Amaya Tanaka
Amaya only winced slightly as Sumiko helped to cover the wound she'd gained. It was just a little scratch, or so she told herself. "Mmm a trip to Denon sounds like just the kind of vacation I'd desire. After all, picking up an intelligent zombie or two, could have it's uses. It's not like we couldn't drop them on another planet of some queen that annoys us. I know there's a couple planets in the Galactic Alliance that I wouldn't mind doing so with. Or there's always finding something more infectious and deadly." She gave a small shrug, "Either way I don't care, so long as I get at the gangs who pissed me off, I'll be happy. To hell with collateral." Perhaps it was a good thing that Amaya tended to be lazy and not usually one to follow through with plans like these. Otherwise she might have made for a fine Sith or some kind of lovely villain. These were just wishful thinking for her, thoughts that she entertained to ease her own unhappiness with her life.
"The Jedi don't notice anything unless it's rammed down their throats. Blinder than bats, I swear." Slowly she got to her feet and followed along behind her sister. Though, now she was limping a bit and moving a bit slower than before. She saw no benefit to use her resources in the force to make the pain disappear, when she'd need those reserves for a later point. Because the stars only knew what else they'd find in the fortress.
Amaya lifted a brow as her sister spoke. The language she knew a little of. She'd had to pick a small bit of it up in the Inquisition. However, it seemed that Sumiko had learned far more, mastering the language. The chill soon cut right through her heavy clothing as she could hear the whispers, and desperate, angered voices. She shuddered a little watching as Summy cut her hand, using it with the same strange magics.
Amaya gave a nod, "I agree. I honestly think few force users ever actually understand the nature of what they have, we have. They need a new perspective. Something fresh without all the crap of more recent fools."
The younger Tanaka sister took a small step back as the dark magical energy spread out, dancing through the air. Then the door slowly opened for them, and with the hiss it was hard to miss the whoosh of stale ancient air. "Seems the place hasn't been visited in a long while. The air smells, old." She commented as she took a lantern from her belt, activating it to give them a light-source for the time being. "Which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it."
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
"The Jedi don't notice anything unless it's rammed down their throats. Blinder than bats, I swear." Slowly she got to her feet and followed along behind her sister. Though, now she was limping a bit and moving a bit slower than before. She saw no benefit to use her resources in the force to make the pain disappear, when she'd need those reserves for a later point. Because the stars only knew what else they'd find in the fortress.
Amaya lifted a brow as her sister spoke. The language she knew a little of. She'd had to pick a small bit of it up in the Inquisition. However, it seemed that Sumiko had learned far more, mastering the language. The chill soon cut right through her heavy clothing as she could hear the whispers, and desperate, angered voices. She shuddered a little watching as Summy cut her hand, using it with the same strange magics.
Amaya gave a nod, "I agree. I honestly think few force users ever actually understand the nature of what they have, we have. They need a new perspective. Something fresh without all the crap of more recent fools."
The younger Tanaka sister took a small step back as the dark magical energy spread out, dancing through the air. Then the door slowly opened for them, and with the hiss it was hard to miss the whoosh of stale ancient air. "Seems the place hasn't been visited in a long while. The air smells, old." She commented as she took a lantern from her belt, activating it to give them a light-source for the time being. "Which could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it."
[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]