Orihime Ike
Forceborn Daughter
Mission Name: Land of the Lost
Mission Location: Unknown World (Chiloon Rift)
Mission Difficulty: Extremely Hard
Mission Objective: Deep within the Rift there is a place the jedi thought Mortis had gone to. However what they discovered was far more sinister and dangerous in the wrong hands. Using ancient records find the Lost Monolith
Mission Name: Big in Japan
Mission Location: Japan
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Mission Objective: A robotics company has been working to create a new model droid but their components are being raided in transport. Investigate and find the source.
Mission Name: Maintaining Focus
Mission Location: Various
Mission Difficulty: Hard
Mission Objective: Long ago the ancient sith constructed focusing chambers on dozens of worlds. Locate and mark them so teams can be sent in to dismantle the darkside devices
Mission Name: Crippling Blow
Mission Location: Mugg Fallow
Mission Difficulty: Medium
Mission Objective: A constant threat to the safety of the galaxy is what is within Mugg Fallow. Dangerous and not something that can really be fought but ensuring the ghost ships in orbit and in system cannot be repaired is a very important thing.
Mission Name: Manual Labor
Mission Location: Unknown
Mission Difficulty: Extremely Hard
Mission Objective: The ancient and grand Library of Manuals has long been searched for. With its rumors of ancient knowledge that continues to collect it is one of the places that could have complete records from tens of thousands of years and more systems then many could learn about in a lifetime. Search for clues to its location
Mission Location: Unknown World (Chiloon Rift)
Mission Difficulty: Extremely Hard
Mission Objective: Deep within the Rift there is a place the jedi thought Mortis had gone to. However what they discovered was far more sinister and dangerous in the wrong hands. Using ancient records find the Lost Monolith
Mission Name: Big in Japan
Mission Location: Japan
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Mission Objective: A robotics company has been working to create a new model droid but their components are being raided in transport. Investigate and find the source.
Mission Name: Maintaining Focus
Mission Location: Various
Mission Difficulty: Hard
Mission Objective: Long ago the ancient sith constructed focusing chambers on dozens of worlds. Locate and mark them so teams can be sent in to dismantle the darkside devices
Mission Name: Crippling Blow
Mission Location: Mugg Fallow
Mission Difficulty: Medium
Mission Objective: A constant threat to the safety of the galaxy is what is within Mugg Fallow. Dangerous and not something that can really be fought but ensuring the ghost ships in orbit and in system cannot be repaired is a very important thing.
Mission Name: Manual Labor
Mission Location: Unknown
Mission Difficulty: Extremely Hard
Mission Objective: The ancient and grand Library of Manuals has long been searched for. With its rumors of ancient knowledge that continues to collect it is one of the places that could have complete records from tens of thousands of years and more systems then many could learn about in a lifetime. Search for clues to its location