Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Since Everyone is Ripping Off Borderlands...[CIS Dominion of Aduba III]

The Mandalorian remained silent as the dropship flew across the wasteland, coming to a halt just above a ridge overlooking the ancient Star Destroyer. This was to allow Galaar to exit and set himself up to snipe the unsuspecting cannibals once the fighting started. From this point, Isley spoke up, filling the ship with his commanding tone. "Kage, if there are any additional missiles, I'd like you to blow a hole in the hull. This will give us an additional entrance and exit that won't be immediately swarmed by the enemy." With that said, the Mandalorian returned to his silence and awaited the conclusion of their voyage.
"Alright Colonel, it's you and me with boots on the ground. I'll make sure they don't grab you by the robes." Calico joked; popping in a fresh thermal clip into his 'Deece'. His HUD was sparking up with information. The CIS would have this world, then another, and another. He needed to prove the Dread Guard had a place in the book of freedom. They could take a break later, now, they needed every world they could before the other worlds caught up.

"Galaar, the Colonel and myself will pop targets on your HUD. Make sure the Strill doesn't vomit on your rifle!" He roared grunted through the comms, staring down at the ruined star destroyed from his perch within the gunship. A massive grin crossed his face. "Ready to launch when you are, sir."
@[member="Darth Metus"]
At long last, the voyage had come to an end. The dropship slowed down to a crawl's pace before lowering itself to the earth, cutting its engines in the process. The Archmaster rose from the floor of the dropship and strode forth at once, coming to a halt once he was outside of the walls. A low, surprised whistle escaped him as he assessed the damage done to the walls...which literally consisted of heaped up scrap metal and junk. The smell was atrocious, but at the end of the day, beggers can't be choosers. With this thought in mind, Josiah straightway reached out with the Force and began to stack junk upon junk.
Kage takes off soon after, flying directly towards the destroyer. "Get your cords ready boys. You're sliding down on top of the beast." The pilot hovers above the wreckage. He wasn't planning on landing in the area. He clicks the side of his helm, turning a private channel to Galaar. "Let me know if anythings comin up the sides. I got no idea whats here mate."
@Darth Metus @Commander Calico CC-247
"Kage, I want you to begin taking out the Cannibals on the ground immediately. Stay airborne, keep the side door open, and be ready to evac us out if necessary. Calico, it's you and me on the ground vod. Let's get this show on the road." said the Mandalorian, rising to his feet. He then slid the side doors of the dropship open and leapt out, landing upon the ancient hull. A single thermal detonator produced enough of a bang in order to create an opening, and Isley dove into the darkness, expecting Calico to be on his heels. Inside the vessel was black, yet the lights on his HUD illuminated the interior. The landing position was the right over what was left of the Bridge, and also contained the Black Box. The schematics were just a hair away...but first they had to get past the growling horde of those waiting below.

"Ah kark, Calico guns blazing!" he cried, activating his jetpack and letting his machine pistols sing a bloody song of mayhem across the Bridge.
There was so much to do, and seemingly little time to accomplish it. In essence, there could be a cannibal ambuse at any moment; and as such the Archmaster decided to work at a quick pace in order to protect the people of New Haven. Sweat began to bead upon his brow as he committed himself to the work of stacking the junk upon pieces of scrap metal; or in vica versa. Despite being a Master of telekinesis, the consistent heavy lifting was beginning to take a toll upon Josiah's mind, but he continued on nonetheless. The people needed protection, and it was his duty to provide it to them no matter what.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar would shiftily respond to Kage, even so before his own Sergeant down in the fray. "Kar'talyi ad meg hu'kaat kam, ner'vode, oya!" He was proving to be rather fluent in Mando'a and Kage would likely get the jist of all of it. He looked down the scope again and patche into the Squad comms again. These helmets were a blessing and wondrous and lovely. He didn't think he could ever live without one. Once again as usual Calypso music filled the squad comms as he prepared to fire. "So... Wanna go hit a few bars after all this Ca'ika, maybe help me move into my apartment on Kamino? The Strill box is heavy."

@[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Kage CC-743"]
Kage pulls his stick once more, jerking it to the left. He soars down a level to the near base of the ship. Small cannon fire shoots out for the horde. He kept from using the heavy ordinance. Never know how much this ancient behemoth of a ship could take before it crumbled. He focused on the support, trying to thin any of the cannibals going up. He patches into the Squads channel again. "If you want some help with your apartment you're gonna have to help me with my ship. Building the girl from scratch. I'll trade ya help for parts."
Calico dropped heavy onto the metal hull. He produced the twin DC-15's and flicked on the power buttons. They were more reliable up close, and had much larger clips than the rifle. He dropped into the darkness; eyeing the flying Sith as he hit heavy metal below. The bestial men and women roared in outrage as he rolled behind the remains of a security spider droid. Vibroaxes and primitive rifle send volleys of energy through the air. Some of the axes were hurled. They began to eat away at Calico's cover.

"We can do this Colonel! Come and get a piece of the cake you damned mongrels!"

Calico erupted from his cover position. Violent streams of blue energy flew from his sidearms; sending the cannibals into fallen steaming heaps in front of him. A few shots popped on his shields, though he paid no heed. The Commander seized a fallen woman up. She screamed in outrage as bolts from the attackers seared her flesh. Calico held her up with one arm around the neck; using her as a human shield as he popped another man in the forehead--sending brain matter and blood across the corridor.

"And...I will eat your di'kutla strill Ga'ika! I swear to the ancestors!"
Alongside his fellow warrior, the Mandalorian moved within the darkness of the Bridge. His HUD's lights allowed him to spot the enemies and bestow upon them a quick end, compliments of his slugthrower. Though ancient, Isley had been aboard enough Star Destroyers to know exactly where the Black Box would be located; and due to this knowledge he pushed forward. He led the way through the horde of cannibals, claiming kill after kill as he made his way closer to the easternmost console constructed directly into the wall. Upon arrival, he crouched down before the piece of machinery and called out to Calico. "Sergeant! Give me cover fire!" as his words reverberated into the air, he looked to his left; which consisted of the only source of daylight in the whole of the vessel.

The main entrance was seeing an influx of cannibals in response to their assault, so he began to mark targets for both Galaar and Kage. "Gentlemen, have a field day, I'm getting the Box." With that said, the Mandalorian dedicated his attention to the reaching inside the console and fishing about for the Black Box. It took only a few moments before he found that which he was looking for and tugged it free, wires and all. With this, they would be able to replicate the design of the ancient vessel in order to better serve Confederate purposes. Now, the only thing that remained was taking out the remainder of the Cannibals.

"Let's clear this hellhole out!"
There was little more that the Archmaster could do than to wipe the sweat that began to form upon his brow before setting himself back to the task at hand. He began to breathe heavily as heap after heap was moved by his skillful hand. However, he was making some progress in repairing one of the most damaged areas. Though alone at the moment, he was absolutely certain that help would arrive in order to repair the remainder of the walls; but the gaping hole that would result in near genocide was his primary concern. Josiah was going to do all he could for New Haven, one heap of junk at a time.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
As soon as targets were handed out Galaar began popping heads. The first was a psycopath running straight at Calico with his swords drawn. It wouldn't last however, without provocation or sound the man's head suddenly ruptured in a beautiful mist of red and silver. The Verpine round literally went through with enough force that it exploded.

"Kage, vode, I'll take you up on that offer."

"Ca'ika! You eat my strill and I'll eat you with a side of roba and caf! Lor'ika is utterly, entirely adorable, way more so than that girl you picked up on Triple-Zero." He made sure the entire squad was hearing this. "You ever see her Captain's Cabin?"

@[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Kage CC-743"]
"Get back to the hole you made Colonel. I'll pick you up there, then we'll blow this ship sky high." Kage keeps blasting at the growing group. He was safe in the air for now, so he kept still, focusing the blaster fire at the entrance to the Star Destroyer. Keep it tight.
"Wait wait. Who's this girl you met?"
"Affirmative, on my way." replied the Mandalorian, before looking to Calico. "Alright, back to the hole!" he said, before igniting his jetpack. It bore his form from the bottom of the vessel to the ceiling, then out through the hole that he had just made. Once he was in the light of day, his feet settled upon the durasteel hull and he awaited pickup by the LAAT. Isley held the Black Box within the palm of his hand, nestled under the crook of his arm. He had to be careful, as dropping it could damage the vital information inside. The hard part was over, now it was simply a matter of making it onto the dropship and taking out the cannibals once and for all.
Calico clipped one sidearm to his belt. He then inserted a live thermal det into the woman's pocket; pulled her ear to far back that it ripped to halt her bloodcurdling screams; and stamped his foot into her back. She fell forward toward her allies. "Shame she's a pretty lady." He called out. "YOU LADS CAN HAVE YOUR SCHUTTA BACK NOW!"

The woman rolled over next to the headless corpse that Galaar had created. The cannibals looked at Calico in confusion as they opened up. The bolts all went wide, however; as the woman's body erupted. A small fire, along with a powerful explosion, turned the cannibals into a red mist. The sound of tearing flesh and shattered bones filled the air as Calico went prone. More than a few unsettling wet impacts splattered the ground around him.

"On you, sir!" He called out; retrieving his second sidearm and letting loose on the cannibals. Two fell with smoking holes to their midriffs. The Commander took off after Isley, firing over his shoulder as he charged. "You could say I docked my transport into her capitol ship, and commandeered it." He grumbled with venomous sarcasm. "Now, cut the chatter Dread Guard."
With one final heap of effort, the Archmaster displayed the apex of his telekinetic might and hoisted a rather immense hunk of junk into the air. He had created this mass from collecting scrap metal chunks and other pieces together as a plug to flll the remainder of the main hole. Through immense precision and patience, Josiah directed the plug towards the hole in the wall of scrap metal and slid it into place. He then made sure that the wall did not collapse once it was in place, and then retracted his grasp upon the Force. 'Twas a job well done, in his opinion; and now he could take a breather before focusing on the minor holes in the walls.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar popped another couple skulls down with his rifle. The strill was now squealing with delight next to him and reached over and rubbed its head with one armored hand, there was a wide grin under his helmet at the mention of commandeering a star-ship and he went silent as he was told to cut the chatter... After one more shot and one more comment. "See! You shoulda listened to my advice, di'kut! Galaar is always right. With that said, moving to the LZ, Galaar out."

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Kage CC-743"]
The arrival of the dropship was a sight for sore eyes, and Isley straightway activated his jetpack in order to meet the vessel in midair. The side door, as per his orders, was open to receive him as he carefully landed and stepped within. Making his way to the back of the ship, he sat himself down upon the rearmost seat and exhaled a sigh of relief. The operation had went flawlessly, though he was certain that he'd be sore in the morning. Of course, the dropship descended fully to the Star Destroyer's hull so that Calico might have an easy time getting inside. "Alright, let's head on home. Mission accomplished."
@[member="Josiah Denko"] @[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Siqa"] @[member="Phoebe Draclau"]

"But Isley…" Ginnie startled. In her first battle her brother was going to leave her to . . . she twirled around, glanced at the battlefield and gulped. "I. . . I'll be brave. I'll do good, I'll keep them safe. Isley…" On her direct comm channel to her brother, the little girl's voice muffled as if she licked her lips or coughed. "Don't lose yourself. Come back, don't go so dark I can't fix you."

The little girl raced off with @[member="Josiah Denko"] and centred herself in her bright pink armour. "How can I help most?"
Then came into view one garbed from head to toe in pink armor, which was the definition of adorable. The Archmaster smiled warmly and nodded to the girl, reaching to his utility belt to grab his canteen first. "I went ahead and repaired the largest hole, but there's still work to be done. If you can, run inside town and get some extra hands so that we can start getting this work done." With that said, Josiah uncorked the canteen and indulged in a hearty sip of the cool, fresh water before wiping his lips and releasing a contented sigh.

@[member="Phoebe Draclau"], @[member="Siqa"], @[member="Ginnie Verd"].

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