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SJFS HAAV/i “Firedrake” - Pattern Heavy Atmospheric Assault Vehicle / Infantry.

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[SIZE=11pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] To create a heavily armed infantry fire support and troop deployment vessel for the First Order.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Image Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Fractalsponge - 3D Art [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Canon Link:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Restricted Missions:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] If Required.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Low Altitude Assault Transport / Infantry, [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport / Infantry[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], Repurposed Canon Articles. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] First Order Military Research Division[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Brandt-Volcata Industries[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] SJFS HAAV/i “Firedrake” - Pattern Heavy Atmospheric Assault Vehicle / Infantry.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] The First Order.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Production:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Limited. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Material:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Reinforced Quadanium Steel Armour and Hull Plating, Reinforced Duraplast Armour Liner with Anti-Ionic Mesh (Faraday Cage), Titanium Impregnated Alusteel Skeletal Frame, Glasteel Viewports, Durasteel and Various Internal Starship Components.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Armoured Troop Transport, Heavy Gunship, Heavy Dropship, Infantry Support Platform, Aerial Assault Platform, Boarding Craft.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Length:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 22 Metres.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Width:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 25 Metres.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Height:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 8 Metres.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Armament:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [High.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][4] Heavy Repeating Laser Cannons. [Stutter-Fire Capable, Chin Turret Mounted, Fire-Linked.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][4] Heavy Repeating Blaster Cannons. [Stutter-Fire Capable, Turret Mounted, Fire-Linked.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][2] Micro-Missile Launcher Pods. (Sixteen, Single-Use Tubes per Launcher, Variable Payload**.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][2] Retractable Repeating Blaster Cannons (Door-Mounted, Deployable when Retracted.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]** Homing / Smart Missiles, Standard Concussion Missiles (High Explosive, High Explosive Armour-Piercing, or Anti-Personnel Fragmentation), EMP and Ion Missiles. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Defenses:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [Moderate.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Gunship-Grade Deflector Shield. (Particle and Ray; Overlaid.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard EWAR and Electronic Countermeasures.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Warhead Countermeasures. (Chaff and Flare Dispersal Suites.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Missile Deactivation Transmitter (Short-Range.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Reinforced, Ablative Armour and Hull Plating.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Emergency Thrusters. (Compressed Chemical Propellant, and Repulsors.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Squadron Count:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [Low.] Eight Gunship(s) per Squadron.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Maneuverability Rating:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [Low.][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Speed Rating:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [Low.][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]MGLT:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 50 MGLT.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Maximum Atmospheric Speed: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]620 Km/H[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Engine Unit(s):[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Sublight Ion Drive. [Military-Grade.][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Secondary Propulsion:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Repulsorlift Engine(s) - Anti-Gravity Plating.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Hyperdrive Rating:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Class 2 [Average.][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Secondary Hyperdrive Rating:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] None.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Power Plant: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Compact Fusion Reactor.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Secondary Power Plant:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Retractable Solar Ionization Panels and Conversion Module.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Passenger Complement:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 30 Stormtroopers, or 40 Imperial Army Regulars. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Crew Complement (Optimal):[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] One Pilot, One Co-Pilot, Integrated Droid Brain.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Crew Complement (Skeletal): [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Integrated Droid Brain.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Escape Craft: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Ejectable Cockpit Capsule.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Cargo Capacity: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]200 Cubic Meters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Vehicle Complement:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Four Speeder Bikes (Detachable, and Retractable.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Consumables:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] One Week of Rations, One Day of Fuel.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Sensor and Targeting Systems.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Navigation and Avionics Systems.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Communications Suite. (Encrypted with First Order Military Keys.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Atmospheric Seals and Perfunctory Oxygen Scrubbers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Life Support and Integrated Medical Suite(s).[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Subspace and HoloNet Transceiver(s).[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Inertial Compensators.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] VTOL Repulsorlift Anti-Gravity System.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Homing Beacon. (Encrypted with First Order Military Keys.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Rapid Retraction Blast Shielding. [Port and Starboard.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Axial Flood Lights (50m Conical Range.) [Fore, Port, and Starboard.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Integrated IM-Series Battlefield Medical Droid.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Cockpit Command Seat Cupholders (Optional.) [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Reinforced Anti-Ionic Package. (Duraplast Liner and Anti-Ion Mesh.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Integrated Droid Brain [Heuristic Processor.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Individual Field Disruptor. (Overhauled to Modern Standards, Standard Deflector Shields Only.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Missile Deactivation Transmitter. (Short-Range.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Reinforced Anti-Ionic Package. (Duraplast Liner and Anti-Ion Mesh.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Integrated Droid Brain [Heuristic Processor.] [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Individual Field Disruptor. (Overhauled to Modern Standards, Standard Deflector Shields Only.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Missile Deactivation Transmitter. (Short-Range.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]360’ Turret Firing Arc’s (Wing Mounts Only.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Omni-Directional Missile Launcher(s) [Fixed Forward.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Limited Chin Turret Firing Arc’s [180’ - Fixed Forward.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Limited Aft Weapon Coverage. (Wing Turrets and Internal Blaster Cannons Only.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Slow and Purposeful. (Low Speed and Maneuverability.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Limited Cockpit Awareness (Narrow Viewport, Heavy Reliance on Sensors.)[/SIZE]
  • Shield Modulation and Enforced Recycle, required after the Individual Field Disruptor's been Activated. (Shield Reset)
  • [SIZE=11pt]Carrier Recovery Requirement. (Unable to reach orbital / stratosphere altitudes.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Description: [/SIZE]The SJFS HAAV/i “Firedrake” - Pattern Heavy Atmospheric Assault Vehicle / Infantry was a repulsorlift infantry transport, and support platform that was capable of operating in the depths of space. It’s primary function, within the First Order’s armed forces, was the transport Three squads of the Order’s fighting elite, the Stormtroopers, or alternatively Four squads of their Imperial Army Regulars, into the thick of combat. Secondary functions were, but not limited to, direct-fire support, search and recovery, reconnaissance, and low-altitude air-to-ground or air-to-air strikes against armoured vehicles, ranging airspeeders to combat capable gunships. In a departure from the norm, that had seemingly become standard amongst many of the First Order’s dropships, the “Firedrake” carrying an additional complement of speeder bikes, whose slim profiles would be easily stored within the troop compartment - and deployed via the aft deployment rack.

[SIZE=11pt]This allowed the gunship to easily deploy a unit of forward scouts for not only the transport but the First Order themselves, to utilize on the battlefield.

With the inclusion of heavy armour plating and the impressive arsenal affixed to its hull, the “Firedrake” encountered difficulties when trying to reach the speed required to breach through a planet’s atmosphere. Thus, while the Gunship was able to operate freely in the cold depths of the void, or within a planet’s atmosphere, an intermediary was required to shuttle the transport between the two operational theatre’s. Adding a more powerful engine would’ve done the trick, however, the compact fusion reactor wouldn’t have been able to divert enough of its power to the various weapons arrays, effectively stunting the combat capabilities of the dropship. Therefore, it was deemed a necessary sacrifice to retain the sharpness of their “Firedrake’s” fangs, in the face of the ensuing war(s) to come. [/SIZE]

Like many vessels within the growing arsenal of the First Order, the “Firedrake” comes equipped with a biometrically sealed droid brain, that answered only to those who had the proper command codes and biological authentication. Naturally, ensuring that no-one would be able to pilot the vessel if they were unable to provide the proper means of identification. However, built-in subroutines sanctioned an overdrive procedure - if an active Knight of Ren wished to commandeer the vessel. (Designer’s Note: Must not be considered a Traitor to the Faction in order to unlock this Bypass.) Such a device was integrated into the command console of the gunship, that allows for the vessel to be remotely operated by various command ships, or by the pilot’s themselves should they desire. As the unit is equipped with heuristic processors, the droid brain is able to develop a personality overtime, should the craft not undergo it’s routine memory wipes. This allows for the gunship to surpass its organic pilots in skill, should they permit the memory core to compile whatever data it has garnered, or act as a secondary co-pilot. Which in turn, would operate many of the systems that would be too taxing for the command crew in stressful scenarios.

[SIZE=11pt]As history was, and forever shall be, the greatest teacher of them all, the “Firedrake” sought to counteract the weaknesses observed in previous dropship designs, where they become extremely vulnerable during the deployment process. To this end, the First Order has seen fit to install two repeating blaster cannons on gimbal mounted armatures, that would lay down an additional curtain of suppressing fire whilst deploying its armed contingent. This would allow for the Stormtroopers, or the Imperial Army Regulars, to swiftly take their positions without the fear of being gunned down by hostile forces. In addition to providing covering fire during the deployment process, the inclusion of two blaster cannons within the vessel’s interior allowed for the “Firedrake’s” passengers to add their firepower whenever the Gunship’s weapons were brought to bear. Stitching the surface of whatever unfortunate enemy force managed to stand in the way of the First Order, with hundreds of plasmatic bolts.

Thus, through the armament this vessel would bring to bear - Peace - through superior firepower would be attained. [/SIZE]
Khonsu Amon said:
Armament: [High.] [4] Heavy Repeating Laser Cannons. [Stutter-Fire Capable, Chin Turret Mounted, Fire-Linked.] [4] Heavy Repeating Blaster Cannons. [Stutter-Fire Capable, Turret Mounted, Fire-Linked.] [2] Micro-Missile Launcher Pods. (Sixteen, Single-Use Tubes per Launcher, Variable Payload**.) [2] Retractable Repeating Blaster Cannons (Door-Mounted, Deployable when Retracted.)
A "starfighter" with an armament rating of "High" typically has the equivalent of around "12 points" on the starfighter weapon's exchange chart. This has the equivalent of around "44 points". While I don't expect this to hit exactly "12 points", this should be toned down accordingly. The easiest way to do this would be to remove the "Heavy" and "repeating" modifiers from all of the guns. We don't really have a set, established equivalent for the micro-missile pods, but I think that with the gun modifier removals, this would probably be close enough for our purposes. I am open to other possible loadouts, ideas, or suggestions on this.

Khonsu Amon said:
Passenger Complement: 30 Stormtroopers, or 40 Imperial Army Regulars.
I just want to comment that while this carries far more passengers than any "starfighter" so far seen in Starship 5.0, it also is balanced out by having lower ratings overall. This is highly commendable in my view.

Khonsu Amon said:
Individual Field Disruptor. (Overhauled to Modern Standards.)
Does this allow for the penetration of planetary shields? In addition, I would like to see the addition of a weakness while this technology is in use. Many ships in the past have lost their shields while it's been active. The rationalization for this has been that canon IFDs require large amounts of power to use, but I am open to alternative ideas for this.

Khonsu Amon said:
No Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer. (Easily Caught in Interdiction Fields.)
The absence of an advanced system is not a weakness. Please remove this.
[member="Gir Quee"] - As per the weapon exchange reference/guideline, there aren’t any modifiers that increase the point value of a weapon if it’s preceded by heavy or repeating. If that’s being applied to this submission, I would highly recommend that the exchange chart is updated to account for such criteria in the future. So, as it stands, I’ve done the “gun math” on the standard canon variant of the LAAT/ I and have to disagree that it should be toned down.

As you can see below, the canon variant of the LAAT/i is more heavily armed than what I’ve created, and without breaking down the power settings between a laser cannon and it’s lighter blaster variant - as that’s a can of worms I’d rather not open this late at night - I think that the High rating is more than justly deserved and not requiring a nerfbat.
  • Three Laser Cannons Turrets - 3pts
  • Two Composite Beam Turrets - (Considered as a launcher) 4pts
  • Light Air-to-Air Rockets (Four under each Wing) - 4pts
  • Two Mass-Driver Missile Launchers (60 Missiles.) - 17pts
  • Droid Buster Launcher (Unknown amount.)
  • LAAT/i - ~28pts.

  • Four Heavy Repeating Laser Cannons. - 4pts
  • Four Heavy Repeating Blaster Cannons. - 4pts
  • Two Micro-Missile Launcher Pods. (32 Missiles.) 12pts
  • Two Retractable Repeating Blaster Cannons - 2 pts
  • HAAV/i - 22pts
In regards to the remaining two points, I have added another weakness to compensate for the IFD, and removed the common sense weakness as well.
[member="Khonsu Amon"], it probably would be a good idea to update the exchange charts to include "heavy" and "repeating" weapons. I will bring that up to the factory staff. I am going to assume though, that as a longtime member, you knew previously that these doubled the value of a basic laser cannon. Otherwise, I'm going to ask where you got the repeating modifier, since that is not a canon idea, but one actually unique to Star Wars RP boards.

Someone else recently brought up the LAAT/i example as well as a justification for their armament listing. Let me break down my viewpoint on this.

As you well know, because it exists in canon doesn't mean that it is proper for gameplay purposes here at Chaos. There are canon things that aren't balanced (which is why some of them are 'restricted materials'). The LAAT/i is a single outlier in terms of armament. We can look at similarly sized craft in similar roles (Lambda-class Shuttles, Svelte-class Imperial Shuttles, and DX-9 Stomtrooper Transports, etc), and see that they clearly are not as heavily armed nor do they carry as many passengers, despite being in use by the same regime that previously used the LAAT. Part of this may be in part because the LAAT is actually a repulsorcraft that is very limited spaceflight capabilities, but I digress. Cherrypicking canon examples to support one viewpoint or another is why we have templates though (otherwise, what if I think that the Sheathipede-class Shuttle, at 20 meters with 10 passengers and 2 laser cannons, is what we should go off of?).

The template protects us from these cherrypicking arguments by standardizing what is roughly acceptable.

If you look at the template cookiee cutter examples for "starfighters", you will see that each armament rating is actually equivalent to "2" guns (An "average" armament rating has "8" guns, a "moderate" armament rating has "10" guns, etc). It's a linear progression up and down, just like stat exchanging for ratings within the rest of the template. While I do not think that we need to hit exactly "14" guns with this, we should be relatively close.

The issue with getting too far away from the template examples is consistency between submissions. And unlike larger ships, people tend to notice individual weapons on ships this small. A person will react differently to an "average" armament rating starfighter with two laser cannons versuses one with four laser cannons (more bolts to dodge, etc). This directly affects RP, which is why we have the factory in the first place (to standardize & regulate how tech interacts in RP environments). But this is not only an issue from a mere dogfighting perspective, but one that especially affects ground attack ships that engage vehicles. Since vehicle and starship ratings aren't equivalent and not directly comparable, people are going to look at specific weapons listed. This is why I'm very specifically hesistant about seeing things like "heavy repeating laser cannons".

Canon tanks like the T-4B have two medium laser cannons as their main armament (Firehawkes have one heavy laser cannon). Let's assume that these medium laser cannons are actually equivalent to heavy laser cannons. That means one heavy repeating laser cannon is equivalent to both of these tank's main armament. That means that just the 4 heavy repeating laser cannons on the Firedrake make it roughly equivalent to 4-8 tanks. If we consider the other weapons that the Firedrake has, this ratio is probably about doubled. I cannot in good faith approve an attack gunship,especially one that also carries a large number of troops, as having the firepower of a dozen heavy tanks. It's just a simple balance issue.
[member="Gir Quee"] - I’m afraid to say that you’re incorrect in regards to “repeating” being solely unique to Star Wars RP Boards. The very term has been used in two notable Canon sources, and several uncommonly found articles on Wookieepedia. Of those that I will be linking below, the two most prominent are the E-web heavy repeating blaster and the Me/7 double laser cannon. Both of these articles are based on weapons found in the Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi - both pinnacle sources of what’s considered Star Wars canon. While the Me/7 may not have "repeating" in the name, like the E-web, it’s description mentions it being a repeating dual laser cannon. The very definition of the word itself, when applied to the realm of firearms, is to fire several shots in quick succession without reloading. By that very explanation, almost every rapid-fire weapon is essentially a repeating weapon.

While I appreciate the breakdown of your viewpoint, you’re comparing apples to oranges and expecting me not to know the difference. I can understand that you’re using their respective lengths, as well as their roles as troop transports for a comparison, however, you’re comparing Shuttles to Gunships. I’m sorry, but that’s not an appropriate guide to base your judgements off of. This is exactly the reason why I used the LAAT/ I as a baseline for my submission, as it is a Gunship - and one of the admittedly few in Star Wars canon that has been fleshed out beyond a paragraph and vague informational sidebar. If this submission were a shuttle, I would’ve used one of the variants you’ve linked, and have not designed to operate like a heavily armed fire support platform.

The same mindset, I see, is being used to compare Starfighters to Gunships. That again is an inappropriate comparison as their roles in combat aren’t the same, nor are their capabilities. The armament alone on one of the heaviest Starfighters I can think of - makes it a bulbous, slow-moving bomber that’s essentially a glass cannon - which falls perfectly into the limited rating system. That’s not even delving into the headache of what the gun math would actually be.

Now, as to the examples you’ve mentioned at the tail end of your post, I’d like to point out that both the T4-B and the S-1 Firehawke are “lightly armed” in comparison to the legends variant of the Armoured Assault Tank and the AAC-1 Speeder Tank (which is half the size of all three listed tanks.). In terms of combat capabilities, a gunship will always trump a main battle tank, as they’re faster and harder hitting - as seen in IRL examples regarding Apache’s or in Star Wars canon with the LAAT/i. While I can understand what you’re trying to get at, I would have to say that this is yet another inappropriate comparison. The closest comparable thing that would be considered valid in this discussion, is the previously linked Delta-Class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport, as it’s a boarding shuttle with 8 laser cannons, 2 ion cannons, and 2 proton torpedo launchers with 10 torpedoes. Which, admittedly, is absurdly overkill for a shuttle - not including its capability to ferry 30 stormtroopers.

So, I would ask that you please archive this submission, as I will be asking for another judge via the second chance system. Thanks in advance.
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