly for long distances to help him not get sniped and things like that. However someone's going to notice a mass of armor that big moving around near them if they're in a tight hallway regardless of how well you're blending in.
What you have in the modularity section would be better served in the description. Modularity describes the aspect of removing some functioning piece of the tech and replacing it with a different piece. Like saying a blaster rifle could have a grenade launcher under-attachment or a shotgun under-attachment. Fix that detail and this looks good to me.
I would like to ask how the armour can be 814kg. That's the equivalent of a small car. Even if we assume that the armour is powered (as it'd have to be), it'd be a little impractical as far as falling through the floor! :p

Looking at other man sized armour on the board this seems extremely heavy. With Silens and his equipment this is about a ton, which is just...weird.

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
I mean, I can make it lighter if you really want. I just went, as I said, based on the weight of steel. I don't know if durasteel is significantly lighter than normal steel, so if there's a conversion chart somewhere that I missed...?
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