Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sith Pureblood in this site?

  • Thread starter Vincenzo Palminteri
  • Start date

Sekk Vanados

Ben Watts said:
Get him rolling then, sheesh, what a slow poke you are.

How hard can a smuggler be!?

Sith aligned smuggler at that, but oh well, hopefully it won't be too long before I see some Ssi-Ruu here
well, if anyone remembers the BETTER star wars games, kotor 1 and two, the rakata survived millions of years, and everyone thought they where extinct, so i say its possible

Darren Onyx

Vault is correct. There is always the possibility that they have survived on a unknown world. If I were you, I'd go to the planet creation, and create a new planet for them to live on. Of course that is up to you, I'm just suggesting.

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