Intent: To create an elite variant of the Sith-Imperial Legion armor.
Image Source: Klaus Wittmann // Artstation (x)
Canon Link: Not Applicable.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles, Sith-Imperial Legionnaire Armour Mk I
Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers, The Sith Empire.
Affiliation: The Sith Empire, The Sith-Imperial Legion.
Model: Mk. II IAF "Iron Talons"
Modularity: Yes
- Additional Exterior/External Attachments
Grav-Chutes - Jetpacks
- Wrist and Shoulder Mounted Weapons
Production: Minor
- Reinforced Duraplast with Titanium Weaving
- Armourweave Bodyglove
- TYI Flex Armour Joint Coverings
- Thermal Gel Liner
- Reinforced Duranium Vambraces and Greaves
- Energized and Reactive Fabric
- Ionic Insulating Materials
- Various Combat Armour Components.
Classification: Multipurpose Combat Armour.
Protection Type: Full-Body Coverage.
Weight: 18 Kg - Average
- Plasmatic and Energy Weapons (Excluding Disruptors): High
- Kinetic Projectile Weapons: High
- Sonic Weapons (Including Concussive and Hard Sound.): Low
- Shrapnel and Melee Weapons (Including Blunt, Piercing and Etc.): High
- Electromagnetic and Ionic Weapons: Low
- Elemental and Environmental Weapons: Average
- Lightsaber and Other Plasmatic Weapons (Including Disruptors): Low
- Holographic Heads-Up Display [Military-Grade.]
- Polarized Anti-Flash Lenses.
- Integrated Electrobinoculars (x20) with Range Finder(s).
- Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System, with a Multi-Spectral Target Assessor.
- Sonic and Aural Dampeners.
- Vocal Annunciator, with a Programmable Distortion Module.
- Broadband Antenna, with HoloNet Access and Integrated ComLink.
- Combat, Pineal Eye, Visual, Motion, Thermal, Audio Sensors.
- Infrared, Echolocation, Radar, X-Ray, Ultraviolet, Life Form Scanners.
- Environmental Filter, Rebreather, Oxygen Filtration System, Nutrient and Water Dispenser, Oxygen Tank (One Hour - Internal Supply.)
- Emergency induction Port with Retractable and Filtered Suction Straw.
- Power Armour Liner with Thermal Gel.
- Automated Adrenal injection System.
- Backplate Mounted Power Pak(s) with Solar Collection and Conversion Modules (300 Hours Operational Recharge.)
- Integrated Temperature Regulator and Automated Climate Control System.
- Hermetic Seals with Automated Sealing Foam.
- Retractable Knuckplate Vibroblade (Gauntlet-mounted, Ambidextrous.)
- Power Gloves (Minor Strength Augmentation.)
- Combat Webbing ( Survival Gear, Ammunition Pouches, Grenade Hooks.)
- Liquid Cable Grappling Hooks and Launcher(s).
- Anti-Security Blade.
- Sonic Lock Resonator, or Scramble Key.
- Integrated Deflector Mobility Shield, with External and Rechargeable Energy Cells.
- Belt-mounted Heat Sinks and Combat De-Ionizers.
- Replaceable Environmental Filters.
- Military-Issue Energy Rations, Auto-Filter Canteen, and Medpacs.
- Magno-Grip Soles and Palms.
- Magnetic Armour Hardpoints.
- Thermal Gel - Anti-Kinetic Safeguard.
- Automated Adrenal Injection System - Synthetic Adrenaline Supplements.
- Integrated Deflector Mobility Shield - Ray and Particle Shields; Overlaid. Fifty Shot Defense Capacity.
- Power Gloves - Minor Strength Augmentation.
Reinforced Armour Plating: Greaves and vambraces made of duranium, combined with duraplast allows the wearer the possibility to turnaside vibroblades without fear of penetrating the suit. Just as well the wearer would probably be able to turn aside a glancing blow from a lightsabre. TYI flex armor protects the joints, giving the wearer the possibility to avoid damage to vital areas from shrapnel and blades.
Integrated Defences: Equipped with a mobile deflector shield and thermal gel, the wearer should be safeguarded from harm whilst they move between cover.
Versatile Combat Armour: Based off the MK I Legionnaire armor, the Legionnaire Advanced is equipped with the same basic foundations to safeguard the elite but allows for future addons to further specialize units to suit a particular task or operational theatre.
Limited Lightsabre Resistance: With only reinforced duraplast, the armor can handle only glancing blows and is not meant for direct combat/contact with lightsabers.
Thermal Gel Safeguard: The Legionnaire Advanced while great for taking impacts it cannot revert back to its aqueous state. This is to say the thermal gel liner is unable to revert back to its aqueous state, minor to massive impacts on a wearer's mobility will result in the wearer taking more kinetic hits.
Limited EMP/Ion Resistance: The closer the disruption from ion/emp weapons is to the suit, the more likely it is to deny the wearer of the suit's integrated systems until the suit's systems have had a chance to reboot.
The creation of the Legionnaire Advanced came just after the Invasion of Dubrillion. A company of Legionnaires had been dispatched to the planet from the War Fleet Black Iron their task was to reestablish communications from the ground back to the fleet. Knowing they would be cut off from fleet communications, there would be no reinforcements. As rebel forces swarmed the kolto refineries so to did the 52nd Company get to the ground and make for their objectives. Rebels moved on their positions interrupting the attempts to reestablish communications the 52nd fought with every man and breath they had within them. As the refineries burned from the battles, the 52nd's numbers began to widdle down until the sounds of the fleet crackling through static could be heard.
Soon the 52nd would be evacuated but all that remained of them had been a fraction of their number. Those who had survived would be transferred to a new fleet within the Sith-Imperial Armada and see to the recruitment of new members to their company. In addition, they would be awarded new armor, new weapons, and a new name, the Iron Talons. Their name is taken from the Black Iron War Fleet of which they originated and the Black Talon troopers of whom they wanted to embody. The Sith-Imperial Legionnaire Advanced is a Mark II variant of the original Sith-Imperial Legionnaire armor. This variant is slightly more advanced and capable than that of its predecessors but allows for specializations throughout the Legion.
Created from reinforced duraplast with titanium weaving, armor weave bodyglove, TYI flex armor joint coverings and thermal gel liner. Along with reinforced duranium vambraces and greaves, energized and reactive fabric ionic insulating materials and various combat armor components. A simple yet versatile armor meant to be a small step of progression for the Sith-Imperial Legionnaires.
Note: Special thanks to [member="Khonsu Amon"] for his assistance on this submission.