Whipped up a short submission that I'll enter into the Codex if everyone agrees it to be suitable:
Name: Yalaran Sith Temple
Image Source: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120413213729/starwars-exodus/images/2/29/Thesithacademy.jpg
Classification: Training Facility and Headquarters for the Sith in alliance with the First Order
Location: Yalara, Yalaran System, Wild Space
Affiliation: Sith (via the First Order)
Located in the mountains of Yalara, contained within First Order territory, the Temple is a structure built by the ancient Yalaran race, abandoned following their extinction and left untouched by any aside from a small force of Noghri that were scouting the planet to search for an ancient device left there by the Jedi Order.
With Yalara a world largely constituted by desert and sweeping mountains in the far-colder polar regions, the planet has little value to the First Order, but the Sith have envisioned it as a perfect training ground, with environmental extremes that might be used for the purposes of conditioning their students and providing space for expansion, should it be needed.
The Temple itself is built into the mountains to the north, overlooking a large glacial lake at the base, with several smaller adjoining towers connected to it, attached via long bridges constructed of the same light stone. The Temple is large enough to have room for the storage of starfighters and transport vessels on the lower levels, with one of the floors having had the outer walls removed and replaced with a magnetic containment field, to allow ships to enter and exit as needed.
Room is also maintained for vital supplies that the Sith might require, given that the hostile conditions of the world they have chosen leaves little room to grow foodstuffs and medicinal plants, requiring that this all be imported from off-world and stored for consumption by the residents of the Temple.
Personnel quarters are fairly sparse, having been stripped of all but the most basic of furnishings, in order to accommodate Sith austerity, and allow students to be kept in a state of privation as part of their training. Those rooms belonging to Sith further up the hierarchy are larger and better furnished, but can be altered to suit the tastes of the individual occupying them.
Many of the larger rooms within the Temple, presumably established for the purposes of gathering a sizeable number of Yalarans together have been appropriated as training rooms, with the largest, initially an auditorium or theater of some design, with staggered stone seats, now having been converted into a combat arena, to allow training and challenges to be made in the open, with spectator viewing possible if so desired.
Further amendments to the function of the Temple will undoubtedly be made as renovation continues.
The original purpose of the Temple has been left unclear: all that is known is that it was constructed by the primitive Yalaran people, a species that had yet to engage in spaceflight, only having had their world visited by the Jedi, who decided that it should be left unspoiled by the presence of modern space-faring civilisation. The Yalaran species were wiped out shortly after the end of the First Galactic Civil War, their planet left unoccupied for centuries until appropriated under the control of the First Order.
The Temple itself is a monumental structure, perhaps built to house members of the Yalaran people living in the upper northern hemisphere, but the only traces that remain of them was the dust from their bones, indistinguishable from that which made the Temple residence during the long absence of life on the planet. It has since been appropriated by surviving members of the disbanded One Sith, having sworn allegiance to the Supreme Leader of the First Order and given permission to establish a Temple within their territory. To that end, the Sith have chosen desolate Yalara as their place of residence, as they feel the planet is best suited to their needs.
To provide a home and training location for those One Sith that have chosen to give allegiance to the Supreme Leader of the First Order, in agreement with the Field Marshall and with the consent of the Supreme Leader, to integrate Sith into the faction while practising their beliefs and rituals in peace.
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