Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Katarine Ryiah said:
Maybe we should upgrade you with emotions!
If you had read my character sheet you would know that Goto doesn't let anybody make adjustmeants to him So back off... *Growls*


Well-Known Member
*eyes the droid* don't have a melt down on us little guy!

@[member="Christian Slade"] I would assume what would happen is you would go off into the world and conqure your latest female conquest then drink a lot of booze and forget to call her the next day? *hides so he can't hit her* hehe

@[member="Dirks Hutchinson"] are you the walking dead? O.O
I have no idea how I thought of it. Some things just pop into my little skull... *goes to write the script* (Just realized, I've started two scripts in this thread. Perhaps I need to make a character who directs holodramas)

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Katarine Ryiah said:
*eyes the droid* don't have a melt down on us little guy!

@[member="Christian Slade"] I would assume what would happen is you would go off into the world and conqure your latest female conquest then drink a lot of booze and forget to call her the next day? *hides so he can't hit her* hehe

@[member="Dirks Hutchinson"] are you the walking dead? O.O
Woah... woah... woah...


I'm not THAT bad, and I'm only as bad as you seem to think because I've yet to be tamed. If no one's good enough to do it, why would I not enjoy my freedom?


Well-Known Member
*managed to offend both Christian and the droid in the same thread*

Errr O.O *backs out of this thread slowly and hides under her bed* :p

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