Father of Titans
Intent: To create a ring that signifies great concentration with the force and its attributes.
Development Thread: Required
Manufacturer: Self made
Model: Sith Council Communication ring.
Affiliation: Individual use,
Modularity: Minor
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, Force enhancement/Sith Alchemy.
Description: A ring that is taken from durasteel and is completely forged with the force. It commemorates the accomplishment of creating an object of the force, and allows for others who have created their own to contact them through the force, regardless of the distance between the two or more individuals.
by creating the ring solely with the force it binds the ring to the creator giving them slight advancements in force energy, and lessens the amount of force power required for use. However, this only nerfs the abilities slightly, and in no way can give special powers to the wearer.
As this ring is made by the creator themselves, each can be customized to look different and can have inscriptions along the inside and outside of the band.
Classification: Ring
Weight: 1.2 grams
Other Feature(s): Allows long range contact between members of the Sith Council and allows for less energy to be used when performing force powers. It also requires the user to know Telepathy to be used correctly.
Development Thread: Required
Manufacturer: Self made
Model: Sith Council Communication ring.
Affiliation: Individual use,
Modularity: Minor
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, Force enhancement/Sith Alchemy.
Description: A ring that is taken from durasteel and is completely forged with the force. It commemorates the accomplishment of creating an object of the force, and allows for others who have created their own to contact them through the force, regardless of the distance between the two or more individuals.
by creating the ring solely with the force it binds the ring to the creator giving them slight advancements in force energy, and lessens the amount of force power required for use. However, this only nerfs the abilities slightly, and in no way can give special powers to the wearer.
As this ring is made by the creator themselves, each can be customized to look different and can have inscriptions along the inside and outside of the band.
Classification: Ring
Weight: 1.2 grams
Other Feature(s): Allows long range contact between members of the Sith Council and allows for less energy to be used when performing force powers. It also requires the user to know Telepathy to be used correctly.