Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Simon Geo

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  • Intent: To have someone who can pilot a ship so that Reggie doesn’t have to keep asking others for rides. Is also someone that Reggie can rely on and become friends with.
  • ​Image Credit: This is official artwork from Soul Calibur 6 but here is the source I got it from: here
  • Role: Pilot and partner.
  • Links: New friends, new opportunities
  • Age: 25
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force user
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Simon is an average sized Caucasian man with black hair and blue eyes. One unique feature he has is the part of his hair that sticks out in front of his face. He purposely makes this his hairstyle, seeing it as cool and unique. He can usually be seen wearing a regular pair of pants, a T-shirt, and his signature jacket. When the job requires more protective gear, he wears light armor that allows him to move as freely as possible, not liking anything that restricts his movement.
  • Name: Simon Geo
  • Loyalties: Reggie Faayare and is therefore loyal to The Order of The Silver Jedi.
  • Wealth: Not a wealthy man at all. Simon was always looking for work to get his next meal and kept whatever that was left over for later.
  • Notable Possessions:
    Two Blasters.
  • Combat knife.

  • Skills: Simon is a skilled pilot, taking whatever chance he had piloting a ship when he first got off Nar Shaadda. Simon is also a charismatic man, being able to persuade people to do things his way….and if that doesn’t work, then he resorts to improvising. His skill with a blaster and knife are decent enough to get him through a fight, but he is no expert with said weapons.

  • Personality: Simon is a friendly and charismatic man. He fights for the people he cares for, usually putting the lives of the few friends he has before his own. He’s confident in himself and doesn’t rely on others much. Simon doesn’t like to feel shackled and refuses to give up his freedom willingly. Overall, Simon is a man who follows whatever path that interests him, and doesn't mind change as long as his freedom is intact.
  • Weapon of Choice: Blaster pistols are his weapon of choice. He’ll usually be seen dual wielding two blasters in combat. He also has a knife that he uses for close quarters combat.

  • Combat Function: Simon is a man who thinks on his feet and is confident in his skills as a fighter. He’ll usually keep a decent distance from his opponents and use his blasters to take them down. This doesn’t mean that he won’t take on his opponents in close quarters combat. After being in a variety of situations, Simon has picked up a thing or two on how to defend himself with his own fists and a blade. While his combat skills are decent enough to get him through a fight, his best asset is his adaptability. Simon will use whatever is available to him and use the environment to his disposal. He may not be the best fighter in the galaxy, but he is great at using what he must save himself and those he’s working with.
  • Simon isn't the strongest guy around and can easily be overwhelmed when someone with more strength and combat experience get the drop on him. His confidence will also falter if he feels trapped in a situation that he can't get out off, decreasing his effectiveness in battle. Once he feels like he's lost control of the situation, fear will begin to creep into his mind. The man won't give up, but the change in his demeanor will be easily recognizable.

Simon was born on Nar Shaadda where his family were in debt to a local crime lord. His family tried paying off that debt up to their death, turning it over to him. By this time, Simon was 16 years old and was to pay it off himself. Simon did what he could to pay off the debt and eventually found that he was good at piloting ships and persuading people to see things his way. He used these skills to become a smuggler. It wasn’t until he had turned 20 when he was finally able to pay off the debt fully, and he quickly left the moon soon after. Now that Simon had his freedom, he wouldn’t let it be taken from him again.

After leaving, he took his experience as a smuggler and put it to good use. Over the years he has been pit against dangerous situations and has gained more experience because of it. Simon’s life has been made up of obtaining money to feed himself, running away from those who try to take his life and freedom away, and getting a bit of a break every now and then. His life begins to change when he encounters the young Jedi, Reggie Faayare.
[member="Reggie Faayare"]

I like him! "To have someone who can pilot a ship so that Reggie doesn’t have to keep asking others for rides." This made me laugh haha.

Overall, very nice! Approved.
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