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Approved NPC Sith-Imperial Thirteenth Assault Fleet

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  • Intent: Create an Imperial Invasion Fleet
  • Image Credit: Click - The Star Wars Chronology Project
  • Role: Imperial Invasion Fleet
  • Links: N/A

[*]Total Length: 19,400m
[*]Notable Characters:
  • General Drakash, Military Executor of the Thirteenth Expeditionary Legion [Sith Pureblood Male]
  • Admiral Horam, Commander of the Thirteenth Assault Fleet [Sith Pureblood Male]

[*]Ports of Call:

  • Strengths:
    Planetary Assault & Occupation: The prime directive of the Thirteenth Assault Fleet is to advance the vanguard of the Sith Empire, conquering entire systems for the glory of the Sith Emperor and in the name of Imperialism. To accomplish this, the Thirteenth Fleet is accompanied by three Ferrata-class Assault Battlecruisers, each of which can land an entire army corps on the surface for ground operations.
  • Imperial Presence: The mere sight of the Empire's dagger-shaped warships is enough to inspire succinct fear into a planet's population, which more often than not leads to the capitulation of an entire star system to avoid any reprisal for defiance against the Empire. The continued presence of such warships reinforces that fear over many rotations.

  • Long-range Weaponry: The Thirteenth Fleet is not equipped to fight long-range engagements with dedicated artillery ships, as the Harrowers do not possess the necessary weaponry to engage at such distances. Close-quarter engagements and intimidation are its specialties.
  • Smaller Ships & Starfighters: The smallest warship in the fleet is five hundred meters, and is not supplemented by smaller and agiler frigates or corvettes. This leaves the fleet particularly weak against faster ships and starfighters that can easily outpace the Terminus cruisers and the even larger Harrowers.


After the re-conquest of the Dromund System reached its conclusion, the Sith Empire found itself with a large number of Resurgent Empire assets, naval officers, and soldiers. Instead of divvying them up into already existing army groups, the Emperor declared that the former Resurgent armies would be allowed to form their own battle groups under the supreme supervision of the Military Executor, [member="Darth Prazutis"].

One of the Sith Lords who was recruited into the military, Lord Drakash, was given the authority to form his own expeditionary fleet. Summoning many of his previous allies and warriors to his side, Lord Drakash formed the Thirteenth Assault Fleet and the Thirteenth Expeditionary Legion, both of which would be comprised of and led by Pureblood Sith from Athiss.

With his fleet and legion secure, Lord Drakash set out to bring more territory into the Imperial fold. The Thirteenth Fleet fought at the battles of Lianna, Rhen Var, Voss, and Ession.
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