It was highly uncommon for Vaulkhar to ever find himself piloting a ship. There were a majority of reasons why he would not tend to sit in the pilot seat of any ship, but the biggest ones were simple enough. He was blind, unable to see, and of course, the big one: he didn't own a ship. As his small cruiser flew through the vast vacuum that was space, the sound of a signal blared through the com rather suddenly, causing the blind-man to jump in surprised. As the message began to play, it put itself onto repeat, causing Vaulkhar to grunt in disdain, and begin to randomly start clicking the buttons around the com link. Eventually it came to a stop, but various other signals suddenly bleeped into life with a soft bloop that caused the Zambrano to simply pause and consider the scenario. And that's when the Siren's Song reached his conscious.
The blind man was not entirely sure how it had managed to do so, but likely within the fighting, and slaughtering of the pirate fleet, someone likely turned upon a com to an open channel, and he just so happened to be introduced to the Siren in such a way. The song was beautiful, of that Vaulkhar was sure. Though as it reached his ears, he could not help but notice the tugging feeling upon his conscious. His natural fortitude to mental intrusions screamed out for his attention, seeming to warn him of the danger. It was obvious to him that this song, was no natural melody. Seeking to investigate the multitude of messages, as well as what could catch his attention in such a manner while he was still floating around through space, he quickly turned the ship towards the planet, and began his descent.
I forgot, I don't know how to land this thing.
Swept up in the excitement of it all, Vaulkhar had forgot he had no idea how to even land this ship. Stealing this off of his last guide through the galaxy sure was becoming more trouble than it was worth. The blind man shook his head, continuing to fly down towards the planet. As he further neared the surface, he picked up not what he'd consider a disturbance, but simply others within the area with an affinity for the Force. He himself would not call his skill an affinity, but it came in handy to be able to see through it in such a manner. As he neared the ground, he simply slowed his ship to the best of his ability, and began to run parallel with the dirt beneath. Unsure of how to turn on the landing gear, he began his final descent, aiming towards the others upon the planet's surface ([member="Mantic Dorn"] and [member="Jasna Ras"]).
His ship scraped against the dirt and rocks of the surface as it slid across, friction alone slowing the ship. The mass of metal slid for hundreds of feet, likely garnering the attention of those already on the planet surface. It sped quickly forwards, even after nearly four hundred feet, sliding directly towards the group of creature's that had been snacking upon the pirates. The ship managed to avoid the struggling Mandalorian and it's predator by a few dozen feet, but it was rather close ([member="Char-Li Luzerei"] and [member="Psychopaths by Ryan"]). As the ship eventually slowed to a stop, still quite a ways away from the other monsters, he exited the ship and turned his attention to the force users nearby.
A Sith, I am not surprised. Likely running with these pirates, but a Jedi as well. Responding to the distress signal maybe?
Pushing those thoughts aside, Vaulkhar began to move towards the circle of monsters and those within, but he came to a stop after only a few paces. Sensing the multititude of monsters as well, he came to the realization it was not a good idea to go that way. At least in this instant. Instead, he turned towards the nearest living creatures. And that was the struggling Mandalorian and the monster upon it. Moving towards them rather suddenly, he drew forth his lightsaber, his hand wrapping tight upon it. He quickened his pace, moving to aid the fallen man, not bothering to further study the situation. With a soft click, a fiery white light bursts forth from his lightsaber, illuminating the nearby area slightly as his blade came forth.
Vaulkhar charged forwards, aiming to immediately catch the attention of the monster upon Char-Li.