I know I'm not in the Sith faction, but we had issues like this in a community that I'm modding; there was supposed to be an "Omega Leader of Chaos" and the problem is that the faction stood to compete against 2 others, and it didn't have much appeal because the leader's mun went offline and never returned.
The system that we employed was to where it was an IC leader, but he was played by 3 elected players who decided on the specifics actions, behaviors, and ideals of the lord. They all shared the account and its password, and there would always be someone who could answer as the leader while no player knew exactly who those three people were, so there wouldn't be stress if one of them dropped off the radar for a while because the 'leader' would still be active as ever. He'd be usually pulled out for large events, though as the members got a better grasp on how this system worked he became a bit more commonplace and less worried about showing his face to the other veteran faction leaders.
It was an odd system but it worked considering that most of the issue about developing a leader was pride, as it is in the Sith community; if nobody knew who was manning the controls from behind, then there would be no favoritism and no incentive to abuse the power they gave themselves because they were constantly networking with one another OOC to keep the character consistent.
This isn't something I'm suggesting to you guys, nor am I saying for it to be included in the vote. I'm just noticing here and now that there's a lot of dissatisfaction because you guys are hoping bigtime to assume top-priority roles but nobody's willing to stand down. Maybe having a few muns put together to hash it out in OOC would be for the best, especially seeing as your needs and situation are unique to this given situation. And essentially this is the purpose of the voting system in place; to try and get you guys to realize that your desire to rebuild the Sith isn't something that only you have. You guys all want it to be restored, you just need to hash out the details and decide how it should be run.