Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sin Your Way To Hell (Seven Sins)

Vaulkhar turned his attention to Mythos at his being named leader, no surprise on the pale man's face. If it was to be anyone, Pride was the most obvious choice, but Mythos himself was not the person to lead a group of Assassins.

"Ferus, I do not mean to question your judgement, but Mythos is an Emperor of a planet. There are others within this...." He paused and looked about, disdain clear upon his face, ".... group, who are more capable in terms of communicating with you. Doesn't make sense to choose a man who's more caught up in his daughter and his planet, than his place as a member of this order."

Vaulkhar respected Mythos, that was something he'd willingly admit. He did not respect the decision however, that was as clear as day to the gathered assassins.

[member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Asajj"] | [member="Nyte Ignis"] | [member="Darth Mythos"] | [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka had kept his silence while others spoke, his mind instead turning over the decision of whether or not to speak his opinion on Mythos being named the leader of the gathered seven, leader of the Sins.

His first thoughts had been how Mythos was not the best person to take the job. This was not to say that Xavka did not hold respect for the man nor that he wanted the responsibility for himself, on the contrary, Xavka held great respect for his superior, borne from observing and working with the man. Xavka had also sworn himself away from near all forms of responsibility, not out of being to lazy to accept them as his newest title would suggest, but because he had vowed to only accept certain forms of responsibility so that he could focus on them as much as possible, leading a group of Assassins, each with conflicting personalities was not something he saw himself doing.

The reason behind Xavka's thoughts had been based in what he believed to be the philosophy of assassins. They were to live within the shadows, never truly leaving them apart from when necessary but never drawing attention. They were to live as just another face in the crowd, someone who, at most, would draw a first look but never a second. Someone who slipped from the minds of those that saw them as well as they slipped through protections to strike at their targets. As Emperor of a planet, Mythos did not fall into this spectrum of belief.

Most of Xavka's objections had been put to rest upon learning that Mythos would not so much be a leader but a First Amongst Equals, a mouthpiece for Ferus's will of the group. However, that was only most of his objections not all. He had made to speak up only to be beaten to it by the new Sin of Greed, Vaulkar, who addressed Xavka's concern. Biting his tongue and keeping his silence, Xavka waited for Ferus to answer Vaulkar, confident that that would end his concern.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"The Sith Code is all about breaking the chains that bind you. This is a test for Mythos. If he cannot lead, or put this group first, I will make sure his daughter is never found again. If he chooses his daughter over anything else, I will break that chain he has so willingly tethered himself to. If that does not work, he will be disposed of, and a new 'leader' will be appointed. "

Ferus spoke as if [member="Darth Mythos"] wasn't even there. Red eyes focused in on [member="Vaulkhar"] now, cold. "This position is not an honor. It is a test for those I think the weakest. Remember that."

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
"Bold young Man has a point, It's not my Daughter that holds me back however, it is my responsibility as Will of the Emperor" His wicked smile flashed suddenly before he spoke again, a small inner joke Ferus and him would have. "I hold the Throne of Atrisia and the responsibility of Raising an Army that will shake the Galaxy to it's core... This is my Only Law"

His Axe Slammed down beside him as his eyes flashed with a hint of red slightly, "I do not slink in the shadows nor do i hide my identity to any that seek to kill me" He spoke to those assembled his eyes bouncing off Asajj when he realized that the Asajj he Knew and was even close of Caring for once was dead...

He turned to the Sins and shook his head, "As an Emperor i am taught how to lead" he shrugged "I do so by example, and contrary to what Ferus might think personally" He pulled his Hidden blade, the Signature of the Assassins and placed it in a small table. "To me it is an Honor and You think me Weak my Lord?"

Mythos laughed softly and shook his head, glancing at the Mighty Axe for just a second. "I will enjoy splitting things in half until i change your mind, just don't expect subtlety from me. "
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] @Vaulkhar
"Pathetic." Asajj spoke finally, a new harshness to her voice. It was obvious she spoke of Mythos, yet she did not grace him with any further eye contact. Instead she looked slightly towards Ferus, her bright red eyes examining him. "You are right to test him, my Lord. If it pleases you, I may test him myself." A flicker in her eye almost looked back at Mythos, yet her head stayed towards the shadow of her father. She was loyal to this man, and this man only, anyone else was an obstacle to her rise to power. If he would allow her to make Mythos' test just that more difficult, then she would relish in the continuation of their competition. There was a time when she might have become involved with him, but now she saw only to become stronger than him; the old Asajj was gone. She might not yet have been a Knight, but she knew one day her rank would surpass his.

And then she would kill him.

[member="Darth Mythos"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Vaulkhar"]
"Sounds fun" Mythos Smiled Wickedly, "I could use another Juyo Training Session, it's been too long and i fear i might get rusty" He spoke not in mockery but in Nostalgic humor,his first Juyo training session came to his hands due to the fact that he smashed his head into Asajj in their first duel, Ferus had come and dislocated his jaw in a single strike then proceeded to beat Mythos to a pulp, It was not his Fault.... In Ferus' defense Mythos wanted to test the Powers of the Hand of the Dark Lords and well... He did and not soon forget such a day.

He smiled remembering that fondly, He took pride in his early years of Training, his core foundation of skills and power... His duel with Asajj which was still spoken about today, as well as his Duel with Ruby Wilded that was actually a Song sung in Cantinas over Sith Territories, a Cultural tale as well as one of Skill.

"But Lord Ferus has to promise not to kill me if i accidentally decapitate you with my Axe, " His smile was brimmed with Arrogance and Self Indulgent pride, Mythos thought himself unbeatable... he always had, every moment he breathed made him stronger than the last. "In fact, go to Glee Anselm and assemble every single Acolyte in training with permission of Master Pyrrhus, Come back here with all of them and i will still kill you and every last Acolyte you bring with you" His eyes narrowed but his arrogant Smile shined even in the blackest of nights.

"Honor... Glory... Victory..." Mythos spoke more to himself than to those around him as his hand felt the hilt of his Axe and the Images of Korriban flushed through his mind. "It is an Honor to Lead the Sins, If i did not feel Pride with the Position...." He looked back at Ferus. "I would not take it"

[member="Asajj"] [member="Darth Ferus"]
"And that, foolish boy, is why you failed." [member="Lord Mythos"] would feel the Force slowly close around his throat. A dull expression in the face of Ferus was all that could be seen. "These titles, these Sins. These are your weaknesses. Where you fail as Sith. Mythos, your pride is your downfall. You will be marked, all of you, with a rune of your sin. You will want to be your sin. But do not give in, for if you do you will die. Resist, and you will be stronger then ever." Red eyes flashed around the group.

"The Sith are in control of their emotions. Don't be a Mythos." The choke hold would be released, if Mythos hadn't resisted by this point.
Vaulkhar watched the show of pride by none other than Mythos, not surprised in the slightest by the older Sith's reaction to the entire scenario. Mythos was the epitome of Pride. He lived for battle, for honor, and for glory. What he lived for fueled his pride and turned him into the ego-maniacal man he is now, which in reality, was not entirely bad for the Sith. His love of pride was the passion that drove him further, it made him strong, it made him a warrior. He knew very little of the other's in the room, aside from [member="Darth Ferus"] that is. The blind man's faze focused on that of Ferus, shaking his head slightly at the needless show of power the Sith Lord had displayed to quell the remarks of Mythos.

"The daughter of one is a weakness," he motions his head slightly towards Mythos, once more crossing his arms over his chest. "And the daughter of another is a weakness." This time the young man nods towards Ferus, a brow perked towards his master. "I would not say I am Avarice in the way you believe, but then again my desire to grow could be considered greed, I suppose."

Vaulkhar shrugs and moves towards the exit.

"I don't see any reason to continues this meeting. You have shown who your favorite is and who is not."

[member="Nyte Ignis"] | [member="Lord Mythos"] | [member="Asajj"] | [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Nomkneer listened carefully at Lord Ferus' explanations, he was not fazed about the decision taken by [member="Ferus"], he was ever delighted of the outcome of the organization of the sins. Nomkneer had no questions to ask to [member="Darth Ferus"] and he took his words seriously and was anxious to prove himself to the sith. Nomkneer congratulated Mythos "Mythos, congratulations on your leadership tittle of the sins, i hope you do your job right"

Nomkneer never moved, never flinched nor took his attention off of lord ferus. Nomkneer wanted to see what kind of new adventures were coming next for this unlikely group of the sith.
Insanity was commonplace and Mythos was used to it in some occasions, He was Surprised that His Lord Darth Ferus would go as Far as to Force Choke him, but even Mythos was not dumb enough to retaliate... at least... not here, he would have his long overdue Battle with Darth Ferus but in the Words of [member="Darth Vizios"] and [member="Lord Ajihad"] 'This is neither the Place nor the Time for such things'

Mythos coughed and chuckled slightly once the hold was released and shook his head, but he frowned once he realized that [member="Vaulkhar"] was just leaving the establishment... that Mythos could not have, As Sins they had to be united... if they Hated Ferus or Mythos they would have to be at the very least united in said hatred. "One Second" Mythos said holding up his right hand and closed his eyes.

Soon Vaulkhar would find an Illusion of Mythos in his way not letting him pass, True it was an illusion of Smoke but the purpose of the Illusions was not to hinder him but to stop him with wisdom. "And where are you going?"

The Image of Mythos spoke and smiled like it was the real deal, with the real Mythos stood like a statue with his eyes closed and concentrated while meditating. "Place not your eyes on Men and Mortals... instead place them on me and Vengeance on your way to Knighthood. I shall be the Leader of the Sins together we grow, divided we will fall.... You can walk out right now if you want to My Friend"

The Image of Mythos stepped aside and smiled. "But in doing so you will relinquish a claim at great power....What would Vengeance do?"

Being a Politician for a long time Mythos had the ability to twist truth and use words to get what he wanted, yet this time he spoke truth instead of lies.... strange knowing that in politics the Truth will get you killed, Exiled or Not Elected.

[member="Darth Ferus"] @Asajj @Nomkneer artzhul [member="Nyte Ignis"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]​
"Leadership is proven, never given, and never taken," Xander said stepping into the view of all in the room. "Ultimately this group serves the Emporer himself, and I would suggest none of you forget that. The Sins also report to the council of the Assassins, so any real leadership among this group is subject to the will of an authority structure which makes them nothing more than the middle management of some large enterprise. We also know leadership can come from those who are not the named leader. It comes from whoever carries the greatest influence. Just because someone is named a leader, it doesn not mean they are."

Xander looked at everyone in the room. Blue eyes locked with them all before moving on. Xander smiled as he made his sentiments known. Mythos thought he had control, that he was a great politician. If he were so great how was it he only held one planet while Xander held two and was about to gain a third. He was arrogant, prideful. It would be the thing that saw him betrayed.

"Now, I suggest you all stop bickering before I reach into your beating hearts and with a thought, a ripple of the force, cause them all to disolve in your chests. Ferus has spoken, now, prove to the council you can follow orders, or die. Your options are very simple."

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Asajj"] [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] [member="Nyte Ignis"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
"At least one of us has a head level enough to explain such a thing." [member="Darth Vizios"] had good timing. Patience wasn't something Ferus was known for, and between the multiple acts that were trying what littlenhe had, he was prepared to kill them all. Or at least attempt to. A sigh escaped has lips as he looked to the White, offering a slight nod of the head. Ferus's version of a polite bow.

"It is as Conquest said. However, Sith are free, far more then Jedi. You have a choice. Remain here and accept the brand of the Sin, which will be a curse, a trial, that if you fail all will suffer the consiquences, or leave now. Once you are branded however, you will no longer be able to go back." Red eyes looked about the room, focused, calmer.

"If you do not understand, I will explain with an example. Lust," The red gaze zeroed in on [member="Nyte Ignis"] . "Your mark will make you crave physical contact of any kind. However, should you give in to this, all the sins will loose their sense of touch. Of course, not all of it. Some is needed to perform the jobs handed out to you. But you will never again know what it is to be held." Conveniently he left out the part that physical contact while the mark is on her will cause a pain that will only get worse the more she touches others.

"Should you not fail however, in a weeks time the curse will be replaced with a boon, increasing your affinity for the Sins ability. For lust, mental dominance." Once more has gazed scanned outwards, a frown on his lip. He hated speeches after all, but this was important.

"Each sin will have their own challenge. If you fail, all seven will suffer. Should you succeed, all seven will improve. These brands will link you together, and you will simply put know how the others are going to act. You will becoming a powerful group, able to kill practically anyone. Power beyond what you thought possible as you will share your own. Pick now, for there is no going back."
Nyte stood as he spoke her name. This choice carried a weight but one she was willing to accept. She had withstood far greater temptations.

Her eyes met his. "I am ready [member="Darth Ferus"]. Mark me."

@other sins too
Nomkneer stood in silenece and respect toward ferus, silent whispering "i accept,mark me Lord ferus" while gazing [member="Darth Ferus"] face, he took the message of acceptance from Nomkneer immediately although he might want to hear it a little louder, Nomkneer will be sure to prove his worth and be able to carry on the name of the Sin of Wrath.
Xavka stayed silent as one threatened to leave, another tried to stop him and a third appeared into view and cowed them all to respect. He kept silent as he saw no need to speak, no need to express an opinion on something that had been covered and should of been left alone. He felt no desire to speak and direct disrespect to his Ay'Edar Darth Ferus. Instead he kept his voice cowed and his eyes closed as he lost himself in thought.

It was Ferus's voice that broke him from his stupor and woke him to the explanation of the branded curse that would be burnt into their skin, a mark of the Sins they represented. Almost immediately two volunteered, one of the two females, the copper haired one whom he felt a recognisable pull towards, feint as it was, the pull of his feral side reacting to her unique pheromones. Luckily the pull was small enough that he felt no worry of being forced by subconscious to act.

Seconds behind the Kalesh, Xavka spoke up. "I accept the mark, I'Ay'Edar." He addressed Ferus as his Elder within the Iridonian language, a sign of respect above Xavka addressing Ferus as a Lord, to Xavka at least.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
The words spoken so boldly by his peers brought a disapproving shake of the head to the young man. It was one thing to learn under Ferus, to risk your life day in and day out purely to gain in power. But under Ferus it was different. It was your skill that determined whether you lived or died. In this case, it was the determination and willpower of six others that would determine whether or not Vaulkhar would live his life any different than he did now; and that was something he would not stand for. The young man simply pushed passed the illusion of Mythos, uncaring of whether or not the illusion remained or dispersed. As the young man departed, he had little to say.

"It is one thing to seek power through the Dark Side of the Force." He pauses, turning back to those gathered. "It is another to cut corners for the off chance this experiment being conducted proves fruitful. Good day Lord Ferus, and others gathered."

Vaulkhar provided a short bow before departing the scene.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] | [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] | [member="Nyte Ignis"] | [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Darth Vizios"] | [member="Lord Mythos"] | @Asajj

Mythos laughed out loud, That is indeed an action within the realm of possibilities of what Vengeance would have done. Mythos Nodded and watched his Illusion dissipate into dust as Vaulkhar passed through it but his eyes remained on the shadows that the boy left through for a long while... until his smile dispersed into the grim visage when he realized he was back into the room with the other five sins, a very unstable Ferus and the King of the Crown worlds or whatever those worlds were... Mythos had been wondering if those small worlds would have the Military Might to stand up to an Invasion from Atrisia...

Mythos had not been King of Atrisia for a Year yet in the small time he had been King, Atrisia sported a new Massive Frigate Fleet and six Legions of Soldiers, not to mention the Single Greatest Elite Fighting force in the Galaxy; The Jar'Kai. Yet this was only the Beginning, with more power came more opportunities for Mythos to enlarge his already growing Armies...

Vizios comment was terribly humorous to Mythos, it brought his smile back once Vaulkhar had left. "Bickering and Infighting is a trend i have not yet been able to purge from the Sith. Yet..." Mythos pursed his lips and clicked his tongue.... Authority was not something he personally liked, nor the idea of Curses or Artificial ways of Gaining power. "The Apprentice of Vengeance is right. Cutting corners has never been my strength, Nor has teamwork.... through the strength of my back and the Sweat of my brow i will grow strong enough to crush the Republic once and for all"

Mythos smiled accomplished as he took his cloak from his back and wrapped it around him. "I relinquish my Title of Darth and i deny the mark, from now on you May call me Lord Mythos...." Mythos walked between Ferus and Xander towards the Balcony.

"Remember Sins..." He turned back to face the Sins gathered and shot them a wry smile. "Don't be a Mythos"

Once he arrived at the edge of the balcony, without hesitation he jumped out of the window into the abyss....

Mythos landed in mid air seeming to be floating or standing in nothing, however in a few seconds the Cloaking Device of the Cortan blade was shut off and the Blade could be seen by all in the room flying below Mythos' Feet.

It's Beskar Plating would make it very easy to swing and Land in the Ramp which when Mythos did he was forced to take one glance back at the Reunion.... and Scoff. He smiled and waved a salute to the Assassins.

Within seconds the Hyperspace Jump was coordinated for Atrisia and the Blade would be bolting off in the blink of an eye into the vastness of the Starlight night.

@Vaulkhar @Xavka Duquo [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] [member="Nyte Ignis"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Asajj"] [member="Darth Vizios"]
Asajj's body stood motionless, watching the scene unfold. Outwardly she showed nothing, a silent agreement with Ferus' plan. Deep inside though there was something, trapped and screaming to be released. "No! No! Follow Mythos! This isn't you!" A faint, distant whisper in her mind, pushed further way by her corrupted devotion to the man beside her. While her true self screamed to run, she merely turn her head slightly to Ferus.
"I accept the Mark." Different words from a different voice, this time heard by the people around her. This was not Asajj, not anymore, yet it had control of her; and in a way it was becoming her. A flicker of her eye followed Mythos' as he departed, but soon enough she was drawn to look back at Ferus. However true the two deserters' words were, they would not be heard by Asajj. Only blind devotion remained for now...

It was then she wondered, or deep down feared, what would the mark do to her?

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Vaulkhar"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] [member="Nyte Ignis"]

Nomkneer was surprised about Mythos' behavior towards him, but none knew about his rise to lord. Nomkneer only knew little information about it, but he knew Mythos was too much of a free spirit, although ferus will not take this very well. Nomkneer reached to look out the window, he saw Mythos hovering above the air, mystical he looked, but Nomkneer knows such trickery the cortan blade has. He smirked and laughed for he saw everyones faces, Nomkneer said "such rash decision Mythos, still, you are a lord", Nomkneer looked back at everyone in the hall and spoke out loud towards the other members of the sith " this is no surprise to me, i knew his crazyness well, i for one have something to say as i have not commented about the current situation, a leader has to know how to take and give orders as the same time help execute them, he needs to be stronger than the rest or as strong as the mightiest of us, i am comitted to the tittle of wrath but i will not be ordered around by some incompetent fool for a leader" after seconds of silence... "its sad the only man who was capable of doing the job right has left, look on the bright side, atleast you have me now! "

With a smirk on his face, he knew he had the leadership skills capable of rising to the challenge and being the leader of the topsy group he was in. He knew he had much skill but he needed to learn more, for there are still members of the sin who can probably defeat him, although it wont be that easy. Nomkneer was ready to face whatever Darth ferus had to say, but he knew that whatever was gonna happen it would not alter his motives nor his dreams of being an ultimate lord to conquer his insanity and nightmares

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Darth Vizios"] [member="Asajj"] [member="Nyte Ignis"]

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