Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Simple Conversations


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
There was something to be said about routines. They were comforting in that one knew what would happen at nearly every given moment. In Kay's opinion it was far better than not knowing what to expect on any given day. That was just far too stressful. Such a tactic was used by those on the run. But Kay wasn't on the run. She wasn't hiding. For all intents and purposes, she was dead to the Galaxy.

There was something very peaceful about that.

"V, I need you to fill the water basins, and make sure that there's nothing missing for the next shipment. Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch would have my hide if any of his coffee was missing." Of course that was just a play on words, but the Chiss Admiral sure was addicted to her coffee. Kay's Loader Droid Ned-V gave her a thumbs up before he went into the back to do his work. She was happy to have him. He didn't have the vocalizers to speak, but still they communicated. He was a good companion to have around.

With V in the back, Kay prepared the front of the shop for opening. She swept the floors, gave the tables a freah wipe and made sure that some of the baked goods were stacked neatly in their display trays. She got the fire going in the fireplace and then unlocked the door before turning on the 'OPEN' sign.

It was time for another clockwork day.

Myles Davorak Myles Davorak
Myles was on Altiria for non-business related means. He had time to see some sights before he needed to start working again. Relaxing and drinking in the surroundings he had heard a few citizens mention a Tea Shoppe that had outstanding products. Interested in grabbing a bite and a couple of non-alcoholic drinks he would meander to where he would see the sign read "Sphaera Tea Shoppe" accompanied with an OPEN sign.

Walking in the stone/wood establishment, Myles was greeted with a cozy surrounding. The smell that was emanating from the establishment was a treat for the senses. The eyes were treated with a cozy environment of stone and wood mixture; The nose was embraced by the smells of tea and caf brewing; and the ears were greeted with an ambience that would match a quiet meeting place for others to converse about things other than war or politics.

Sure the sense of taste would be the main service here, as there were baked goods adorning various shelves. Walking up to the counter he would peruse the menu to see what he would try. He only wished his mother could be here to enjoy the experience with him.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Bells chimed as soon as Myles Davorak Myles Davorak opened the door. "One second..." Kay was restocking the shelves with a few boxes of tea. A door behind the counter opened and V poked his head out to see who was there. The loader droid did a quick assessment and then went back to his work.

Kay dusted her hands off on her apron when she was finished and turned around. She blinked in surprise as Myles wasn't one of her regulars, but it was good to have him there, nevertheless.

"Well....what can I get for you this morning?"
While Myles was perusing the menu, he noticed someone come from the back and it took him a moment to recall the name and face. It was someone he had worked for many moons ago.
"What was it.....Lady.....Lady Kay! Never thought she would get into the tea business" He mused to himself.

"Well well well.....Lady Kay? Is that really you? I should have known that a tasteful and classy establishment would be under your influence."

After a few moments of deciding, Myles decided to try something a little different than he would normally get, at least this early in the morning.

"You know. My mother always doted herself on Sapir Tea. I would like to try a cup of that and perhaps a piece of Lightside Fudge please."
Grabbing into his pocket, he selected the correct amount of credits and for old times sake he tipped a few credits extra.

"Funny running into you here. How have ya been doing?"
If she did not recognize him, he would repeat his name and explain that he did some work for her a while back. Perhaps when the geo-political schema was a bit different.

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay gave Myles Davorak Myles Davorak a kind smile. The hint of recognition was in her eyes. "It's just Kay now. I don't carry any titles anymore. And it's good to see you, Myles."

As he made his selection, she nodded to him and began prepping the tea. Water was already boiled, so it was just a matter of gathering the tea leaves, crumpling them and dropping them into the cup. Then she poured the water onto them and brought the teacup, saucer, spoon, mlik and honey on a tray for him. "Sapir tea is my favourite. It's comforting like a warm hug."

As the tray was set down, she took note of his question of her well being and pondered on her response as she gathered a piece of fudge for him with a napkin and brought it back for him. "I've been alright. Living the quiet life and keeping out of trouble. How about yourself?"
He drank her words in and processed them thoroughly before proceeding to reply to her greeting.

"I....see....Kay then. I meant no disrespect. Good to see you are doing well."

Myles pulled out the required amount of credits and gave her extra for the trouble. The way she moved about and prepared the tea was like watching an alchemist at work. The process was cathartic for him to watch.

"My mother very much liked Sapir Tea....probably for the same reason. I have never tried it but I wanted to change that today."

Taking the first sip he was greeted with the warm taste and the comforting feeling it brought him. He felt like he was back home on Naboo, with his Mother and not a care in the world. Snapping back to attention, he focused on Kay as she came back with his fudge and relayed further information to him.

"Quiet life....that seems to be all but impossible for someone like me. I do admire your cozy establishment. Glad to hear that trouble hasn't been finding you. This is quite a nice place."

Myles took another sip of the aromatic delight that was Sapir Tea. After taking a swig he would answer her forthright question without hesitation.
"I have....been...better it seems. My mother just passed and I am out of work so I am taking a....sabbatical as it were. Just trying to gather my bearings before I jump to any other major know?"
Chuckling to himself in a painful manner he would prod further.
"Surely you don't want to hear a veteran's banter. This tea is remarkable. I may have to take some on the flight with me. "

Taking a bite of fudge, it seemed to turned to mush as his teeth pressed down. The taste made his taste buds reel in a sweet tingle. For the first time in a few weeks, he smiled as he looked out to the rest of the shoppe to be greeted with a humble and cozy atmosphere.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Oh don't worry, I'm not offended. I just no longer hold a position that has any measure of authority. I just serve others in a different manner now." It wasn't exactly what others had hoped for her, but what did it matter? Kay held no influence anymore. She had no more power to dictate the course of the Galaxy than her loader droid V did. So her desire to go out there beyond her shoppe was minimal at best.

Kay took the credits from Myles Davorak Myles Davorak with a silent 'thank you' before putting them into the register.

She listened quietly as he spoke, either choosing to wipe off the counter, or turn some of the dessert platters to make them have a better angle in order to prevent it from appearing as though she was staring at him. One facet of his story caught her attention however, and it gave her the perfect excuse to make herself a cup of Sapir tea as well. "I'm sorry for your loss. I know of it well. My husband was killed by a Sith Lord a while back. It feels like a lifetime ago, really." And she hadn't been the same since. The breaking of their Force Bond was a blow that she never wanted to go through again. So she kept herself at a distance.

"I don't mind hearing your stories. It can be pretty quiet here on some days."
"Very well. You may not have authority but you have treated me with respect, which is why I would call you Lady. However, I wish not to call you things that make you feel uncomfortable."

He could tell by the tone of her voice that much has happened during his absence. Myles didn't want to open that wound, he knew the stressors and emotions that could be hiding behind such a scar. Instead he took another sip of his tea and another bite of his fudge.

Seeing Kay running a shop like this made him wonder what his life would be like if he left his hectic lifestyle. Where would he go and what would he do? He dedicated his life to some form of service that involved him holding a blaster carbine and facing threats of various kinds. Either way, this would be something he could meditate on later; for now he was enjoying Kay's company and didn't want the conversation to die.

Hearing of her late husband's passing made him share in her loss.
"I am sorry to hear. Seems we both lost someone we different respects of course. Sith Lord....doesn't surprise me. I have been trying to keep away from the echelons. In my profession, many men die before they see my age. I guess it's just luck. I am sorry for your loss and I hope that you find peace Kay...truly."

He lifted his cup in the air as if to make an honor-bound toast to her late husband. He didn't know if the two were close but he wanted to pay his respects....not for a client's sake but for someone who considered a friend more than an acquaintance.

"I sometimes wish my life was as quiet. I might be able to get a full night's rest if that were the case."
He chuckled again before taking another sip of tea. Davorak tried thinking of a story to tell but not much has happened. He has been wandering from place to place. He was stuck in a slump it seemed.

"Well....I shut my business down. I dismissed my crew and dissolved all my assets except my ship and perishables. Been spacin' it since. After I settled my mother's estate I travelled to Tatooine for what reason? Only the Force knows."

He started to rotate the cup and swirl his tea around, pondering about his life before coming to the realization that there wasn't anything to tell. He decided to change the subject and ask more about Kay.
"So how do you like it on this planet?"
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"It's not that it makes me uncomfortable, it's just....not really my place anymore. That was a lifetime ago and those that remember it had long forgotten about me. But that's alright. There are far more important things for them to deal with, I'm sure." Like the wars. Kay hadn't been paying much attention to the holo-news, but there had never been a moment of peace for the Galaxy in her lifetime.

She gave a salute with her tea cup for Myles Davorak Myles Davorak 's mother. As for finding peace, Kay knew that it wasn't possible. There would always be a piece of her missing. It was a wound that would never close. Her teas and the routine of running the shoppe helped her to at least forget at times. And for that she was thankful.

"The tea should help you sleep. And I have a couple of small guest rooms upstairs available for use. They are comfy, cozy and perfect for the weary traveller."

She perked up a little as Myles mentioned Tatooine. In her youth she was often there running anti-slavery operations against the Hutt Cartel. Yes those missions had gotten her into trouble, but those were her carefree days.

"Here? Oh it's alright. I mean outside of the citizenry squabbling over what the planet should be called, it's a far better situation for them to be in than to be invaded. If that ever happens, I'll be forced to move elsewhere."
"I understand your meaning....Kay. You're in a different place now. I only hope it's a better place. I know having your husband gone isn't for the better, but he's still spirit at least. That's what I believe at least."
Forgoing the ideologies of the afterlife; he decided to drop the subject and not cause her any more grief.
Seeing Kay give a solemn salute for his mother made him smile. Vera was a strong and stubborn woman but she raised Myles by herself and taught him the cruelness that happens in the galaxy--no small part because of the politics that emerged.

Vera would have liked Kay. He knew she would.

"Help me sleep? That would be a first. If that's the case, you might get me addicted to this stuff....not that it's a bad thing."

Seeing her perk up during his mention of Tatooine gave him a note that maybe he could bring up good memories instead. There was a lot he didn't know about Kay, and that was alright. He didn't know everything about everyone except perhaps, his mother and himself.

"If you ever need to move elsewhere, consider me an ally. You have been aboard my ship before. She hasn't changed much except the carbon scoring on her fuselage."

He joked, trying to lighten the mood. Finishing his cup of tea he gave her an answer.
"A room? I think I'll take you up on that offer. How much? It would be nice to not sleep in the ship for once."

Taking a small pouch out, he would fish out more credits to pay for the room. He wasn't running low on credits but he wasn't exactly swimming in them either. He had enough to live somewhat comfortably, but given his frugal nature--he tended to rob himself of comforts to squeeze an extra chit or two.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded a little. At times she had held 'conversations' with her late husband, and always they ended up with the same outcome; that she was meant for more than just selling tea. But she had yet to figure out just what exactly her future should be. Running her shoppe was a crutch, but it was a good one.

She laughed a little as Myles Davorak Myles Davorak spoke of getting addicted to the tea. "I've been addicted to this tea for decades now. And it's ability to help me sleep have not waned. I'm sure that it'll do wonders for you. And at least you know where to get more when you need it."

As for when Myles offered to pay for the room, Kay shook her head. "It's on the house. Or rather, the second floor. Consider it my deposit should I ever need to leave here in a hurry." At least she had Ned-V to help her pack up. And he was more than capable of protecting her from any assailants, so long as they weren't Force users.

"So what did you do on Tatooine?"
After hearing her consolation about being addicted to Sapir Tea, Myles laughed along.
"I can see why. If it helps me sleep like you say it does, then I'll be sure to stock up to have on restless nights aboard my ship."

Seeing just a sip left, Myles downed the last of it in an anticipated chug. The last remnants of the tea worked its way down his esophagus and the warm feeling returned once more, overpowering him with a comfortable feeling. Hearing Kay's offer for a room for the night made him smile but he understood that his offer had weight somewhat with her.
Does she really have to worry about moving? He thought to himself.

"Ahh...Tatooine. I usually find some clients wanting passage to another planet, but this time I was there to sell the last of my assets. The scrapyards are usually good contenders for selling it quick. It was either the scrapyard or selling it independently--either way, it would go quick. Tatooine sees a lot of foot traffic for various reasons."

He tried to recall everything he sold, but it was a couple of speeders and a couple crates of blaster rifles. Nothing too important, but it was enough credits to get his ship refueled and have some saved back for emergencies.

"I enjoy Tatooine, when it isn't so bloody hot. If it weren't so hot, I would probably be there long term. I prefer not living in a huge metropolis, but somewhere civilized enough to have what I need and nothing else."

Eating the last of his fudge, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and greeted the chocolate with a "mmm"
"Have you been to Tatooine?"

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Myles Davorak Myles Davorak was lucky in that he knew where to get his Sapir tea now. And Kay was quite sure that he'd leave with a few boxes at least.

She pulled up a stool and sat down, taking a sip of her tea as Myles spoke about his recent exploit on Tattoine. Kay had never had to sell off her assets before. Her eyes wandered her shoppe a little as she pondered on ever having to do the same one day. More than likely she'd just give it away, but destroy anything on her menu that could be considered dangerous.

"Yes, Tatooine is hot. And I understand how you feel about livong anywhere too densely populated. I guess that's why I like it here. It's quiet with just enough business to keep the shoppe running. Although I do ship out some of my products as well."

It didn't take long for her to respond to his question on whether or not she had spent time on Tatooine. "It's been a while since I've been there. When I was younger and a Senator in the Republic, I had a bit of a side hobby freeing slaves from the Hutt Cartel. I disrupted slave auctions, or bought the slaves myself only to free them elsewhere, and gone after the slave camps and rescued people there. It was enough to have bounties put on my head, and for me to get into trouble with the Chancellor. I had to stop and soon after had to resign from my position." But the latter moreso was in part because she was a Force user; something that she had kept hidden and was forbidden from holding a position of power. And it was a Jedi that turned her in of all things. She had thought that she'd of gotten sympathy or compassion, yet instead she was arrested. It was a mistake that she didn't want to repeat again.
As Kay grabbed a stool to sit down, Myles shifted his body language to show that he was engaged in the conversation and quite comfortable with the circumstances he was in. When she acknowledged his sentiment about Tatooine being hot, he nodded silently.
"I wouldn't mind taking things easy for a while. I just don't know where I should be at the moment, you know?" He finished.

He got more interested when she explained her time on Tatooine and freeing slaves from the Hutt Cartel. Myles was smiling from ear to ear hearing of her noble exploits on the dust bowl planet.

"Sounds like you had quite the adventures on Tatooine as well. Quite noble and genuine what you did. I hate that you got in trouble with the Chancellor and had to resign. I think you did the right thing."

Myles was deeply interested in what other stories lay locked behind her visage. He followed up with another question.
"Do you like it here on this planet? Or would you prefer to be somewhere else?"

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay knew what it was like to not know where to go. She went through it herself a couple of times. In some way she was going through it again if ever she got the courage to leave. Nowadays she was more or less like a hermit.

It was hard not to catch Myles Davorak Myles Davorak smiling as she spoke of her exploits against the Cartel. Kay sipped her tea and nodded in response to his comment. "What I did wasn't sanctioned or approved. And the Republic didn't want to risk war because of my actions. There were bounties put on my head back then, if ever I left Republic space. But fortunately the Cartel was disbanded soon after I had to resign. So the bounties disappeared."

And then came the question on if she'd like to be somewhere else. Kay tilted her head a little in though, letting her gaze scope out the shoppe before she answered him. "It's quiet here and that's a good thing. I'm not getting any younger...But as for somewhere else? I wouldn't know where to go. So much has changed and I'm sure that it'll change even moreso still. Eventually this planet might be invaded. Or it could be overlooked. One can never know for certain."
Myles grimaced at the thought of the Republic not cracking down harder on Cartels or Syndicates that were harmful to the wellbeing of the citizens in the galaxy. Myles didn't do jobs for Cartels, he viewed himself as more valuable of an asset than to cash his life in on a gangster or mob. He gritted his teeth and spoke firmly.

"The Republic sat by and did nothing.....that's inexcusable. I may be biased in saying such, but the Republic bureaucrats got fat and lazy, like a damn nerf."

He cooled down and realized that maybe he shouldn't be fuming about politics to someone who lost so much.
"I apologize....for my shortness. I hate slavery more than anything in the Galaxy. I have been hired to do some things I am not proud of, but slavery is where I draw a blood-red line."

Davorak stopped and processed further what Kay-Larr Kay-Larr had to say.

"I hear you on that one. I am not getting any younger either. I have seen wildest locales I never imagined....I always joked I would retire away on Rishi but now I just want somewhere quiet, in the woods. Perhaps a woman to come home to and a humble abode out of the sight of clients and troublemakers."

He frowned a little bit. Myles had no legacy, nothing to pass down and nothing really to live for. His mother was the only person in his life that he loved more than himself. With her gone, he felt careless if he died or not.

"I am.....full of sorrow that you won't know what this planet's future will hold. I only hope the best for you and all that you care for. This Galaxy will be full of war and hatred, but we got to find something that makes it more bearable...right?"
Trailing off, his mind raced through various topics. He never expected to have a deep conversation today. Myles hasn't had a talk this deep in ages, but it brought things into perspective for him.

What am I doing?
What do I want?
Why am I stagnating?

In a profession where men die relatively young, he was beyond lucky to reach the age he has. Spacefaring was fun in certain ways, but there was more to life than Spaceports, firefights, betrayal, and anxiety. Question is, what will he aim for?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"It's alright. I hate slavery too, which was why I did what I could to stop it. I know that one person can't rid the galaxy of slavery. But for those that I did rescue, slavery was over for them. They got to live better lives. I didn't just abandon them either. I gave them homes, jobs and education. And I never asked for any payments from them either. They shouldn't have to pay for their own freedom."

Kay was certain that slavery still continued. And she thought that she had caught a glimpse on the holonews of the Hutts in power once again. No doubt that power carried with it a bunch of slaves.

But here was a different story. Here it was quiet and unassuming. Myles Davorak Myles Davorak seemed to touch on wanting what she had. Yet the grass tended to be greener on the other side. People that were used to a lot of action didn't remain in the quiet life for long. They usually found it too boring.

"You could always try out the quiet life here, if you'd like. I might not know what'll happen on this planet, but the benefit of it is that it doesn't have anything that the super powers crave. So that might provide it with some measure of safety. And if you find that the quiet life isn't fulfilling enough, then it wouldn't be difficult to search elsewhere."

Kay had her children, but she had yet to fully re-enter their lives. They were adults now with lives of their own. She didn't wish to be a burden or disruptive, especially when it was assumed that she was dead. And a part of her was; with the death of her husband. Life just didn't seem to hold much meaning or purpose.

But at least her routine of running her shoppe helped her a little bit.

"Care for a refill of your tea?"
Myles nodded at her sentiments, but applauded her for trying to make people's lives better.

"You gave them a future....a better life to live and you brought peace to their hearts and minds. Sure it may still continue, but you still made a difference".

Myles crossed his arms and leaned on the table to re-adjust himself. Slave runners and mobs were still a part of the Galaxy, but people like Kay were the reason that slaves and people 'trapped in the life' had hope of a better tomorrow.

"I could try that...yes. I may see if I can secure a position as security or something along my skill set to keep a stable job. I just want away from the superpowers that be. You might be earning another regular too".

He chuckled at the thought. Coming in here every morning for a jolt of energy before he went to work? It was very much an entertaining thought. Myles' routine now was: wake up, eat/drink, fly to a different system, refuel, eat/drink, sleep, repeat.

Settling down somewhere for a few months wouldn't do him any harm. He could learn so much from a local populace and potentially help those who might need it. His thoughts were cut short as Kay prosed a question to him.

"Hmm? Oh yes! Here are your credits."
Myles grabbed some more chits and slid them across the table, exchanging a smile to her.
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded. She liked to think that she had made a difference for them. But in her mind she felt that she could of saved more. However there was a high chance that she'd of died young if she did continue with it.

She gave Myles Davorak Myles Davorak a smile and a nod as he told her of him taking note of her suggestion to remain on world. Having him as a regular wouldn't be bad at all. She'd be able to have conversations other than those about her products or of the civil dispute between the two continents of this world.

"I'm sure that you'll be able to find some employment soon enough. For some of these people here, you might even seem over-qualified. But I'll ask around with some of my patrons and get you a few good leads."

Kay took Myle's cup as he agreed to a refill, but not before sliding the credits back to him. "Company policy; free refills when you dine in." Yes, she just made that up, but it wasn't as though she was crying for credits. Kay placed his cup down on the other counter and prepared the tea as she had before; crumpling the Sapir tea leaves and then pouring in the boiled water. She brought it back to him when it was ready, her mind already swimming with ideas on what to talk about next. "Is it really that bad out there? I'm too busy these days running this shoppe to keep up with the holonews."
Myles seemed interested in hearing her proposition about getting some leads. He smiled at the idea of just living a normal life. He never got bored as a boy on Naboo, and this wouldn't feel any different.

"I appreciate the kind offer. In the meanwhile, I may look around for a place to hang my blaster."

Hearing of her company policy made him give a half-chuckle. Myles eyed her almost seemingly. "Alright. You drive a hard bargain. I'll just have to tip or donate a good amount....I feel like I am robbing you, Kay."

Just like seeing a master at work, he watched Kay work her magic. Effort going into every movement she made to prepare the tea. It was like an art of some form. Snapping to attention he processed her question and looked down at the table.

"I am afraid it is....I stopped viewing it a while back. This planet gets invaded, another gets liberated and has a new ruler. Trade embargoes established on this trade route, and another trade route closed down due to piracy threats."

Biting his lip in a stressful manner he continued with a follow up.
"It's bad out there in most hyperlanes. That's why I went further out. I would stay on Naboo, but things need to.....calm down before I go back. I never imagines I would move further away from the action, but I guess I have reached an age where peace and quiet is worth everything to me."

Before she would come over to give his cup back, Myles prodded another question.
" You said that there is nothing here worth of interest to spur an invasion from an attacking force, right?"
He stumbled before continuing.
"Where would you go if you had to pack up? I only ask, that way I can be ready to leave at a moment's notice"

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

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