Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Roleplay/Exploration Roleplay

I've noticed lately the factions rp adventure threads seem to be a little lacking, so i've decided to take matters into my own hands and try to form one. I will contact members of other factions and message them any ideas posted below to see if they'd be interested in tagging along. I was thinking something along the lines of a wild space exploration mission gone awry.

EX RP: Our ship is forced to crash and we must survive on a foreign planet for some time.
EX RP: We accidentally discover some sort of criminal/enemy operations.
EX RP: We discover alien tribals and attempt to educate them/Bring peace to there conflict.

Please post if you'd like to join and any ideas you may have. Updates on the threads formation will be posted here as well.
Right, I was thinking of a adventurous role play with a little more action. Example adventures below.

A democratic Gammorean tribe of Pzob has called for the Republics aid. They are being slaughtered by a totalitarian tribe which is on it's way to becoming an Empire. Do we help? They are not part of The Republic.

A ancient secret war droid factory has been rumored to be on Hypori and they say it's still operational, whose running it and why are the droids attacking everyone?

We could investigate the reports of missing persons around Syrvis. A world known for its spice smuggling operations. What's happening to these people and why?

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

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