"Break my chains, set me free."

Sinbad's true form
SPECIES: Gurlanin
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 175 Lbs
EYES: Blue (Shifted) Orange (Natural)
HAIR: White
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: Sinbad is a man of many forms, making espionage a very ideal profession should he ever choose it.
+ Bladesman: Sinbad picked up a few tricks on his travels. He's skillful with bladed weapons.
- Temper: Sinbad was never one to hold back his temper, he is easily goaded into a fight. When in a disagreement he usually escalates the situation.
- Lone Wolf: Sinbad is definitely not a people person. He's standoffish and keeps to himself. He hates large crowds, too many uncertainties. Too many eyes on him. If he finds himself in a crowd he gets paranoid, sounds seem louder, and smells get stronger, to a distracting point.
- Let's Go Old-school: Sinbad isn't one for blasters. Not because he can't aim, but because what fun is injuring an enemy from a distance? He prefers getting close and personal.
- Big Bad Wolf: Sinbad's primal nature is constantly calling to him, his true form wanting to claw out.
Sinbad in his true form resembles a white wolf. Though when dealing with outsiders he is more commonly seen taking the form of a human male with white hair and piercing blue eyes.

Sinbad may come of as an ill tempered person, who can boarder on the morally questionable side of things, but in reality he's loyal to those he trusts.
Sinbad was born on Qiilura, he spent most of his early years practicing what his shifting and hunting. His family always said it was a much better hunt if you confused your prey, lure them into a false sense of security, then strike.
One day, a group of pirates set up camp near his home, he did the only logical thing and lured their leader away, only to kill the man and steal his identity. From there, he posed as their leader. He did that for a couple years. Raiding ships, taking hostages, killing, he was a true pirate. Along the way he picked up a few swordsman skills, preferring that to a blaster.
He traveled as the pirate's leader for some time before they were attacked and the ship was boarded. It was clear the pirates were going to lose the engagement with some galactic confederation, so in the Chaos, Sinbad simply shifted.
Sinbad at the next chance left the confederation ship to find a new journey.
It took him a bit longer to realize his mistakes, he wanted to be a more honorable person than the pirate he pretended to be for those couple years. So he set out to be a somewhat better person, though the temper and tendencies towards violence still remained.
VX Vibro-greatsword
2x Talon Vibrodaggers
The Princess and The Wolf:
Sinbad finds himself on Iridonia, where he meets Asajj Novar, daughter of Krest, and princess of the planet. Through a series of unfortunate events, Sinbad finds himself in her service, swearing to protect her wherever she chose to go.