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Sithspawn/Shock Unit Creation - Rewards Available

Alrighty, ladies and gents, I'm looking to see if I can muster up some manpower to tackle a little project of mine to benefit both the One Sith and my character's pursuits in specific. So, as many of you probably don't know, I plan on ambitiously creating the empire's strongest shock unit under the name of the Dragon Cavalry.

These bad boys and their rockin' steeds are going to be littering the skies with flames, claws, and bad puns. Not only that, I'm willing to extend the invitation to join the Cavalry to anyone who aids me in completing a little project to fill in the NPC roles for this unit and its groundside counterpart.

Feast your eyes on this guy. He and his buddies are going to be called "The Relinquo Preatore," which means something around the lines of "The Forsaken Elite," or the "The Abandoned Guard," in Latin. Essentially, they're the souls of past warriors trapped within a suit of ethereal, alchemized armor that bonds their soul to whomever is deemed worthy of being their Lord.

I plan on doing a big ol' Codex sub for this, but I wanted to see how much support I could get. Since I was planning on these fellas being shock units or elite soldiers, I would be more than happy to gift out some of these guys as bodyguards for knights and even the most promising acolytes for companions and assistance in PvP fights.

Here's a few strengths and weaknesses I was thinking about for them:
  • Impervious to energy-based weaponry and shielding. (Can't be damaged by them; Blasters and Ion weaponry, and aren't affected by shields.)
  • Limited weapon skillset. (Melee based fighters, their only weapon is, and always will be, that sword shown in the image.)
  • Sword will always be lightsaber resistant, armor will be akin to something similar to durasteel but with less bulk and weight.
  • Free spirit. Since they are the aberrant souls of warriors, you must prove yourself worthy before assuming commanding of even just one of them. But once they swear fealty, their loyalty is unquestioned.
  • Personalities. Their personalities and mannerisms are a blend of both their former life and that of their master. Sometimes they'll agree with your decisions, sometimes they'll do it anyways with a snarky comment.
All in all, I want this to be a pretty legit project to reward some members with their very own elite NPC while helping further the One Sith war machine by creating Sithspawn.

If you're willing to help, we're going to be taking a trip to ancient Sith ruins in search of the souls and knowledge of the long dead. Maybe on Tantorus or another planet where a warrior culture is prominent. Then we'll set out to creating special alchemized armor to contain the souls before proving our worth to them.

Thanks for reading my wall of text!
- Mordo
[member="Midas Âzanroil"], [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Darth Arcanix"], [member="Faye Terrik"]

Thanks for the early willingness to participate. I'll most likely throw up a thread tomorrow where we'll be taking a trip to Tantorus' ancient ruins in search of holocrons and relics before we stumble upon something greater. As for those who are running companies, this could be a perfect opportunity to expand into the alchemical creation market with a little tutoring from Mordecai himself.
Why not try to make it a Race similar to [member="Darth Praelior"] Battlelords? You must prove yourself to become one or join :p

[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

Because I'm not creating super-strong commanders for our armies. I'm creating elite shock warriors and bodyguards for knights and lords. The only things required of the Relinquo Preatore is loyalty and swordsmanship. Force Bonds are questionable things though and I'll take those into consideration when I create the sub.
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

Bodyguard *points to Asherian sentinels in saber resistant armor*
Shocktroopers *points to Foretold being tested and edited for approval*

But more are always good to have and I have a few more ideas now that some other species have been approved.
[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

You mentioned ancient Sith ruins, yes?

Well, I have a idea to give these guys more flavor. What if they're ancient Massassi from the Sith Empire of yore. The Massassi were skilled warriors, yet possessed a pitifully short life-span. Maybe a favored Massassi would be "honored" by the more powerful Sith Sorcerers by having their force-ghosts trapped within said suits of alchemized armor, ensuring their eternal loyalty and skill stayed preserved.

Of course, when the ancient Sith Sorcerers eventually died, who better else to seal within the tombs to guard their masters in the after-life? Think Terracotta army. Perhaps even initially, our characters would be confronted by the force-ghosts of said long dead Sith Sorcerers and be forced to bring them to heel / destroy them in order to gain their undead soldiers loyalty?

This would also explain their complete rejection of any weapon but their traditional swords, axes etc.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Always in the air when you're around ;)

[member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

If you need breeding labs, cybernetics, Yuuzhan Vong Bio-tech, or anything else along those lines, I'd be happy to have Titan Industries involved.

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