Ballen-Ist had to admit, he hadn't expected retaliation so soon. It was funny, for the Pure blood had not actually done anything obvious to provoke [member="Vaulkhar"], his actions proving how desperate and threatened he felt. Taking a quick step back as the chair was kicked to the side, the Knight could not help but shake his head,f or the chair was destroyed upon impact with the wall.
Perhaps the Epicanthix was strong, though he would need more than warrior heritage to keep up with the Pureblood. Ballen-Ist was perfectly aware that [member="Darth Vyrassu"] was attempting to pit the group against each other, and he respected that. The Knight had gone through the same type of training when he was under the tutelage of the once infamous New Order's emperor. He also respected the eagerness in Vaulkhar's attack, though ultimately deemed it foolish for the Epicanthix was greatly unprepared. Allowing the dark side energy he possessed into his body, the Sith would create a thin veil of red mist upon his body, as he delved into the Force Rage technique.
Normally when used, one would fly into an uncontrollable fit of violence, however Ballen-Ist had been trained well in controlling the dark side and no problem retaining his sanity. Seeing as his hand had been elevated, the Sith would lean backwards as the high slash aimed to dismember him, missing as the Knight ducked as well. Extending a single arm forward at the end of the Acolyte's swing, Ballen attempted to form a firm grip on Vaulkhar's own wrist, in hope of making it impossible for him to use the blade anymore. With little hesitation, the Knight would pivot on his heel, flicking his arm through the air with enough strength to send the Acolyte flying. The Knight did not know how far Vyrassu wanted this to go, but if Vaulkhar did not cease his assault, things were going to get ugly. "Is that all? I'd have thought you'd attack after actually getting some training." The Sith taunted.