Slice Spiralflame
I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos
Zacess was pushed back to the ground. She qiped the blood from her face just before she started clasping at her throat. She was then thrown Zacess' energy had been depleted. She hit a tree and fell to the ground.
She awoke a few hours later but the sith was probably long gone. She had failed.
"We will me again and when we do... I won't lose" she muttered to herself before limping back to her ship for medical aid.
[member="Calo Xenrus"]
She awoke a few hours later but the sith was probably long gone. She had failed.
"We will me again and when we do... I won't lose" she muttered to herself before limping back to her ship for medical aid.
[member="Calo Xenrus"]