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Sith Invasion of Yaga Minor OOC Discussion

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
TIE Bombers equipped with antimatter bombs are, as far as I know, not on their way to the ground forces. The TIE Detonators equipped with antimatter charges are still in their hangars on board the Ranators. Furthermore, being that matter-antimatter reactions are ultimately 1:1, there would be only the energy of the explosion released, with no residual radiation.
Aken Bosch said:
TIE Bombers equipped with antimatter bombs are, as far as I know, not on their way to the ground forces. The TIE Detonators equipped with antimatter charges are still in their hangars on board the Ranators. Furthermore, being that matter-antimatter reactions are ultimately 1:1, there would be only the energy of the explosion released, with no residual radiation.
Those are Real Life Anti-matter bombs(A technology that does not exist in Star Wars canon(or this universe for that matter)) In Star Wars Anti-Matter Bombs are basically just giant nuclear bombs.

If you want to use actual Anti-matter bombs you would have to submit them to the factory.
Indeed, Sith would die, organics in general would die, except zombies, the place would be would be...devastating. :)

Moira is not a nice person. She's the exact opposite. And is indifferent to almost everyone else. * points to tags in sig * Organics are all the same to her with one exception. She can survive all the radiation...they can't. Ergo victory.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I'm sorry... I'm looking at the "Anti-matter bomb" article, and this seems completely contradictory. On one hand, it states the bomb's explosion is nuclear in nature, which would leave radiation depending on whether or not a fission warhead was included, but on the other, it states the bombs are "powered by anti-matter[sic]," which produces no radiation - only an enormous explosion. There's no mention of fissile or fusion-producing materials in the bomb at all - only antimatter itself, which as stated would produce no radiation - only a big explosion.


Disney's Princess
Kaine Zambrano said:
This talk of processing organics reminds me of the Clockwork Rebellion.
I'd say Moria is like a Terminator Robot. Killing organics is kinda her flag and trumpet. Needless to say, the character very much enjoyed the Utopia that was Clockwork. Pretty sure she splooshed. (Efficiently, of course) :D
Moira Skaldi said:
Indeed, Sith would die, organics in general would die, except zombies, the place would be would be...devastating. :)

Moira is not a nice person. She's the exact opposite. And is indifferent to almost everyone else. * points to tags in sig * Organics are all the same to her with one exception. She can survive all the radiation...they can't. Ergo victory.
Yep, not a nice person. I figured that out after our one-on-one fight. :lol:

The thing is though, contaminating a major river, again, goes against your objective of protecting the local populace and territory, not contaminating it. Although the use of those bombs are completely fine, be aware of the fact that having a nuke go off on your own territory would ICly have consequences, since it will affect the local populace along with the Imperial army.
When an article's -two- references are from '81, it's hardly surprising that it's stated effect and portrayal are not in-line with later material, and has been, in fact, completely left behind and unmentioned for more than thirty years.
@[member="Paega Anginous"]

Oh, it would affect them aversely, but like I said Moira does not care. Organic life has no value to her...organics only have value to be processed. Well, there's one case where she a rather twisted way, but still.

Moira does not care about the Protectorate either. Her objective is not to protect anyone.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Moira Skaldi said:
@[member="Paega Anginous"]

Oh, it would affect them aversely, but like I said Moira does not care. Organic life has no value to her...organics only have value to be processed. Well, there's one case where she a rather twisted way, but still.

Moira does not care about the Protectorate either. Her objective is not to protect anyone.
Velok is a lucky Whiphid

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