Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silens Telum

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Additional Images:
Full Armor
NAME: Silens Telum
RANK: n/a
SPECIES: Zabrak/Cyborg
AGE: 34
HEIGHT: 6'8"
WEIGHT: 230 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: n/a
SKIN: Light brown/tan
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not to my knowledge.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Heavily armored and shielded. Makes him very difficult to simply 'pick off'. He's also able to haul his bulk around with unnatural ease given that he's mostly cybernetic. His arms and legs are entirely prosthetic with reinforcing to the rest of his body. As a result he has a great deal of physical strength and speed. He's also very adept with firearms and explosives, as well as 'exotic arms'. The mental augments have given him reflexes well enough to use a lightsaber, as well as training from Sith to become proficient.
Weaknesses: He's a very angry individual and prone to rash decisions as a result, often relying on brute force to carry him through it. In addition to that, he's not very tech savvy, relying on hacking tools or armor-integrated equipment to get him through problems such as these. He's not very good at talking his way out of things either, as he's not a very good diplomat. Also, he's very heavy in his armor. Him and delicate surfaces aren't compatible when it comes to walking.


Born on Iridonia to pirates, he never had a 'typical' life. He grew up around raids and violence and came to expect it as the norm. He carried that on into his own life after he 'left the nest' and became a mercenary. His adeptness towards violence earned him a steady income through which he acquired his ship, advanced armor, and replacement parts for those that were damaged in his line of work. Ultimately, through numerous years of conflict, he would come to be mostly cybernetic, though it suited him just fine. It gave him the ability to fight more effectively.

He found, with the vast spread of Force users, that he had to make sure to have some kind of equal ground with them, and as such adopted cybernetics that would aid him in the use of their main weapon, the lightsaber. In addition he sought out like-minded Sith to help teach him various forms and become more proficient with them. At this point in time he's aiming to become more well-known across the galaxy and earn bigger paychecks. After all, there's never an end to war.





Akaan'ade Be'Solus

I think he's alluding to Project Freelancer, a faction of *cough* Spartans *Cough* cyborgs.

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