Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sin City: Coruscant

[member="Jate Kar'ta"] [member="Hacker"]

Crime was huge in the Underground. So the fact that Cypher was here wasn't all to surprising. Cypher wheel, Cypher deal after all. But being in the middle of some unfriendly territory was a bit nerve wracking. Still; he had supreme confidence he'd be fine. Just another face amongst billions. Oh, and speaking of crime; Cypher and his merry crew of gangsters and goons were taking a walk down to a nearby watering hole. A dimly neon lit pit called The Stargazer. A fine an establishment as most here. Still good enough to swig back some drinks. Cypher's comm-link beeped with an incoming message. His arm raised up to take the call. "Speak".

"Master Cypher. It is Kato. We just got word two of my associates were badly beaten by someone in your nearby vicinity. They were wearing wearing animal skins. Another of my men shot a holo recording of the fight which I've sent to one of your men. As a favor to foster good relations I'm hoping you'd dish out a little street justice for us. I know you love a good fight unlike most of us".

Kato Mersolitrik, a local crime boss in Cypher was hoping to get in league with The Syndicate. "Well I can't promise I'll find this person before they slip away. But I'll do my best to do so for the sake of... good relations with the Mersolitrik Crime family".

"Thank you kindly Sir. I hope you'll stop by again before your trip is finished for some entertainment and such". The Iridonian was so generous a boot licking wasn't he.

"We'll see Kato. My schedule is rather busy. Cypher out". Well some street thug'in was beneath him, but he did appeal to his love violence. A little street justice could be fun. Stretch the old legs and put a bruising on someone. Ya he was up for it. And that meant his men were too. "Well. Least we can do is try right. Lets move out".

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Jate heard a voice calling after her. She turned to see a Bith calling her. Maybe it is worth staying after all. She strutted quickly back into the bar to meet this Bith. "Why thank you for getting to me," she said trying to be sincere, "If you could get me some Ne'tra Gal I'll make it worth your while."

With a smile she sat down at the booth she previously occupied and waited for to be served.
Jate Kar'ta said:
Jate heard a voice calling after her. She turned to see a Bith calling her. Maybe it is worth staying after all. She strutted quickly back into the bar to meet this Bith. "Why thank you for getting to me," she said trying to be sincere, "If you could get me some Ne'tra Gal I'll make it worth your while."

With a smile she sat down at the booth she previously occupied and waited for to be served.
The Bith stared nervously at [member="Jate Kar'ta"] , and carried over the drink she requested. " U-uh, there's no need f-for that, I-its on the h-house. " He stuttered, as he quickly moved back to behind the counter, eyeing her, making sure she didn't make any trouble. Outside, Listeri leaned and whispered to the strange man. " You sure I ain' hallucinating? "

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
Jate was pleasantly surprised when they returned with her drink. She didn't expect a Coruscanti cantina to have a Mandalorian drink. She was about to pull out the credits for the drink, then some, but the Bith stammered it wasn't necessary before leaving. She raised an eyebrow. Now she was suspicious. Who gives someone a free drink unless they are trying to get into their pants? And the stammering? He was scared of something but it wasn't her or else she wouldn't be here. Something was up and it had to do with her. She looked at her drink and gave a sad sigh. She didn't want to take the chance that someone messed with it, especially being a Mandalorian on a Republic world. Even though probably wasn't real ne'tra gal, alcohol is alcohol and it is always a shame to waste it.

She leaned back against the booth and pondered what her next course of action would be. Attempt to escape or wait for the trap?

[member="Listeri Dalane"]
Kohai smiled to herself, briefly. That had been a pleasant surprise, it was always a treat to stretch her legs, so to speak, when it came to a subject she was so in to. Regardless, Scorch was gone, so she directed her attention back to her drink.

Stars and planets! Are you serious?! Her supposed beverage's constant bubbling had settled into a steady lairing of white foam at the top. What kind of spirits changed their physical properties so quickly after being served?

With a steadying sigh, she took a tentative sip from her glass... Hmm... this isn't so-OH GOD!

Kohai slammed it back down on the table, not even caring that she had spilled a bit on her shirt from the motion. That was NOT something people should drink... That... Concoction had somehow been not only carbonated, but spicy, as well as having the strangest texture. It felt like there had been fething aquatic little creatures swimming in her sip!

She started rubbing the residue off her tongue onto her scarf, she didn't care about a stain. This is why I don't drink...


[member="Jate Kar'ta"] [member="Cypher"]

Hacker stood at the back of the pack. The video of the attack played on the HUD of his helmet. Rather quick and brutal. The assailant was good, no doubt about it. How would they fair against a guy who's been fighting for over a hundred years though? Hacker snapped back in to the real world when Cypher gave the command to move again "Affirmative". The video was cleared off the HUD screen to facilitate maximum visual awareness. "So will we split up to find the target"? Hacker prodded the boss for the plan.
Jate Kar'ta said:
Jate was pleasantly surprised when they returned with her drink. She didn't expect a Coruscanti cantina to have a Mandalorian drink. She was about to pull out the credits for the drink, then some, but the Bith stammered it wasn't necessary before leaving. She raised an eyebrow. Now she was suspicious. Who gives someone a free drink unless they are trying to get into their pants? And the stammering? He was scared of something but it wasn't her or else she wouldn't be here. Something was up and it had to do with her. She looked at her drink and gave a sad sigh. She didn't want to take the chance that someone messed with it, especially being a Mandalorian on a Republic world. Even though probably wasn't real ne'tra gal, alcohol is alcohol and it is always a shame to waste it.

She leaned back against the booth and pondered what her next course of action would be. Attempt to escape or wait for the trap?

[member="Listeri Dalane"]
The Bith watched anxiously, as she stared at her drink with suspicion. He walked over, and tried to reassure her feelings about the drink. " Look, it, uh, isn't poisoned or whatever your thinkin'. I just, uh...I get nervous about bar fights. " He stuttered, as he walked back behind the bar. He quickly served some ales and whiskeys, and went into the maintenance closet to get some supplies to clean the counter.

[member="Jate Kar'ta"]
[member="Hacker"] [member="Jate Kar'ta"]

"Excellent idea. We'll work in teams of two. Hacker you're with me. Then you two, take the east. And you guys take west. We'll continue up this way. Comm us if you find the target or if anything else happens. Else we meet up back here in an hour. Hacker, give everyone a still from that video for identification". Cypher watched his men trot off in opposite directions. Kind of a wild goose chase really. What are the chances this attacker would sta6y in the area? Rather paltry numbers. Well there was no time to waste, he and his giant friend were going to The Stargazer. Since they weren't gona find em' anyways, may as well enjoy the evening. "Lets go Hacker".

The Stargazer was only a block away, so they quickly arrived at this greasy establishment. Cypher pulled the door open and took his first step into the smoke and noise. It was rather overwhelming on the senses. "I'll get us something to quench our thirst. Kick someone out of a booth for us".
She raised her head as he spoke to her trying to make wild guesses as to what she might be, she raised an eyebrow as he hadn't quite hit the horse on the head yet. She doubted he would anyway, she was whatever she wanted to be whenever she wanted to be.

"Hmm, there isn't quite a name for what I do, or what I am. I just do what I want when I want...hey listen it was nice meeting you." She said bringing up her hand and wiggling around her fingers in a makeshift wave. Then she jumped off the ledge, and proceeded walking, she looked up to the see the Stargazer.

"Stargazer Eh...hmm I guess I could use a drink or two." She said as she walked in. There was a bunch if goons inside, she looked around, and most of them only stared at her, possibly because of her getup. She winked at those who stared of course it was rude, and she wanted to let them know that she knew they were staring, then there he was, as if she hadn't got rid of him before; though did she really want to?

She walked over and turned her back to [member="Ben Trasker"], she wasn't sure if he knew she was there or not she just play acouple of games and wait till she was noticed. Then she noticed the arrival of some rather aggressive thugs she assumed, entering the establishment. She rolled her eyes and payed no attention; atleast at the moment.


Connor Harrison

Noticing things were picking up a little inside, Trasker decided to stand and shoulder his way through towards the bar.

Gently moving through the crowd, careful not to tread on toes, he managed to stand by a drunk Rodian at the far end of the bar. Leaning over on his elbows, Trasker glanced up and down the faces; some masked, some not. Some intoxicated, others in deep conversation.

There was no-one he recognised, no other agents but no criminals either. But what did that mean? Crime came in many guises and many deceptive roles.

He couldn't be sure, but something was going on tonight, yet he couldn't pinpoint the ones who were going to be the cause of the trouble he could feel brewing.

[member="Dejah Sterling"] [member=Cypher] [member="Listeri Dalane"] [member=Hacker] [member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Jate Kar'ta"]

Rav Naast

Rav walked into the bar, going up to the bar in a black T shirt and cargo pants. He didn't wear his mandalorian armor for obvious reasons. There was a Dissuader KD-30 holstered on his right hip and a WESTAR-34 on the left, with various vibroblades hidden on him. He went up to the bar and ordered a ne'tra gal, taking his glasses off and looking around.

Jate Kar'ta

Mandalorian Avenger
While the Bith tried to reassure Jate that the drink was not tampered with, he did say that he got nervous about barfights. Barfights? Was there a fight earlier? Or will there be one soon? Either way she had to be ready in case someone decided to pick a fight with the fiery haired Mandalorian. It was bound to happen. Her fight with the goons was proof of that and she doubted it went unnoticed for they were obviously part of some gang but Coruscant was a big place and it was easy to lose people here. She knew that from experience. She just hoped she didn't start some gang war or something.

Jate's eyes looked at the drink again. One sip wouldn't hurt right? She took a drink, trying to test its taste. It was Ne'tra Gal but it lacked the flavor that can only be obtained by Mandalorians. New characters began to walk in ranging from the strange like the purple clad woman to some people who looked like they were up to no good to a more average though heavily built man. Jate didn't want trouble, she had enough of that today, but trouble always comes looking for her and with her fiery hair she kind of stood out.

[member="Cypher"] [member="Hacker"] [member="Listeri Dalane"]
Coruscant, literally everyone was here theses days, even Kallion. He was in a cantina that was seeing a lot of traffic, and some very strange looking people 'I swear, if anyone looks my way and wonders who I am or wonders who the kark made my armor...' Kallion sighed, he hated it when people asked how he'd gotten his armor, even more when he told them no and they still thought they could find out. His helmet was folded down, revealing his five O'clock shadow and his scarred and dirty face, his weapons were still on his back though, but he'd taken out the clips in front of the owner, they were still on him though, just in case something happened.

(Sorry for the late post guys)

[member="Jate Kar'ta"]
[member="Rav Naast"]
[member="Ben Trasker"]
[member="Dejah Sterling"]
[member="Kohai Drenn"]

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