I have few ideas for development these days, and those I have are a bit quirky, but I had one today and wanted just to write it down and get it out there, so bear with me.DIVIDED WE FALL
I know we have Dominions and Invasions and/or Skirmishes against external forces, but with so many different and contrasting characters within the Sanctum, especially after the merger...what goes down on their own turf?
Basically it's a story inspired by the upcoming 'Captain America: Civil War' movie and existing comic.
It could be one thread, or a number of growing threads that form foundations etc, not sure, but it revolved around two Masters in the Sanctum who have opposing ideas/views/agendas and come to blows, and there is a divide between said Masters who have allies backing them up.
I know it's crazy and probably deemed not appropriate if relations are tested and damaged but I thought something like this may happen in an environment as testing and dangerous as the Sanctums. Obviously it's nothing I see to "break up" the Order at all, far from it. I just saw it as something...different for those interested maybe to work on and out of the ordinary?
I'll be happy to be one of those Masters to take the brunt, the Captain America sort.
Thoughts, ideas? Write 'em down! Shout me downif you must, but do it gently please.