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Intent: To create a set of armor that looks both stylish and protects Nezuel while also allowing him to draw upon the force more readily.
Development Thread: I assume a 10 post Dev thread will be needed (and it will be a seperate thread from the sword app I have)
Manufacturer: Nezuel
Model: n/a
Affiliation: Personel
Modularity: no
Production: Unique
Desh terenthium ---> Alchemized Desh Terenthium (for armor)
Terentatek leather ---> Alchemzed Terentatek leather (for robe)
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 8kgs
Quality: 9?
Special Features:
+ Since Terentatek are resistant to the force the robe has a weakening effect of any force abilities used against it.
+ The metal can deflect lightsabers and blaser bolts without the need for the force to be applied directly to the armor. The robe sections could take a blaster hit or two before being pierced.
+ The metal acts as a lightning rod, drawing in lightning made by the force naturally and releasing it upon the next time it makes contact (like a punch or kick).
+ The metal is small enough that the majority is hidden under the robe, meaning an enemy may assume their strike will pierce him when it infact won't.
- Since sith alchemy was used the armor has a sinister dark side aura and makes stealth impossible for the wielder, for those that can feel the force can sense it and even gives those who cannot it gives uneasy feelings.
- As a result of sith alchemy the metal of the armor is heavier than normal, meaning while the places it covers are well defended there are large gaps in the armor where one would be undefended.
- The Alchemzed Terentatek leather may stop a stray blaster shot or two but it will not stop a lightsaber or sharp object with significant weight behind it.
Description: Realizing that his fighting style had developed along two main features, that being the force and defense, Nezuel developed two tools to allow himself to fully unlock his latent talents. This armor, representing the defensive aspect of his fighting, draws upon his ability of sith alchemy as well as the fact that he is one who would deceive an opponent in a fight not within the fight itself but before it even started.The armor itself has two main parts, the outer robe layer and the under layer.
The outer layer (see first pic) is constructed of Alchemzed Terentatek leather and, drawing upon and enhancing the Terentatek natural resistance to the force, has become resistant to force abilities against it. A side effect of the Terentatek's naturally tough hide has made the robe strong enough to stop a stray blaster bolt or two, but not strong enough to stop sustained fire or a light saber. The under layer (second pic) is a layer of metal worn under the robe itself that is small enough to not give away its location under the robe. The metal is enhanced to defend him against blaster bolts, lightsabers, and even swords. Due to the weight of the metal via sith alchemy very little is used and it only covers his hands and forearms, his feet and legs, and his chest/shoulders. His back, lower stomach, and upper legs are left bare.

Intent: To create a set of armor that looks both stylish and protects Nezuel while also allowing him to draw upon the force more readily.
Development Thread: I assume a 10 post Dev thread will be needed (and it will be a seperate thread from the sword app I have)
Manufacturer: Nezuel
Model: n/a
Affiliation: Personel
Modularity: no
Production: Unique
Desh terenthium ---> Alchemized Desh Terenthium (for armor)
Terentatek leather ---> Alchemzed Terentatek leather (for robe)
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 8kgs
Quality: 9?
Special Features:
+ Since Terentatek are resistant to the force the robe has a weakening effect of any force abilities used against it.
+ The metal can deflect lightsabers and blaser bolts without the need for the force to be applied directly to the armor. The robe sections could take a blaster hit or two before being pierced.
+ The metal acts as a lightning rod, drawing in lightning made by the force naturally and releasing it upon the next time it makes contact (like a punch or kick).
+ The metal is small enough that the majority is hidden under the robe, meaning an enemy may assume their strike will pierce him when it infact won't.
- Since sith alchemy was used the armor has a sinister dark side aura and makes stealth impossible for the wielder, for those that can feel the force can sense it and even gives those who cannot it gives uneasy feelings.
- As a result of sith alchemy the metal of the armor is heavier than normal, meaning while the places it covers are well defended there are large gaps in the armor where one would be undefended.
- The Alchemzed Terentatek leather may stop a stray blaster shot or two but it will not stop a lightsaber or sharp object with significant weight behind it.
Description: Realizing that his fighting style had developed along two main features, that being the force and defense, Nezuel developed two tools to allow himself to fully unlock his latent talents. This armor, representing the defensive aspect of his fighting, draws upon his ability of sith alchemy as well as the fact that he is one who would deceive an opponent in a fight not within the fight itself but before it even started.The armor itself has two main parts, the outer robe layer and the under layer.
The outer layer (see first pic) is constructed of Alchemzed Terentatek leather and, drawing upon and enhancing the Terentatek natural resistance to the force, has become resistant to force abilities against it. A side effect of the Terentatek's naturally tough hide has made the robe strong enough to stop a stray blaster bolt or two, but not strong enough to stop sustained fire or a light saber. The under layer (second pic) is a layer of metal worn under the robe itself that is small enough to not give away its location under the robe. The metal is enhanced to defend him against blaster bolts, lightsabers, and even swords. Due to the weight of the metal via sith alchemy very little is used and it only covers his hands and forearms, his feet and legs, and his chest/shoulders. His back, lower stomach, and upper legs are left bare.